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[Feb 26,2007 10:43am - jonnyc  ""]
I've heard the term 'mallcore' used more time in the past 6 months than ever before. Wtf? does anyone really care that their once favorite metal or hc band is sold at Hot topic? I bought the BMH record at fucking bestbuy...and i'll still spinkick an old lady in the tits
[Feb 26,2007 10:46am - jonnyc  ""]
disclaimer: old lady's tits are sensitive and should not be kicked, poked, prodded or otherwise handled for any reason. Doing so could result in severe vomiting and diarriah.
[Feb 26,2007 10:46am - Lamp ""]
Anything that honestly has to do with "core" has nothing to do with the mall.
[Feb 26,2007 10:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"Core" = worst suffix ever.
[Feb 26,2007 10:48am - Lamp ""]
I don't know about that...I'm a guy who enjoys his cores...it's the most misused though...
[Feb 26,2007 10:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I will accept Hardcore and Grindcore as exceptable use of said suffix...otherwise fuck off.
[Feb 26,2007 10:50am - jonnyc  ""]
I agree
[Feb 26,2007 10:51am - C.Dead  ""]
"I will accept Hardcore and Grindcore as exceptable use of said suffix...otherwise fuck off. "

I cannot agree more. Fine, fine words.
[Feb 26,2007 10:52am - jonnyc  ""]
rev, can we ban all other uses here?
[Feb 26,2007 11:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
You forgot the use of "core" when referring to pornography. I believe that would be an acceptable use as well.
[Feb 26,2007 11:16am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Other acceptable uses...



[Feb 26,2007 11:33am - xmikex ""]
this thread is like voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
[Feb 26,2007 11:35am - dreadkill ""]
xmikex said:this thread is like voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

i watched that episode last night too
[Feb 26,2007 12:56pm - reverend_cziska ""]
[Feb 26,2007 12:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
dreadkill said:xmikex said:this thread is like voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

i watched that episode last night too

[Feb 27,2007 1:35pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
you know they're all thinking "gee when is mom gonna get here to pick me up?"
[Feb 27,2007 2:07pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
HAHAHAHA! Is that kid sitting on the ground smoking a pipe?
[Feb 27,2007 2:13pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
its a hot topic pipe....
[Feb 27,2007 2:14pm - Lamp ""]
I'm waiting for the bubbles to come out of it.
[Feb 27,2007 2:16pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I thought the mallgoth/mallcore scene died out when everybody turned into a scenester and hipster.
[Feb 27,2007 2:20pm - Lamp ""]
Nah, there were tons of goths around when I was in high school but I don't really remember any scenester kids. It's weird, I saw this kid working the Living Room door one night I went to school with in 8th grade and he looked totally Myspaced out, long bushy hair with blonde streaks, tight black shirt and tight girl pants(not to mention this kid isn't exactly the poster child for being slim and fit either)...freaky.
[Feb 27,2007 2:27pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Yeah in my first 2 or 3 years of high school there were a lot of mallgoths around too. But My last year of highschool up until now my town is full of scenesters.
[Feb 27,2007 2:28pm - dreadkill ""]
the mallcore kids listen to unearth and job for a cowboy now.
[Feb 27,2007 2:31pm - xmikex ""]
diarrhea_blumpkin said:[img]
you know they're all thinking "gee when is mom gonna get here to pick me up?"

I'm thinking "Where did that fat piece of shit get that INTENSE dragon print shirt?"
[Feb 27,2007 2:34pm - dreadkill ""]
they all look hispanic
[Feb 27,2007 2:42pm - xmikex ""]
oh, so did this thread ever come to a consensus?

turd sandwich, or giant douche? seriously, what a miserable thread.
[Feb 27,2007 2:43pm - dreadkill ""]
giant turdy douche sandwich on a bulky roll.
[Feb 27,2007 3:15pm - herman  ""]
i think i see joe christianni in that picture
[Feb 27,2007 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
its unfortunate that some good bands were lumped into this "mallcore" thing, whatever it is. i still think Dimmu Borgir rules, and its terrible that because some fat loser wears the shirt they are cast down.
[Feb 27,2007 3:29pm - atthehaunted ""]
I think the mall in general is core I mean look at all the stores too choose from, plus the security guards are so terrifying that in general it just spews out BLACKCORE, but no seriously the mall was the core of alot of peoples existence around 12-14 yr olds
[Feb 27,2007 9:07pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
yea, those mall security guards are pretty 'core' with their walkie talkies and uhhh..... thats about it
[Feb 27,2007 9:10pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
the early 90's should have been a much more fruitful time for abortions
[Feb 27,2007 10:18pm - Lamp ""]
I will also accept "fastcore"(which has become somewhat synonymous with powerviolence) in addition to hardcore and grindcore. I was trying to think if there was another one I'd deem good enough to use and that was it.
[Feb 28,2007 12:57am - starmummy ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:I will accept Hardcore and Grindcore as exceptable use of said suffix...otherwise fuck off.

You don't like emocore? What's the matter with you?
[Feb 28,2007 1:39am - xanonymousx ""]
bleeding through uses the term 'mallcore kids' throughout their recent dvd.
[Feb 28,2007 8:21am - Ryan_M ""]
xanonymousx said:bleeding through uses the term 'mallcore kids' throughout their recent dvd.

Bleeding Through is what real metal sounds like.
[Feb 28,2007 9:20am - xanonymousx ""]
WOW i just thought they were generic mall metal core with keyboards.
[Mar 1,2007 12:52pm - diarrhea_blumpkin nli  ""]
keyboard solos are so fucking CORE!!!
[Mar 1,2007 2:39pm - Lamp ""]
Bleeding Through = emo metal
[Mar 1,2007 2:44pm - Eddie ""]
Yeti said:its unfortunate that some good bands were lumped into this "mallcore" thing, whatever it is. i still think Dimmu Borgir rules, and its terrible that because some fat loser wears the shirt they are cast down.

Dimmu Borgir is gay, no matter who wears the shirt.
[Mar 1,2007 2:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh snap
[Mar 1,2007 2:51pm - Dissector ""]
Lamp said:I will also accept "fastcore"(which has become somewhat synonymous with powerviolence) in addition to hardcore and grindcore. I was trying to think if there was another one I'd deem good enough to use and that was it.

I agree with this.
[Mar 2,2007 4:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Eddie said:

Dimmu Borgir is gay, no matter who wears the shirt.

FINALLY!!! Someone who has the right idea.

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