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mushrooms appresh

[Feb 4,2007 2:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
Hey, I like to have fun!
[Feb 4,2007 3:22pm - Lamp ""]
I like to have fun too, that's why mushrooms are unappreciated in my book.
[Feb 4,2007 4:33pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like the mellow yellow's gotten you by the brain banana
[Feb 4,2007 4:45pm - cav nli  ""]
oooh kid i LOVE trippin shrooms. what are you guys paying for em these days?
[Feb 5,2007 10:37am - Yeti ""]
i also enjoy the fungus.
[Feb 5,2007 10:41am - ariavette ""]
i feel somewhat deprived... for i have never tried them.. b/c my friends have told me all it does is make you wanna shit for like 4 hours.. i dont know if this is true for everyone but it was enough to make me never try it
[Feb 5,2007 10:59am - HailAtWork  ""]
Haha, no that's the next day...depending on the person and what you've eaten I guess...mmm, shrooms
[Feb 5,2007 11:04am - Lamp ""]
The one time I did shrooms was with a couple of morons who thought it would be a good idea to bring beers out of the back of the car into the house in broad daylight(I live on a somewhat busy road and we're all under 21) while my sister was home too. Then they invited some kid over I didn't know. Then I started talking to someone on the computer who thought it would be fun to mess with my head. Then my sister told me my dad was coming over to bring her food, so I kicked the other three people out of my house, puked, and spent the next two hours trying to sleep but was distracted by the way it felt like everything was spinning all around me and how I thought I was going to die.

I guess it's just not my thing.
[Feb 5,2007 11:46am - HailAtWork  ""]
You've gotta do them with people you're comfortable with in a setting you're comfortable with...otherwise it probably won't be a good time.
[Feb 5,2007 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
Lamp said:The one time I did shrooms was with a couple of morons who thought it would be a good idea to bring beers out of the back of the car into the house in broad daylight(I live on a somewhat busy road and we're all under 21) while my sister was home too. Then they invited some kid over I didn't know. Then I started talking to someone on the computer who thought it would be fun to mess with my head. Then my sister told me my dad was coming over to bring her food, so I kicked the other three people out of my house, puked, and spent the next two hours trying to sleep but was distracted by the way it felt like everything was spinning all around me and how I thought I was going to die.

I guess it's just not my thing.

yeah mushrooms take a strong stability in all aspects. you have to be in the right environment and with the right people, but above all, you have to accept the fact that whatever your body does, its why you took them. the first 20-30 minutes are the hardest to get through, the anxiety can be overwhelming. but if you just stay relaxed and let the trip do its thing, it will be so much more enjoyable.
[Feb 5,2007 12:46pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Fun times! Many good quotes come from being under the influence.
[Feb 5,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha you're right, thats one thing i've noticed. the quotes are always so much funnier, even after the trip is done.
[Feb 5,2007 12:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i enjoy doing mushrooms outdoors... connecting with nature is incredibly awesome when tripping your sack off.
[Feb 5,2007 1:04pm - RichHorror ""]
'This is how Aerosmith got popular.'

'That song you played. The one with the slow part. It was good.'
[Feb 5,2007 4:08pm - niflheim ""]
Mushrooms help introduce you to yourself. A completely alien and even spiritual experience at higher consumption levels. Everyone should take the plunge at least once.
[Feb 5,2007 4:16pm - Lamp ""]
Yeti said:yeah mushrooms take a strong stability in all aspects. you have to be in the right environment and with the right people, but above all, you have to accept the fact that whatever your body does, its why you took them. the first 20-30 minutes are the hardest to get through, the anxiety can be overwhelming. but if you just stay relaxed and let the trip do its thing, it will be so much more enjoyable.

Actually, it worked a different way for me. I actually knew and liked both the people I did it with, and the first two and a half hours or so were the best part. We went to a park and basically just walked around and sat down for a while. I remember I had my Game Boy with me playing Yoshi's Island and at some point in the midst of us doing nothing, I said "Yep, I'm on drugs."(so there's my funny quote). It started to go downhill around when I got home. Obviously my sister noticed we were fucked up. I still don't know how the other kid convinced me to let him drive, but he pulled it off quite well. I guess it's not so easy to reason with people inviting other people over you don't know and taking beers out in broad daylight on a somewhat busy road when you're tripping balls.
[Feb 5,2007 4:17pm - Niccolai ""]
[Feb 5,2007 4:27pm - Lamp ""]
Hey, don't look at me, I'm a drug free individual these days.
[Feb 6,2007 1:09pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Last time I did shrooms, I saw green. It was like I had green shades on. Pretty fuckin fun.
[Feb 6,2007 1:13pm - W3 nli  ""]
hold on......i like this part of the song.
[Feb 6,2007 2:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
Basically, it turned me into a monster of a man, who says what's on his mind and does what needs to be done...in a nut shell I told Burn in Silence to "Go Home". I'm hoping there are some sweet pictures of me lounging on the ground in an 80's cock rock pose with a bag of cool ranch doritos, spilling my beer on my pants.
[Feb 6,2007 2:09pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jun 1,2011 6:24pm - joeyumbrella ""]
Mushroom tea trip the other night. That was amazing.
[Jun 1,2011 8:24pm - Lamp ""]
I've been wanting to erase that above experience with a new one for quite a while now...
[Jun 1,2011 11:04pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Kevorkians Angels played Jerry's Kids Is This My World at one of Rich Horrors halloween shows. We did ok at the show, but the night before we took mushrooms and practiced the album one last time. Holy SHIT were we tight and FAST, of course, i didn't record it.

One time I tripped balls all night and when home to my parents (where I lived), I think I was 19 or 20. I recorded my self playing the most bad ass song ever, only to find out the next day when I listened to it, I was tuning my acoustic for over an HOUR.

I heard Pink Floyd UMMAGUMMA for the first time tripping
I watched Alex Smith from Nightstick dress like Hank Williams and sing Hank tunes all night
I watched Pink Flamingos and Clockwork Orange while tripping


[Jun 2,2011 10:43am - Yeti ""]
i need a good brain defrag, i haven't done them in a long time.
[Jun 2,2011 11:04am - BlackoutRick ""]
Took em over the weekend. They were frozen for a year in my buddy's freezer. They were weak but they were fun.
[Jun 2,2011 11:22am - Mutis ""]
I could make a stir fry with just shiitakes and I would love it.
[Jun 2,2011 12:05pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:i need a good brain defrag, i haven't done them in a long time.

i think YOU need to explore the logos with me. lets set a date, hmmmm?
[Mar 19,2012 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
my girl and i did mushrooms on Saturday night, i don't know what was so different about these but i only ate 2 grams and tripped harder than i've ever tripped before. it was completely insane. at first we were sitting watching the Simpsons and laughing, but then it got really dark and introverted. i spent the next 6 hours in my room incapacitated, my brain is still shellshocked.
[Mar 19,2012 12:55pm - AndrewBastard ""]
that totally happens sometimes...

I only eat a gram or 2 these days to keep from a freak out session.
[Mar 19,2012 12:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 19,2012 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
full body combined with intense visual/auditory visuals and hallucinations. though it was indoors, so it felt confined. definitely need to do a ritual about it next time.
[Mar 19,2012 1:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 19,2012 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
just let me know Jim, my contact is reliable.
[Mar 19,2012 1:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 19,2012 1:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm down for some summer tripping this year.
[Mar 19,2012 2:12pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Mar 19,2012 2:15pm - BlackoutRick ""]

Yeti said:my girl and i did mushrooms on Saturday night, i don't know what was so different about these but i only ate 2 grams and tripped harder than i've ever tripped before. it was completely insane. at first we were sitting watching the Simpsons and laughing, but then it got really dark and introverted. i spent the next 6 hours in my room incapacitated, my brain is still shellshocked.

So porking was out of the question? It happens, bro. :spineyes:
[Mar 19,2012 2:16pm - trioxin_245 ""]
It's funny that this thread shows up today, because I ate like 8 grams last night for the first time in like 5 years. Was grand as usual.
[Mar 19,2012 3:15pm - Yeti ""]

BlackoutRick said:
Yeti said:my girl and i did mushrooms on Saturday night, i don't know what was so different about these but i only ate 2 grams and tripped harder than i've ever tripped before. it was completely insane. at first we were sitting watching the Simpsons and laughing, but then it got really dark and introverted. i spent the next 6 hours in my room incapacitated, my brain is still shellshocked.

So porking was out of the question? It happens, bro. :spineyes:

i could never even fathom fucking while on mushrooms. it's hard enough to keep myself sane never mind anything else.
[Mar 19,2012 3:19pm - arktouros ""]
Yeah I guess people fuck while tripping,I don't know how, the dissassociation would just make my head explode (lol)
[Mar 19,2012 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
SACO 2011 would like to speak with you in the other room plz.
[Mar 19,2012 3:31pm - trioxin_245 ""]
fucking while tripping is the weirdest but awesomeest thing evar.
[Mar 19,2012 4:16pm - BlackoutRick ""]
It's pretty tough to fuck without laughin your ass off so it's almost impossible.
[Mar 19,2012 5:43pm - trioxin_245 ""]

BlackoutRick said:It's pretty tough to fuck without laughin your ass off so it's almost impossible.

you've obviously never seen my dick
[Mar 20,2012 6:42am - quintessence.nli  ""]
Easier to control than acid. just as unpredictable. Doesn't last such a long time and I can actually go to sleep on them if I want. Worst time i ever had was taking as the sun went down during the winter and having the trip turn dark with a buddy of mine. Thought aliens were after us, drove about 90 down the road for 20 miles got home and hid in my room with music for the remainder of the trip.

Good times. there have been lots. Just care free and happy stuff. Introspective hikes outdoors. ect. Mushrooms are fun for me in the winter outdoors in the evening for some reasons to me. The snow turns into this weird pinkish wavey sea of weirdness.
[Mar 20,2012 6:50am - arilliusbm ""]
Agreed on pink snow wavey sea.
[Mar 20,2012 11:07am - AndrewBastard ""]
there was a period of time my freshman year in college where a buddy of mine ate 1/8 - 1/4 at least twice a week for a long time (he was selling them)...

had 90% awesome experiences 10% bad trips probably.

Fav. trip i remember clearly was out on a nature-y walk in Newport, RI (home town), among rich, colorful flower gardens, woods, beach, into the ocean for a bit (out in the Castle Hill area for those in the know)...started coming down right as the sun was going down so it was perfect.

One time we were on a golf course in North Providence and definitely both geeked out on this thing we were convinced was a dead body...

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