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so i just had one of those near death experiences

[Feb 15,2007 9:39pm - dertoxia ""]
well i'm pretty snowed in here so i just spent the day sitting around in my room. well i started noticing that it was getting pretty hot. we've been having problems with our heating system but it's usually bearable. But today it just kept getting hotter and hotter. Finally i decided i would just shut my heater of completely. So i turned the shut off lever and assumed i had fixed the problem for the time being.

Well about 5 minutes later i decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink. About halfway there i head a big *thunk* followed by a sharp *hisssssssss*. I ran back to my room and realized that this one peice of my heater shot off and sprayed hot steam all over my room.

The real cool thing is it shot water into the power outlet near the heater and popped all the breakers in my house.

So i've had a pretty fun day.
[Feb 15,2007 9:44pm - powerkok ""]
Thats more of a close proximity, yet another room away, brush with death.
Glad yer ok tho.
[Feb 15,2007 9:58pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I think the closest near death experience I had is that time I overdosed and hadda get my stomach pumped.
[Feb 15,2007 10:06pm - dertoxia ""]
yeah thats a little more near death. i guess i just had a near horribly disfigured for life experience.
[Feb 15,2007 10:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I was seconds away from going over Niagara Falls.
[Feb 15,2007 10:18pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I saw "Last post: AUTOPSY 666" and said "YES! Niagra Falls story!" Haha
[Feb 15,2007 10:52pm - Execution_Style ""]
I had a couple of those throughout my life. The most memorable one was the time I was at Martha's Vineyard, at South Beach or some shit. I was about 6 or 7 years old. I get sucked into the rip current. I was pretty much unable to move while submerged underwater.

So I was laying there, and looking at the sun, which was shrouded in gray clouds. It was actually pretty serene. Drowning could possibly be one of the least violent ways to die. However, if the body is left in water for a considerable amount of time, the outcome is not so pretty. Anyway, another wave with a significant amount of force knocked me out of the current, and I was able to move again. Yay.
[Feb 15,2007 11:41pm - dertoxia ""]
yeah this wasnt one of those "life flash before my eyes" moments but its pretty chilling thinking that i would most likely be in some burn unit hospital bed right now if i was in the room when this all went down.
[Feb 16,2007 2:02am - NIGGER ""]
Tell us the Nigra falls story...
[Feb 16,2007 2:12am - starmummy ""]
Wah wah wah. You guys disgust me. Try landing on Earth in a spaceship that has begun to burn up in the atmosphere and has become nothing but smoldering fuselage, then you have permission to whine.

Seriously, get the sand out of your vaginas.
[Feb 16,2007 2:18am - NIGGER ""]
My last fart was a near-death experience... God Damn Deep Fried Pork!
[Feb 16,2007 2:57am - Execution_Style ""]
starmummy said:Wah wah wah. You guys disgust me. Try landing on Earth in a spaceship that has begun to burn up in the atmosphere and has become nothing but smoldering fuselage, then you have permission to whine.

Seriously, get the sand out of your vaginas.

Reading that made me think of this very old joke. Remember that teacher that went into space, and the ship blew up?

"What color were her eyes? Blue. One blew this way, and one blew that way."

Terrible, I know. Flashbulb memories are the shit.
[Feb 16,2007 9:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Try going sideways on interstate 95 at 80 miles an hour in fucking monsoon and managing to miss every single car on the highway. The cooler thing was AiC's Rain When I Die was playing at the time.
[Feb 16,2007 9:46am - powerkok ""]
The fuck you doing 80 in a monsoon for, masshole???!?!?
[Feb 16,2007 10:03am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
my former guitarist was driving a shitbox kia and was too coked up to drive slow enough and react correctly to the conditions.
[Feb 16,2007 10:15am - KeithMutiny ""]
i was the passenger in a full sized gmc pickup, driving back from providence about 4 years ago. Drunk and fucked up on pain killers we were in the left lane of 95n doing about 90, when an even drunker person cut into the lane and clipped out back end. the truck spun around twice and drove up onto the jersy barrier and got hooked on the frame, which stopped us from hitting oncomming traffic at about 70mph at that point. all i remember we going to the hospitol was 3rd degree burns on my arms and blood all over my face. I saw pictures of the truck the next day and it was torn in half, and another blazer had hit us and flipped on its roof and slid down the highway, ripping the drivers hand off. My younger brother witness the entire accident from another car and swore we were all dead. Basically everyone walked away, but the emts actually called in that there were going to be casualties. The only thing that saved us was the fack that the owener of the truck had just that morning, removed the lift kit and dropped the ride height by about 3 inches, so the frame caught on the barrier insteal of catipulting us into oncomming traffic.

thats prolly as close as it gets for me. I was discharged from the hospitol later that moring, but the girl i had with me shattered her nose and had glass in her eye. she hit the passenger seat from the back so hard that it bent the steel frame of the seat.

still to this day i get chills driving down the stretch of 95 right between the uhaul storage building and the traiin tracks.
[Feb 16,2007 10:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
holy shit man thats close. no dui/wreckless driving charges?
[Feb 16,2007 10:48am - KillerKadoogan ""]
yeah well I uh...shit...hmmmmm...

this one time, when I was 2, my baby carriage rolled down a hill into a lake, and I got a black eye. True story. could've drowned, I guess...
[Feb 16,2007 10:59am - KeithMutiny ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:holy shit man thats close. no dui/wreckless driving charges?

the guy that hit us was charged dui and all that happy shit, by the time we were tested at the ri hospital were were within the legal limit, so we were clear.
[Feb 16,2007 11:09am - Granny_Monster ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Try going sideways on interstate 95 at 80 miles an hour in fucking monsoon and managing to miss every single car on the highway. The cooler thing was AiC's Rain When I Die was playing at the time.

Ha ha, I used to get paranoid when I was driving on the highway when it was raining listening to that song.
[Feb 16,2007 11:16am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
KeithMutiny said:FuckIsMySignature said:holy shit man thats close. no dui/wreckless driving charges?

the guy that hit us was charged dui and all that happy shit, by the time we were tested at the ri hospital were were within the legal limit, so we were clear.

so that makes it more of a near death/near jail experience.

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