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[Feb 21,2007 9:55pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Feb 21,2007 9:57pm - W3 nli  ""]
put ID on this.
[Feb 21,2007 10:48pm - Anthony ""]
im gonna wager you mean hekseri
[Feb 22,2007 12:14am - BOBDEAD  ""]
shit..sorry Hekseri dudes...i was on the pot. Fixed..
[Feb 22,2007 12:17am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Feb 22,2007 12:43am - INFECT ""]
put exsanguination on this,
the one from boston, not the gay one from NY
[Feb 22,2007 11:07pm - opies anal freckle area  ""]
i like exsanguination,
anyone need a ride?
[Feb 23,2007 12:23am - paganmegan ""]
Our first show in RI
[Feb 23,2007 11:37am - BOBDEAD  ""]
we will have to introduce you guys to our weed friendly hospitality!;)
[Feb 23,2007 1:14pm - W3 nli  ""]
bob if there's a spot im sure burn my remains would open this show.
[Feb 23,2007 2:59pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
Hey dude...im not actually sure who show this is...it might be Skinnys...ill ask around.
[Feb 23,2007 3:43pm - inject-now ""]
first witch tomb show in RI as well. should be a good time!
[Feb 23,2007 3:50pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
this show is brought to you by metal mike
[Feb 23,2007 6:09pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
ok...so whoever is interested in filling the final slot...contact Mr Metal Mike
at : sxbx2000@yahoo.com...and hopefully he can hook a brother up...
[Feb 26,2007 2:23am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Feb 26,2007 9:05am - sinofangels-ray ""]
if the fuckin grim reapers coming im there !!!!!
[Mar 8,2007 3:52pm - paganmegan ""]
[Mar 8,2007 3:58pm - Lamp ""]
21+ venues >:(

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