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NARCIMALION finally in!

[Mar 1,2007 12:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Get your copy today! The new TTOS album is out and available for $10 from us at shows or online. It looks like this:


and has this pressing info:
first run: 1000 copies
recorded at Dead Air Studios, November, 2006
mastered by Nick Zampiello
at New Alliance East, Cambridge, MA, January 2007

1. Before
2. A Wave and Its Sign
3. The Carving of Galatea
4. His: The Love, The Work
5. Minera Ignia
6. Waking and Knowing
7. Icarian Isolation
8. Escape Velocity
9. As They Wander
10. Return To Stone
11. Wax of the Tide
12. The Drowning of Narcimalion
13. Her Future

This will be the only pressing done through Wonderdrug, so consider the look to this run of the album fairly unique.

Narcimalion is a concept album about the way humanity and art interact. It is told through the allegory of Narcimalion, the protagonist, and his sculpture, Galatea.

This album features guest guitars from Brian Williams of RI / Southern MA based band Dour Cursiva.

[Mar 1,2007 12:43am - bradmann nli  ""]
badass! can't wait to hear it. i'll be home next week, mr. faust. how does coffee and an exchange sound?

btw, snowy ohio basement shows...very sweet.
[Mar 1,2007 12:45am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hahah tell me about it man.

sounds good to me. I don't work Fridays, so that works well if you can do that.
[Mar 1,2007 12:47am - bradmann nli  ""]
my flight gets in friday and then i leave thursday for cincinnati (it's my GFs birthday the next day).

do you have any other days off? do you have a cell phone yet?
[Mar 1,2007 6:59am - HTR ""]
If any one is interested, I'm going to leave the pre-order price up on www.HoldTrue.com through out the weekend, untill Monday. After that the pre-order sale will end and the price will go up to normal.
[Mar 1,2007 6:22pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Mar 1,2007 6:49pm - Adam_is ""]
i came a little
[Mar 1,2007 10:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I came more than you
[Mar 2,2007 12:03am - Troll ""]
~Shhh~....I'm hiding from the Rev.
[Mar 2,2007 8:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
plz order! tell friends! only $10
[Mar 2,2007 9:41am - soilworker ""]
i preordered the shirt cd deal a couple weeks ago...so i take it i should be getting that soon?
[Mar 2,2007 9:45am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah Ethan just got all the CDs yesterday (we got half on Tuesday, half on Wednesday...any complaints about how long this all took can be directed to Wonderdrug whom we provided with the materials in early January), so they are shipping either this afternoon or tomorrow.

xethanx@holdtrue.com is Ethan's email for follow up. He's quick about reponses.
[Mar 2,2007 9:45am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh and thanks for ordering it!
[Mar 2,2007 2:09pm - anonymous  ""]
tight snatchers
[Mar 2,2007 2:10pm - mOe ""]
ok, you can send me mine now
and for shame for trackng this cd 15 minutes from my house and not hangin out with me
[Mar 2,2007 4:24pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
that last part I agree with :(

how the hell did we fuck that one up, right?

We'll make our way out there soon enough. Me sowwy :(
[Mar 4,2007 12:56am - brian_dc ""]
Hey guys. This CD is really great. From open to close it's one cohesive piece of work.

I have a couple of mixing criticisms, but as a whole you guys should be really really proud of this CD. Awesome work.
[Mar 4,2007 1:49am - sxealex ""]
mOe said:ok, you can send me mine now
and for shame for trackng this cd 15 minutes from my house and not hangin out with me

you were working remember???
[Mar 4,2007 1:53am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh yeah, pwned

thanks bri guy, hit me up on AIM or email me up dawg!
[Mar 6,2007 8:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Devil dogs are delicious

CD only $10 at http://www.thetasteofsilver.com or http://www.myspace.com/thetasteofsilver

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