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has anyone here ever heard of immortal technique?

[Mar 3,2007 3:52am - midgetstealer ""]
What do you think of this guy? I just recently started listening to him. Dont't get me wrong I hate almost anything rap or hip hop but this guy fucking slays. Smartest guy in this genre conscious,political hip hop. If only the whole world would listen to this guy. "cuz going platinum aint got nothin to do with luck it just means a million people are stupid as fuck" or my fav of his line "I jerk off inside books and give life to words"
[Mar 3,2007 4:02am - anonymous  ""]
He's a little to much. like some of the shit he says is a little to angering and you want to play it for everyone in the world so they get behind that ish. That song dance with the devil is really really deep. I wonder if that story really is true.
[Mar 3,2007 9:36am - Archaeon ""]
Revo vol. 1 is a masterpiece
[Mar 3,2007 12:14pm - Phillip ""]
i used to love this dude, but his shit just got stale after a while
havent even listened to him in like a year

now its all about Sage Francis
[Mar 3,2007 12:25pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
immortal technique is ok he's definitly not the best politcal conscious rapper though.....
[Mar 3,2007 12:25pm - hungtableed  ""]
I am vehemently opposed to his politics and all but I wouldn't for one minute say that he isn't talented/educated. I hate rap, but I dig Immortal Technique

I almost made a thread about this guy a number of times but just never did.
[Mar 3,2007 12:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
he's one of my favorite rappers; i haven't heard his newest stuff but i heard it's not as good as the 1st 2 cd's. the only problem i have with his first album is that some if it doesn't flow as well as it should, but he makes up for it by being clever, fast, and pretty biting.

sage francis is also a very witty lyricist, but his delivery fucking sucks on everything i've heard. he always sounds like he's too ashamed to be rapping, so there's no power to it.
[Mar 3,2007 1:44pm - Phillip ""]
damn I feel completley opposite about sage
Ive seen some of his battles on youtube and dude can defiently freestyle
all the live videos Ive seen are real energetic, doesnt miss any lines etc

and his spoken words!! damn, the That Ain't Right spoken word is just amazing
[Mar 3,2007 2:28pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i'm definitely not doubting his talent; he is a true lyricist, and his freestyles are definitely awesome. but, his recorded stuff just has no power behind it, so it all just sounds uninspired. i haven't seen any of his live videos though, so i'll have to check them out, especially if you say he's energetic. if he is energetic, he needs to put it on record STAT.
[Mar 3,2007 2:48pm - Phillip ""]
check out the Bridle live in Philly video
[Mar 3,2007 3:27pm - tylerl ""]
i'm not too hot on the hipster rap thing, but as far as rap im more of a fan of clever lyrics and wordplay regardless of the subject matter, so in that aspect i like immortal technique
[Mar 3,2007 3:32pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm not about his politics but he is one of the nastiest MCs on the scene today.
Sage, I have to argee with Mark on this one. He's a good free stlist too.

For good underground hip hop, NON PHIXION, ARSONISTS (First album), CAGE (First album and EP), CANNIBAL OX, JEDI MIND TRICKS
[Mar 3,2007 10:21pm - rotivore ""]
eat shit
[Mar 4,2007 11:17am - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
his older stuff is good. its good to actually hear consciousness in rap again... also his political commentary is really though provoking
[Mar 4,2007 11:19am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
beef and broccoli is a perfect example of his political commentary.
[Mar 6,2007 11:31am - the illustrious silketh von supper  ""]
check this shit out:
[URL='%20http://www.myspace.com/nobodycares666 '] http://www.myspace.com/nobodycares666

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