retort[views:4909][posts:7]_________________________________________ [Sep 11,2002 5:01pm - wordvirusjoshua ""] your blind hatred does not solve anything. it shows weakness and ignorance on your part. personally, the idea behind that t-shirt has a gem of humor to it. it like all of your fuck terrorism, kill bin laden shirts and yadda yadda is merely someones attempt at capitalizing on the aftermath of the 11th. as for being a terrorist, or a sypmathizer, i am not. nor would i want to be labeled a power hungry, stupid, greedy American. i am my own person without the need to label myseld towards this or that based on a bodily concept or where i happened to be born/grow up. i in no way intead to make light of the happenings, but it saddens me even more to see someone want to run to war against a nation based on the actions of a group within that nation. and no, not everyone in the world has a hatred for the mid-east. just racist[yes that is what it is called to blindly hate another group based on race] people like you. go be more metal and more american and kill the bastards, join the army, do something to help. your words are fucking foolish. |
_________________________________________ [Sep 11,2002 5:03pm - wordvirusjoshua ""] sorry, i meant for this to be in the thread that we were in previously. oh well. |
____________________________________ [Sep 11,2002 7:48pm - masticated ""] What the hell are you talking about? Greedy American? How was I sounding greedy? Because I do not like terrorists? I am not going to kiss a terrorists nation's ass. I don't know how I personally am cashing in on the tragic loss of the people from 911. So my words were not the best for that part where I said that everyone hates the mid east, ok. But I don't see where my disliking of terrorism would make me cash in on tragedy. I did not even mention shirts except for the NY shirt shown so whatever your talking about does not relate to this discussion. As far as blind hatred, what the hell are you talking about? I think I have every right to be angry, I don't consider myself a racist for being pissed off at a terrorist nation for killing thousands of innocent people. What if you would have lost a loved one that day, I bet you would not be laughing at that shirt, or would you? I just don't see how people can laugh at tragedy. Dude, watch CNN, we are at war with the Mid east if you have not noticed. The only person trying to "Be more metal" as you had mentioned is you, trying to sound intelligent by sticking up for terrorist. "Oh, don't say that, terrorist's have feelings too". Grow up or defect you terrorist supporter. |
______________________________________ [Sep 11,2002 8:50pm - the_reverend ""] wow.... since when are we at war with the middle east? I thought we were at war with terrorism. The Middle East are these countries Most of these countries have a huge history and have contributed to a many modern world things that we take for granted. A history that was way more advance earlier than our judo-christian based country. Honestly, people out there do dislike us why? Cause we are a great nation that makes a lot of horrible mistakes in foreign policy to help and prompt our way of life. In the best of intentions, we support Afghans to push out the Russians. We keep down democracies to keep our oil prices below the price of milk. BUT one reason we are great is we can learn from mistakes. And hopefully we can turn this tragedy into something better. Learn not to just give missiles and guns to contra-forces around the world. Though maybe not… we need to get rid of saddam hussein, but I fear we will fuck it up. What is another thing that makes this country great? The fact that someone can say and think “:nuke: them all” and someone can think a “I->NY” shirt is funny. Trust me, I know both sides. I watch the TV footage (like I am now) and I remember, getting very angry and being pissed off about it. Also, that sometimes the best “closure” is to make fun of something so tragic. As I sit here, watching the sensationalizing on the TV and watching my roommate’s eyes full of tears, today, one year later, I’m still and always will be proud to be made in the USA. |
____________________________________ [Sep 11,2002 9:22pm - masticated ""] Hey rev, I meant to say Iraq when i said Middle east, I was referring to saddam hussien. |
________________________________ [Sep 12,2002 2:35pm - xmikex ""] lets all just agree on these universal truths: 1.Slayer rules jersey smells bad 3.Tony Danza is the devil. how bout it. |
____________________________________ [Sep 12,2002 4:48pm - masticated ""] You think Jersey smells bad, go to staten island. I remember when I used to live in Queens (NY) and when I would go to staten island, damn. Those landfills can kill someone. Tony Danza is a bit evil, especially with that van in whos the boss. |
_________________________________________ [Sep 12,2002 5:03pm - wordvirusjoshua ""] agreed. |