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Gary Sampson

[Nov 20,2003 9:11am - Beakey ""]
Anyone else think we should bring back public hangings?
[Nov 20,2003 9:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
is he the one who killed that rizzo yuppy?
[Nov 20,2003 9:40am - Beakey ""]
He killed a Rizzo kid, but the kid was only 19, so I don't know about yuppy, but yeah...
[Nov 20,2003 12:18pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Beakey said:He killed a Rizzo kid, but the kid was only 19, so I don't know about yuppy, but yeah...

current frat type, future yuppy.

but lets do the public hanging
[Nov 20,2003 1:35pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i'll lasso my penis around his neck
[Nov 20,2003 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard he was getting his own show on comedy centeral.
and then some delila cut off his hair.
and he lost all his strength

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