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November 22nd - Gorgasm, Spawn of Possession

the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [ascendancy][goratory][gorgasm][pyaemia][severed_savior][spawn_of_possession]
[Nov 21,2003 4:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
The Bombshelter
97 Eddy Street
Manchester NH
9pm, $14
(603) 647-8465

Spawn of Possesion
Severed Savior

sick of loading that huge ass thread, so here is a new one to post about things AFTER the show happens. heh.

btw, has anyone heard if the previous shows on the tour went down smoothly? i sure hope none of the bands ditch out.
[Nov 21,2003 4:24pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Search for Bloodletting on the Relapse board, there are a few stories there I believe.
[Nov 21,2003 4:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
cool! i <3 you.
[Nov 21,2003 11:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
so a lot of people seem to be complaining about the $14 cover.... is it really 14?

[Nov 22,2003 12:07am - thegreatspaldino ""]
im going to shave and try getting in as a 21+ female
[Nov 22,2003 1:02am - Terence ""]
RustedAngel said:so a lot of people seem to be complaining about the $14 cover.... is it really 14?

whats the big deal about $14
[Nov 22,2003 8:59am - Lynneaus ""]
$14 is a lot when u are always on the guestlist hahah

me... ive been unemployed for way too many months... im goin only cuz im female and can get in free :D
[Nov 22,2003 10:59am - hoppus  ""]
i keep hearing about this show.
are these bands any good?
i've never heard of them :tmnt2:
[Nov 22,2003 1:10pm - HiImPaul ""]
Spawn of possesion and gorgasm absolutly kill, so yes you should go and support metal
[Nov 22,2003 1:11pm - Terence ""]
yeah well when you have to take into consideration on how much the bands are asking for and how much the club is asking for I think $14 is fair.
[Nov 22,2003 1:13pm - Terence ""]
hoppus said:i keep hearing about this show.
are these bands any good?
i've never heard of them :tmnt2:

All the bands playing tonight are great. Check out http://www.uniqueleader.com for all the info on the bands.
[Nov 23,2003 2:49am - the_reverend ""]
I'm just back.
great show...
working on the pictures now
[Nov 23,2003 3:24am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are up.
review shortly.
[Nov 23,2003 3:51am - the_reverend ""]
man, the serge at the bombshelter rocks. the show didn't sell as much as it should have so the club ate the $$$.. a really sizeable amount of money too...

ascendancy: Terence was checking vocals was funny. the sound guy had him scream into the microphone without anything else. it was hillarious. They they played like 20 sound check songs before going on... but the sound guy still didn't have the mix right. Mike (DOM) was way too soft. I could bearly hear him and everyone one else was all muddled together.

goratory: people danced a lot of them, as usual, for a goratory crowd. they played a bunch of tracks that were "upcoming". the sound guy had figured everything out by these guys so that they sounded great.

servered savior: they played awesome. the vocals reminded me of a more recent glenn benton music if unique leader put it out. they play blessed by the bead and had a funny lead in telling everyone they were "blessed by the beast". One of their tracks had a cool slow part "bring the love" and then right back into it. they ended with steele toe abortion into forced to bleed.

spawn of possession: all the way from sweden. they kicked ass. they even played swarm, which is the only song of theirs I know. "We love the USA. you are so much sicker!" the drummer was excellent and played all over their kit. they also made fun of the MC of the club's mispronounciation of all the band before leading into a song dedicated to all the bands.

pyaemia: from holand. some guy would not stay off the stage and kept getting pulled off by the bouncers. it was a little annoying after the 30th time. they sent a song out to the red chord (who were there and played with pyaemia in europe). for some reason people in the fornt were yelling out stupid shit.. like "play dancing queen" to which the singer replied "this one goes out to the ABBA fan, fucking bash 'em".

gorgasm: they were the band that played last when you were too busy giggling about the girl in the slutty cloths leaning over the pool table. I've heard a bunch of recorded things, but they sounded so much better live. all 3 strings plays sang which I liked a lot. though, it seemed like they traded off a lot more on the first few songs they played more than the last ones.

Do your self a favor, buy everything from all these bands.
this is the present and future of death metal.
[Nov 23,2003 4:49am - RustedAngel ""]
my pictures are up also:

ascendancy: tore shit up once again mike is a fucking speed demon.

goratory: haven't seen them since jarrods, sound could have been a little better, but it was awesome. no "puss filled maggots" though, heheh.

severed savior: fucking ruled live, so much better live than on record.

spawn of possession: i've been listening to 'cabinet' over the summer and now seeing them live blew my mind, their lead guitarist and drummer were so fucking sick. omfg. i figured i would help support them and bought a pricey hoodie.

pyaemia: pretty good shit, gave props to the red chord which was cool.

gorgasm: guitars were not really loud enough, but it was great to finally see them live. their drummer was so awesome to watch. during their set i noticed a girl with thigh highs and a short skirt on i'm not gonna lie, then I saw her bend over and her entire ass hang out i thought it was funny so i pointed it out to clueless aaron and he immediately laughed definetly not expecting to see an ass in his face. so i weasled my way over to the pool table where my singer was and managed to snap a few photo's of this waitress 'trying to bring in buisness'...


overall, the show was a definete good time. i was a little dissapointed with the turnout as were many. i think it had a lot to do with the cover charge.


[Nov 23,2003 10:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:[QUOTE
overall, the show was a definete good time. i was a little dissapointed with the turnout as were many. i think it had a lot to do with the cover charge.


the real reason was the fact that goodtimes was pretty hopping.

[Nov 23,2003 1:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahah i knew you were going to say that.

i don't think i believe you though, we'll never know because there was no one there taking pictures! ohh, snap!

[Nov 23,2003 1:49pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
the_reverend said:this is the present and future of death metal.

Now that's a fucking quote!

Ascendancy: I thought we did pretty good aside from a poorly-placed snare drum mic and going on before the show was even supposed to start. I hate when people say Mike (DOM) was way too soft. I could bearly hear him and everyone one else was all muddled together.
AFTER the set! Tell me after the first song and we'll do something about it damnit!! I hate you Mr. Pepelis. Thanks for another set of perdy photos.

Goratory: All the sound issues where fixed by the time they started. I thoguht they sounded great, guitar was painfully loud though, some girl was running around covering her ears in front of the PA stack. Everything was really clear though. If I was one to mosh, I surely would have.

Severed Savior: I think this was the band that did it for me last night. I think they just really had their shit together, I'll get a CD some day when I'm not inherantly poor.

Spawn of Possession: Started out a little muddy in my ears but they were tearing ass by the end of their set. I'll have to hear them on CD to know if I really like them or not, I think I will.

Pyaemia: Pretty cool stuff, different angle on the same general style of the previous two bands. Nothing major stood out to me, maybe because of how hungry/tired I was getting. The guys in the front screaming about ABBA was pretty funny, though shouldn't they have been doing that during SoP since they're the ones from Sweeden? Silly drunks, logic is for sober kids.

Gorgasm: Whaaaaaaaaaaaa. Fuck yeah. Being the only band of the four I'd heard before the show, I knew generally what to expect. They were nasty and sounded really good. The forced encore was kind of weird, small crowd = just play the songs. Not enough people to really chant for more.

I was told the most common complaint about the Bomb Shelter is the sound. Every single person who thinks that should've been at this show, it sounded amazing. They just need to turn the CDs between bands down, it may have been the loudest thing there. The entire show was fucking awesome and if you missed it you should call up Unique Leader and ask for forgiveness.
And oh yeah, we all know what my favorite part of the night was (no not starved-for-attention pool table girl). Ahem.
[Nov 23,2003 6:37pm - blue ""]
this was a fucking amazing show. spawn of posession was amazing, the reason why i went. i would have been a little happier if all the merch wasnt so damn expensive. 35 dollar hoodie? please. regardless, this was an amazing show and if you missed out you missed one of the finest shows this area has seen in a while.
[Nov 23,2003 7:04pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
hahahahaha those pics with Jon Dwyer and the waitress are hillarious!! What the hell was going on?

I wish I could have went to this but Hirudinea was playing in RI. Hope it went well.
[Nov 23,2003 7:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
anyone in NH who didn't go to this show, YOU'RE GAY, EAT MY ASS!
[Nov 23,2003 7:32pm - the_reverend ""]
one of my favorite pictures
fast fingers...
[Nov 23,2003 7:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:hahah i knew you were going to say that.

i don't think i believe you though, we'll never know because there was no one there taking pictures! ohh, snap!


there was pictures taken, and video tape!!

plus the touring band made 60, the other bands 40 and whatever sin promotions took home.

my estimate was about 60-70 people paid, but the most in the club area at one time was around 50.
[Nov 23,2003 8:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
the bands last night charged $1000. :shocked:
[Nov 23,2003 9:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
my fav pics from last night:

[Nov 23,2003 9:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:the bands last night charged $1000. :shocked:

for the whole tour?
[Nov 23,2003 9:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
as a package yeah, $1000 for last night. + food.
[Nov 23,2003 9:40pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:as a package yeah, $1000 for last night. + food.

was there enough people to cover that expense?
[Nov 23,2003 9:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess not...
but the club owner ate the expenses.
[Nov 23,2003 10:17pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I think $1000 is a tad retarded. No wonder they didn't make the money. They probably made enough to make the next city I hope. I wanted to see SOP.
[Nov 23,2003 10:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:I think $1000 is a tad retarded. No wonder they didn't make the money. They probably made enough to make the next city I hope. I wanted to see SOP.

i heard Hirudinea has a 2000 dollar guarantee now
[Nov 23,2003 11:01pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
hahaha!!!!! Soon enough! Probably going to ask for much more. I can't wait!
[Nov 23,2003 11:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:hahaha!!!!! Soon enough! Probably going to ask for much more. I can't wait!

i was thinking of emailing jarrod's and telling them Disengaged would play at their club for a 500 dollar guarantee, hotel rooms and dinner.
Just to see what would happen.
[Nov 24,2003 12:39am - RustedAngel ""]
i checked into it, and the vocalist spawn of possession had last night is not the one on cabinet... i had a feeling.

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