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i can't fucking believe!!!!!!

[Nov 20,2003 9:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
that gays can get married here now!
that makes me so mad.
[Nov 20,2003 9:52pm - George ""]
will you marry me?:point:
[Nov 20,2003 10:49pm - bassbashr99 ""]
it fucking figures.. that is the most fucked up concept.
[Nov 20,2003 11:06pm - Beakey @ Mitt's House  ""]
Mitt Romney is so pissed about this.
[Nov 20,2003 11:50pm - Lynneaus ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:that gays can get married here now!
that makes me so mad.

it makes u mad that people can (and its not legal yet) have a civil marriage???.... that affects you in no way... so that they can have the same benefits as heterosexual couples (shared health insurance, tax benefits, medicant power of attorney, etc) why do u really care?

bah people annoy the piss out of me
[Nov 20,2003 11:56pm - Beak Masta Flex  ""]
Don't worry, Joe. You're not alone.
Paul from Shading the End hates gays more than anyone I know.
That's why he hates you so much.
[Nov 21,2003 12:26am - George ""]
1: mitt romney can eat donkey shit for all i care.
2: im glad gays can get married.
[Nov 21,2003 2:14am - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah... i dont see why it wasnt legal in the first place. its all good really. im glad gay couples can get married now.
[Nov 21,2003 2:24am - mydeaddoll ""]
shouldn't we be more concerned that ugly, fat,
hillbillies can marry their cousins in some states
and it's perfectly legal?
[Nov 21,2003 2:30am - the_reverend ""]
actually, it always pissed me off that gay couples couldn't get married and ruin their lives in a divorce like the rest of us. If they can adopted a kid, why not build in some extra stability.
I knew a couple that "got married" in a church with a ceremony and all that, but then when they were done with it, they just walked their separate ways. no long drawn out court battles like all ove us xx-xy'ers would have to do.
fucking fags.
give them this right.. they will see what kind of gay this law is.
[Nov 21,2003 3:24am - MyDeadDoll ""]
amen rev...

[Nov 21,2003 7:38am - Beakey ""]
Wow, you people are so open-minding and accepting.
Joe/NotCommon and I will try to change this.
[Nov 21,2003 8:14am - the_reverend ""]
for the last time, beakey
geez.. you tell someone no 20x's and they still don't get it.
[Nov 21,2003 8:16am - Wee...Bink! ""]
i dont really give a shit if they get married it affects me in no way... they are going to be together whether they can get married or not, if they want to get married, let them... doesnt affect me any.
[Nov 21,2003 8:22am - Beakey ""]
All Joe and I are asking is that the government forbid gays to fall in love in the first place.
It's not much to ask for.
We just want things to be normal again.
[Nov 21,2003 8:31am - the_reverend ""]
I know.. I read your book..
The Homosexual Revolution - END TIME ABOMINATION
[Nov 21,2003 8:43am - Beakey ""]
Our follow-up book will be called 1,097 pages full of reasons why gays should be hunted down and tortured like animals.

Ray Liotta is rumored to play Joe NC in the movie.
[Nov 21,2003 9:11am - the_reverend ""]
I heard that terence is going to play you.
and that all the lesbians are going to be played by juggs and/or nell carter.
and that there will only be one gay guy who will play the part of all the gay male rolls in the movie cause you guys don't want to give $$ to all the "fags"
[Nov 21,2003 9:12am - the_reverend ""]
rumors has it, 1/2 the movie for the movie was spent on paying the juggies to make out with each other.
cause THATS was real straight guys spend their money on.
[Nov 21,2003 9:19am - Beakey ""]
Straight guys spend their money on:
Drugs, Sex, Strippers, Beer, Cigarettes, Music, Cars, More Drugs

Gay guys spend their money on:
Penis, Balls, Man-Ass

Straight people win!!!
[Nov 21,2003 10:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
gay couples should not be allowed to get married because they are gay.
marriage is for a man and a woman.
i don't see how some judge can suddenly re-interpret the state constitition differently then the people who wrote it.

and gay bashing should not be considered a hate crime, homosexuality is a lifestyle, not an ethnicity. Killing someone for being black should hold more repurcussions then killing a fag. The fag was probably asking for it in the first place, because gays are all perverted and boy hungry and love to dress up as women.

Mitt Romney better do something quick because I don't want my tax money going to help gay marriages because I am 100% against gays even being alive, never mind being married to each other.

And gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt because that's ridiculous.
Why would anyone wish it on kids to be raised by fags?
[Nov 21,2003 10:15am - Beakey ""]
Anyone who agrees with faggots adopting children should have their fucking throat slit.
Gay people are the filth of the Earth, with their stupid little trends like AIDS and what not.
They should be thrown on an island to fight for survival amongst themselves, like that Ray Liotta movie, No Escape.
I know that if the stars of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ever showed up at my house, I would just start throwing punches and keep swinging until either my hands or their heads were nothing but bloody fucking stumps.
Fuck gay people, and fuck anyone that likes them.
If I were president, they would have been quarantined long ago.
[Nov 21,2003 10:16am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:Anyone who agrees with faggots adopting children should have their fucking throat slit.
Gay people are the filth of the Earth, with their stupid little trends like AIDS and what not.
They should be thrown on an island to fight for survival amongst themselves, like that Ray Liotta movie, No Escape.
I know that if the stars of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ever showed up at my house, I would just start throwing punches and keep swinging until either my hands or their heads were nothing but bloody fucking stumps.
Fuck gay people, and fuck anyone that likes them.
If I were president, they would have been quarantined long ago.

Amen to that!
[Nov 21,2003 10:20am - RustedAngel ""]

you think they chose to be gay? i'm pretty sure if they had a choice they would be straight. why would anyone want to be gay with people like you two giving them shit for it like they are not even human. personally, i don't really agree with it, but that's just me, let them hump eachother in the ass... as long as i still get vag, everything is fine. hah.

humans are fucked up as a whole and should be quarantined, we are fucking cancer. think about it, we really are.

[Nov 21,2003 10:22am - Beakey ""]
Here's the deal, Tom...
They had two choices once they realized they were gay.
1. Embrace their gayness and live on
2. Slit their wrists
Basically, anyone that didn't choose #2 made the wrong choice, so they need to be killed.
[Nov 21,2003 10:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:Here's the deal, Tom...
They had two choices once they realized they were gay.
1. Embrace their gayness and live on
2. Slit their wrists
Basically, anyone that didn't choose #2 made the wrong choice, so they need to be killed.

i don't think i could have worded it better.
[Nov 21,2003 10:28am - RustedAngel ""]
my gf introduced me to 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' and i must say it is pretty amusing to see how gay those guys are, they even get to watch the straight guy before/after he takes a shower.. how fucked up is that? hah

supposivly they are going to make a Straight Eye for the Queer guy...
[Nov 21,2003 10:31am - Beakey ""]
Any guy that agrees to be on that show is a faggot.
I don't know a single guy that would let a bunch of gay dudes show up at their house and start playing dress-up.
They should be tied to the floor with their eyes held open as straight guys slice through their pupils with slow, deep paper cuts.
[Nov 21,2003 10:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:my gf introduced me to 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' and i must say it is pretty amusing to see how gay those guys are, they even get to watch the straight guy before/after he takes a shower.. how fucked up is that? hah

supposivly they are going to make a Straight Eye for the Queer guy...

i wonder if religious leaders performed exorcisms on fags that they would turn straight.
[Nov 21,2003 10:34am - Beakey ""]
I've never been more in the mood to burn homos at the stake than I am right now.

And, Joe...
I have an idea.
The First Annual Straight Pride Parade.
Featuring guest appearences by Dorchesta Ed, Reverend Aaron, and Brian from Gut.
[Nov 21,2003 10:34am - RustedAngel ""]
i'd rather quarantine religion than homosexuals.
[Nov 21,2003 10:36am - Beakey ""]
RustedAngel said:i'd rather quarantine religion than homosexuals.

Why not both?
Quarantining things is like eating Lays potato chips.
You can't stop at just one.

[Nov 21,2003 10:37am - RustedAngel ""]
you mean pringles? once you pop you can't stop?

i'd rather sink my teeth into a nice bag of cheddar chex mix, or 3d dorito's.
[Nov 21,2003 10:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:you mean pringles? once you pop you can't stop?

i'd rather sink my teeth into a nice bag of cheddar chex mix, or 3d dorito's.

3-d doritos are gross.

[Nov 21,2003 10:39am - Beakey ""]
Tom, before we go any further with this conversation, I'd like to make it clear that you are not welcome to join us for the first annual Straight Pride parade.
But you are welcome in this conversation until the point where you become too annoying to bear.
[Nov 21,2003 10:40am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Quincy should host this parade
[Nov 21,2003 10:41am - Beakey ""]
I'm on hold for Mayor Phelan as we speak.
[Nov 21,2003 10:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:I'm on hold for Mayor Phelan as we speak.

Mitt Romney would let us do it.
He loves normality

so we could probably do it right past BU (fag central)
[Nov 21,2003 10:43am - RustedAngel ""]
straight pride parade, hahah good idea... if they can hold gay pride parade's i don't see why we shouldn't hold straight ones.
[Nov 21,2003 10:47am - Beakey ""]
You must not have heard...
We're not allowed to mention, be proud of, or celebrate being straight or white.
But if I was a gay black guy, I could prance around, praising myself, basking in my Nubian-gayness.
[Nov 21,2003 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:You must not have heard...
We're not allowed to mention, be proud of, or celebrate being straight or white.
But if I was a gay black guy, I could prance around, praising myself, basking in my Nubian-gayness.

yeah no shit, i hate how fags wanted to march in the st.patrick's day parade.
that is an irish catholic holiday, the irish and the catholics both hate gays so why should they be allowed to ruin it?
[Nov 21,2003 10:52am - Beakey ""]
I blame the Irish Catholics, not for allowing the gays to march, but for not murdering each and every one as they pranced by in their Letters from the Dead babydoll t-shirts.
[Nov 21,2003 11:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:I blame the Irish Catholics, not for allowing the gays to march, but for not murdering each and every one as they pranced by in their Letters from the Dead babydoll t-shirts.

they did actually attack the gays who marched.
the irish are obviously a vastly superior race.
somehow the english, from the next island over, at vastly inferior though.
[Nov 21,2003 11:09am - the_reverend ""]
RustedAngel said:supposivly they are going to make a Straight Eye for the Queer guy...

that was my freaking idea!
[Nov 21,2003 11:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the_reverend said:RustedAngel said:supposivly they are going to make a Straight Eye for the Queer guy...

that was my freaking idea!

good, cuz you are gonna be in it.
[Nov 21,2003 11:13am - Beakey ""]
They should have Hardcore Eye for the Metal Guy.
It will be xmikex and friends showing up to Al Ravage's house and dressing him up in All Out War hoodies.
[Nov 21,2003 11:15am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:RustedAngel said:supposivly they are going to make a Straight Eye for the Queer guy...

that was my freaking idea!

yes that may be..but i am the first one who mentioned the original show on here...heh
[Nov 21,2003 11:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:They should have Hardcore Eye for the Metal Guy.
It will be xmikex and friends showing up to Al Ravage's house and dressing him up in All Out War hoodies.

haha. does Al get a white hat?
[Aug 26,2004 6:41pm - giggles ""]
Hello, It seems that you aren't like a lot of the other people writting on this message board with fervent opinions and rude language regarding gay marriage and adoptions etc...so I'm writting to find out if ANYONE, can help me. I'm doing a program for college students about queer awareness and want some statistics on both the negative and positive regarding this lifestyle. If anyone can help point me in the right direction, that'd be great! Thank you
[Aug 26,2004 6:46pm - giggles ""]
wow dude! You got to get a life! If you have SOOO much energy to waste on hating people all that says is that you're pathetic. Get real, it doesn't even effect you much! Anyway, we allow people to have kids even though their doped up, sleeeping around and poor...but it's wrong for a gay couple who is well off and spiritual to adopt. That makes no sense!
and about the whole marriage thing...if YOU aren't taking part in this it really isn't going to concern you so deal. On a basic note. it's interesting how people spend so much time on this subject when there are so many OTHER issues to address. America isn't perfect. lets fix the things that are killing people, drugs, drunk driving, etc before we worry about this which isn't hurting anyone!
[Aug 26,2004 6:52pm - Hooker ""]
That... was.... beautiful, man.
[Aug 26,2004 7:20pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
this was kinda randomly brought up
[Aug 26,2004 10:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think children shouldn't go up for adoption, they should either be raised to be soldiers or just killed.
[Aug 27,2004 1:12am - Kalopsia ""]
i have two gay friends (well, two friends that openly admit they're gay) and they're two of the nicest people i know. we've got so many fuckin problems in this world. like, George W. Bush for example. why would you waste your anger on someone because of what they like to do in the bedroom? why do u care? it's not like you're gonna sleep with them, because you're not gay. so what is the problem??? are u worried about them spreading AIDS? well since they're gay, they would only spread it to other gay men, so i say again, what the fuck do you care??? oh, and i guarentee you watch lesbo porn. and if that's the case, you're a fucking hypocrit
[Aug 27,2004 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
young white females has the highest AIDS rates.
[Aug 27,2004 1:18am - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:young white females has the highest AIDS rates.

...................................................................... shit
[Aug 27,2004 9:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I do not watch lesbo porn, I find it repulsive. If I was the king, I would round up all lesbians, and have them beheaded.
Gay people are a social plague and summary executions are the only logical solution. I hate the way they talk, and dress, and act in public.

Young white females have the highest AIDs rates in America maybe, but thats because the jew controlled media has convinved them to date black guys, who obviously have given lots of them AIDS.

AIDS is an epidemic, everyone who has that disease should be round up and put in a quarantine camp, also known as an oven. Jim McGreevy can go to.

The only real hypocrites are here are the rest of you that can't handle someone not being a fan of fags, but use the word gay to describe something you don't like. That makes you a nigger, you ignorant hypocrite.
[Aug 27,2004 9:30am - lincoln ""]
You guys are all fags...let the gay community do what they want....as long as they're not hitting on the straight people, which gays rarely do, what do you care?
[Aug 27,2004 9:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
They are breathing my air, and ruining society with their fruitiness.
[Aug 27,2004 9:36am - Lincoln ""]
HAHAHA!!! Thats rough....do you feel the same about lesbians too?
[Aug 27,2004 9:44am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Lesbians are even worse, I am convinced they want to take over the world, and herd gay men as slaves and sperm donors.
The rest of us won't even exist anymore, and all you pinko commies are feeding right into their evil schemes.
[Aug 27,2004 9:53am - Lincoln ""]
They have cool mullets........and the denim vests rock.....
[Aug 27,2004 9:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Lesbians have different classes in their race, the majority of them have the shrewdness and evil of women, and the strength of lumberjacks. If we don't stop them now, they will inevitably take over.

You people are all bending over backwards to support minorities and fags, instead of treating everyone equally to the point where someone who is proud of their white heritage is considered a racist.
Wake up.
[Aug 27,2004 5:46pm - wyrmfingerz ""]
if fags want to get married, then they shouldn't have been fags in the first place.

fucking Eurocrats are ruining our awesome country.
[Aug 27,2004 5:48pm - Hooker ""]

*cranks up johnny cougar*
[Aug 27,2004 5:50pm - james_raov  ""]
Hooker said:THESE COLORS DON'T RUN...the world man!

*cranks up johnny cougar*

[Aug 27,2004 5:51pm - Hooker ""]
Damn you Steven Stills!!!!!

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