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3/20 palladium, DOWN

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Feb 11,2007 10:47am - sacapapadoo ""]
[Feb 11,2007 10:48am - Kevord ""]
[Feb 11,2007 10:49am - sacapapadoo ""]
type o is playing the next day too
[Feb 11,2007 10:52am - Kevord ""]
1349 is playing the next day too.
[Feb 11,2007 11:00am - pam ""]
Type O? Where?
Can't wait for DOWN!!
[Feb 11,2007 11:03am - Kevord ""]
pam said:Type O? Where?
Can't wait for DOWN!!

Did you forget you're poor? You can't go to two shows in a row.
[Feb 11,2007 11:08am - pam ""]
Kevord said:pam said:Type O? Where?
Can't wait for DOWN!!

Did you forget you're poor? You can't go to two shows in a row.

Won't be in March, that's when Jon's work picks back up and I get my school money. This devastating poverty thing is mostly just from being evicted right after xmas so playing catch-up is killing us.
There's actually a pool going on amongst some of my friends as to how long we'll be here before they throw us out. I have such awesome friends.
[Feb 11,2007 11:11am - RichHorror ""]
Maybe you should get a job too, you prison black.
[Feb 11,2007 11:19am - pam ""]
I've been applying for jobs all month...what have you been doing you dirtbag? We can't all get free money.
[Feb 11,2007 11:22am - RichHorror ""]
Getting free money is what I've been doing. And let me tell you, it is quite a ride. QUITE A RIDE INDEED.
[Feb 11,2007 11:22am - Kevord ""]
Rich has been working all weekend. IWEIPH is a full time job.
[Feb 11,2007 11:24am - RichHorror ""]
I've been working hard on maintaining my beer gut. If I let my guard down for just one second I might lose it.
[Feb 11,2007 11:26am - Kevord ""]
The gut gets niggaz paid.
[Feb 11,2007 1:06pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm down for Down
[Feb 11,2007 5:10pm - DooMTemplar ""]
Pam, there is no such thing as finding a job in Fall River. There are no jobs in Fall River. I know this for a fact.

As for Down...

I already have my ticket.
[Feb 11,2007 5:20pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Is there a cheaper way to buy tickets for this than through fucking ticketmaster? they wanna charge an addition $7.25 per ticket. Fuck them.
[Feb 11,2007 9:00pm - pam ""]
DooMTemplar said:Pam, there is no such thing as finding a job in Fall River. There are no jobs in Fall River. I know this for a fact.

As for Down...

I already have my ticket.

No shit. If I still lived in Quincy I could get any job I want at Boston Financial. Fuck the south coast. You have to be an immigrant to get a job, apparently. Maybe I should change my name to Manny.
[Feb 11,2007 10:03pm - Dankill  ""]
Tell them you're from some country like Albania, Pam.

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