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Dragonforce/Killswitch tomorrow

[Feb 22,2007 2:53pm - wakeoftears ""]
Who's going and who's sitting at home making fun everyone who goes?
[Feb 22,2007 2:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll just make fun of you for REPOSTING.
[Feb 22,2007 3:03pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm playing a show with better bands tomorrow night at the skybar, so i won't be sitting at home making fun of anyone.
[Feb 22,2007 3:23pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I would not go. Fucking sloppy, Dragonforce is. Talk about trying to play beyond your ability. They probably punch every single note in in the studio.
[Feb 22,2007 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
i_am_not_me said:Fucking sloppy, Dragonforce is.

agree i do :yoda:
[Feb 22,2007 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
repost police! don't make me perform a citizens arrest.
[Feb 22,2007 3:38pm - xanonymousx ""]
i heard adam d is not even going to be there.
[Feb 24,2007 4:41am - BogusRendition ""]
^ Adam wasn't there. I guess he had some injury and they had one of the guys from damage plan.

For those who for some reason give a shit, save for chimiara sucking to a point where I felt sorry for them (and I can't talk about the first band since I didn't see them), this show was fucking rad. Since I don't "talk" to roadrunner, I bought my own ticket for this one. No photo pass or guest list, or any of that snazzy stuff this time. I felt pretty cool as night fell and I made my way to this show with a ticket (and a few others which I made up all the money I'd lost by taking the night off from work) cluched tight in my hand, not wearing a vest made of denim, but a hoodie with patchs of my favorite bands (some of them). So I got in, and the first band was totally gay, poosers that were in with the nu-school, even though they didn't have a T-I-O-N in there name. Anyways...

Chimiara: Like I said sucked. Wierd feeling like they kicked more ass the first time I saw them open up for colepitz in portland on there first little tour ever, when they were playing significantly shittier music (which I thought was bad ass at the time). Having watched them evolve (or devolve) since then has been interesting in some ways, and more boring then fuck knows what. The sound was really bad, and I usually don't care if the sound is bad.

Dragonforce: Whether you're one of the fags that went to this show and had a blast, or one of the fags that thinks these guys suck, "you've probebly heard of them by now." Those 6 chaps from across then pond got another rockin response from the palladium, although last time was a little better from both ends of the barricade, but this time was pretty sweet too. They played all the "hits" so to speak, or all the songs that I would have picked out for a not quite headlining set. Otherwise, they were pretty much exactly as I remembered: What you'd probebly get if you mixed Spinal Tap and Manowar with Maiden and went times a million (sort of). Cheesy gnarlyness beyond comprehension.

And Killswitch: since this was the first time for me seeing them since the slayer tour a tiny bit over 2 years ago, I guess....... I dunno. I guess nothing. It was Killswitch minus Adam. They rocked exactly the same old show as always, although with fewer anticts from adam since he wasn't there, or maybe was, but I never saw him. I half expected him to be over on the side of the stage rocking out to this new band called killswitch engage who he'd definately one day be recording at his studio. But I didn't notice. I heard he wasn't there because of a broken wrist, but that is unconfirmed, despite this being the age of the internet and whatnot. They played some new songs that I didn't know since I don't have their new CD, they played some middle school songs, they played some old songs, but no super old songs or songs that were originally super old but became simply old when re-released on "alive..." No, no "inth the unblind," or "vide in-something or other." Oh well. I thought after "my last serenade they'd come back out and play those 2, but the lights came on.

Anyways, good times. I'm sure tomorow will be even more gay/insane. Ghoul last summer was the final straw of Boston REALLY sucking enough to the point that I REALLY don't want to go there anymore at all, and would rather drive the extra ways out to Wostah' instead to the good old palladium with all the dumb little kids in COB shirts (which there were a fuck ton of tonight, but most in either KSE or DF shirts. Only a few in COB shirts).
[Feb 24,2007 9:31am - Cecchini nli  ""]
dragonforce is the dane cook of metal.

and both are terrible.

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