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Senseless Mutilation vocalist rising heavyweight boxer?

[Feb 12,2007 1:06pm - Troll ""]
No bullshit!

"in the heavyweight final, Doug Aubin knocked out Shane Kimber in the second round"


Congrats Chug!
[Feb 12,2007 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
we all know his secret move.
[Feb 12,2007 1:50pm - Troll ""]
Yes yes.....The Hand Shake of Doom.
[Feb 12,2007 1:51pm - the_reverend ""]

[Feb 12,2007 2:12pm - Troll ""]
2007 golden glove heavyweight champ


In the red corner at a 190 pounds representing Satan and the city of Berlin New Hampshire! DDDDDDDoug The Grinderrrrrrrrrrr Aubin!
[Feb 12,2007 2:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Nice work!
[Mar 2,2007 9:37pm - troll ""]
Video of Dougs Knokout.
About 3 minute into the video

[Mar 2,2007 11:00pm - powerkok ""]
hahahaha that guy Doug ko'd was a bitch after the fight eh?
Good Job Doug.
[Mar 3,2007 12:09am - Troll ""]
looks that way to me!

Yea, I guess Doug's gonna receive the full match on DVD in the mail.
The guy Doug put on queer street was a local. He had the best gear, a big entrance and crowd support. I guess he was a cocky fucker too!
Now Doug's at home with a broken leg. Appearently he twisted his ankle during that fight and spiral fractured his Fibula.
...So, a week later He fought a champion fight in Lowell and got knocked out but, he didn't know he had a broken leg during that fight either. He's tough as shit so he probably thought it was a bad sprain or something.
I'm going to NH to visit him tomorrow and sing an acapella rendering
"Your the best" (you know,the Karate Kid theme song) to him! After all....He's the best!


Also, there is talk about Senseless Mutilation getting back together under new name with a more matured sound and lyrical content.
No more "cunt kabob" and "flushing a shit called life" <although, I can still relate to the latter of those songs I listed.

[Mar 3,2007 5:11am - abhorred ""]
Troll said:

...So, a week later He fought a champion fight in Lowell

where are these said matches? i live in lowell and am always looking for something to peak my interest especially if its violent!
[Mar 3,2007 9:04am - the_reverend ""]
Im going to have to watch this.

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