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Vader vs. Decapitated

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[Mar 5,2007 11:18pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Mar 5,2007 11:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Ignore the other thread. I had to make this a poll.
[Mar 5,2007 11:21pm - dreadkill ""]
dan swano vs. opeth
[Mar 5,2007 11:21pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Vader Jr!
[Mar 5,2007 11:23pm - Kevord ""]
Dan Swano definetly.
[Mar 5,2007 11:23pm - dreadkill ""]
god vs. jesus
[Mar 5,2007 11:24pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Nice to see we're all mature here.
[Mar 5,2007 11:26pm - dreadkill ""]
this is return to the pit, not church. we aren't supposed to be mature.
[Mar 5,2007 11:27pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I love Decapitated, but I really have to side with Vader on this one
[Mar 5,2007 11:27pm - Kevord ""]
Jesus vs. Santa
[Mar 5,2007 11:30pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Kevord said:Jesus vs. Santa

I vote for santa, at least he brings me shit... Jesus ain't ever done shit... friggin hippie on a stick...
[Mar 5,2007 11:30pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
dreadkill said:this is return to the pit, not church. we aren't supposed to be mature.

I don't go to church so you trying to insult me or make me mad isn't working. Quit acting like you're 12.
[Mar 5,2007 11:32pm - Kevord ""]
Ken is 12 in terrorist years.
[Mar 5,2007 11:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Ken isn't mature due to his disgusting dark skin.
[Mar 5,2007 11:38pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Decapitated. Vader can't pull off what these dudes can.
[Mar 5,2007 11:44pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Am I the only one who liked Decapitated's new album?

I still voted for Vader anyway.
[Mar 6,2007 12:06am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Am I the only one who liked Decapitated's new album?

Nah, I thought it was killer, but I love these guys.
[Mar 6,2007 12:22am - davefromthegrave ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:dreadkill said:this is return to the pit, not church. we aren't supposed to be mature.

I don't go to church so you trying to insult me or make me mad isn't working. Quit acting like you're 12.

He wasn't trying to insult you or make you mad, church-boy. He was just stating that this is a different environment than your favorite hangout, and we're not gonna suck Jesus's cock here, like you do at church every sunday. You got all pissy and defensive at the mere mention of the word for some reason. Got something to tell us about, church-boy, or did the priests convince you to repress those memories?
[Mar 6,2007 12:23am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Too bad I'm not Catholic and once again, I don't go to church or church functions or rallies or any of that.
[Mar 6,2007 12:27am - davefromthegrave ""]
tell it to the people at the church you attend, cause I don't give a fuck, church-boy.
[Mar 6,2007 12:30am - yummy ""]
I'm a rubber you're my goo
[Mar 6,2007 12:34am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
davefromthegrave said:tell it to the people at the church you attend, cause I don't give a fuck, church-boy.

Congratulations. Did you want your baby bottle back?
[Mar 6,2007 9:50am - dreadkill ""]
this thread is incredible
[Mar 6,2007 9:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i voted decapitated cause i hate polocks
[Mar 6,2007 9:56am - dreadkill ""]
both bands are polish
[Mar 6,2007 10:02am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
so am i
[Mar 6,2007 10:34am - Yeti ""]
Vader is much better than Decapitated. i like "The Negation" but i think the new one is mediocre. the singers voice sucks.
[Mar 6,2007 1:11pm - BlackoutRick ""]
decapitated all the way in the tech department.
[Mar 6,2007 2:57pm - Spaldino@werk  ""]
yeah... the tech department... or do you mean the "Vader worship department"? now i like Decapitated's first 3 a lot... but there is no way you can fully credit Decapitated because their first two albums were total Vader worship. first time i heard them i thought it was Vader trying to make up for the fact that their new drummer wasnt all that fast blasting wise, haha (talking about "winds" of course)
[Mar 6,2007 3:47pm - Agrippa ""]
Vader > Decapitated
[Mar 6,2007 3:48pm - dreadkill ""]
big van vader
[Mar 6,2007 4:15pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Vader. I hate Decapitated.
[Mar 6,2007 4:49pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Spaldino@werk said:yeah... the tech department... or do you mean the "Vader worship department"? now i like Decapitated's first 3 a lot... but there is no way you can fully credit Decapitated because their first two albums were total Vader worship. first time i heard them i thought it was Vader trying to make up for the fact that their new drummer wasnt all that fast blasting wise, haha (talking about "winds" of course)

Nihility and Winds are Vader worship? I don't really hear it, what do you mean?
[Mar 6,2007 7:36pm - anonymous  ""]
Vader is great but Decapitated is just better. I hear a Fear Factory influence in them.
[Mar 6,2007 8:17pm - Hoser ""]
Great, the anti-church morons have come out again. "We're so metal, and metal hates st00pid Jesus church." Morons, save it. It's a tired issue everywhere.
[Mar 7,2007 10:49am - Yeti ""]
being anti-anti-church is just as dumb.
[Mar 7,2007 10:54am - C.dead  ""]
What a dumb thread.

"Vader is great but Decapitated is just better. I hear a Fear Factory influence in them. "

Gayest reason to like any band. Maybe your missing the Vader influence eh?
[Mar 7,2007 11:07am - passerby‘er  ""]
Remember that wrestler vader? He was great. I wonder if he is dead?

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