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3/3 - Stations [PA], Permanent Trip [NY], Concrete Facelift, It Will End In Pure Horror, Praxis @ Mass Art

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Feb 4,2007 2:57pm - RichHorror ""]
March 3

Stations [PA]
Permanent Trip [NY]
Concrete Facelift
It Will End In Pure Horror
@ Mass Art - 621 Huntington Ave - Boston
8 pm - $8
[Feb 4,2007 5:33pm - Lamp ""]
I went to a matinee show at AS220 back in May or something like that where Concrete Facelift was supposed to play. The kid booked too many bands(and ended up starting it half an hour late too) so Concrete Facelift never got to play and the band before them had the plug pulled on them during their set. Upon receiving this news, one of the Concrete Facelift guys was pissed off and starts running outside knocking over signs and tables. Derek from Third Death sees this and says "Hey, you have a right to be pissed, but don't ruin our scene." to which the guy replies "We drove down here from Worcester, you're ruining our scene!" and then storms off. Seeing as I've never heard their music, that's the only impression I have of this band.

Regardless, cool show.
[Feb 4,2007 8:14pm - anonymous  ""]
isn't Praxis the band with Buckethead, Brain from Primus, Bernie Worrell and Bill Laswell?
[Feb 5,2007 1:00am - RichHorror ""]
Not this one. You are correct, though.
[Feb 5,2007 1:22am - Lamp ""]
Does this Bernie Worrell have anything to do with Colonel Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains?
[Feb 5,2007 8:40am - RichHorror ""]
I think so.
[Feb 14,2007 1:37pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 14,2007 3:09pm - Lamp ""]
Room capacity is 70 people?
[Feb 14,2007 3:11pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 19,2007 12:09am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah eat eat dude.
[Feb 19,2007 12:32am - Lamp ""]
I'll do my best to be at this.
[Feb 19,2007 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 23,2007 10:01pm - RichHorror ""]
Raw is the new black.
[Feb 28,2007 1:54pm - RichHorror ""]
As a newly ordained reverend, Jeff Horror will be marrying couples at this show. Whether they like it or not.
[Feb 28,2007 4:46pm - Lamp ""]
How bad is the traffic on I-93 around 6pm on a Saturday?
[Mar 2,2007 10:59pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 3,2007 1:36pm - RichHorror ""]
I've been coughing for three days straight. Should be fun.
[Mar 3,2007 2:54pm - Lamp ""]
Leaving in a couple hours.
[Mar 4,2007 2:02am - RichHorror ""]
I did in fact finally meet the infamous Lamp at this.

Fun show. Jeff married Tyler and Mike outside. It was very moving and gay.
[Mar 4,2007 12:45pm - Lamp ""]
This show ruled. Plenty of moshing and no blatant jackassery. Concrete Facelift's set was absolutely insane.
[Mar 4,2007 1:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Big time fun.
[Mar 4,2007 1:51pm - Lamp ""]
[Mar 4,2007 1:51pm - RichHorror ""]
I love Final Fantasy 3 more than breathing.
[Mar 4,2007 1:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, this show didn't smell anywhere near as bad as I expected it to.
[Mar 4,2007 4:35pm - Lamp ""]
I spent over half an hour walking around Boston looking for this place. >:(
[Mar 4,2007 4:36pm - RichHorror ""]
We're from here and we drove forever looking for it. Due to me being completely blind at night and my drummer being Italian.
[Mar 4,2007 4:37pm - Lamp ""]
Finding a bathroom was sweet relief.
[Mar 4,2007 9:17pm - Dissector ""]
RichHorror said:We're from here and we drove forever looking for it. Due to me being completely blind at night and my drummer being Italian.

Funny story. When you called me and said we had to take a left at the lights because Mass Ave was on the left, I go to Ania and say "I don't even think we passed it yet because I didn't see it shouldn't we just keep driving straight?" And lo and behold, when I was leading the pack I found it, exactly on light after the one which you turned at.
[Mar 4,2007 9:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Making girls touch your cock is a funnier story.
[Mar 4,2007 10:53pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.
I'm gonna have Jeff do my real wedding.
[Mar 4,2007 10:55pm - RichHorror ""]
To a knife?
[Mar 4,2007 11:02pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Obviously to a knife.
[Mar 4,2007 11:07pm - Lamp ""]
The life of the wife is ended by the knife.
[Mar 4,2007 11:08pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Hahahahaha. Stewie.
[Mar 4,2007 11:10pm - RichHorror ""]
I think he's got it.
[Mar 4,2007 11:39pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Listen to Praxis.
[Mar 5,2007 12:19am - Lamp ""]
I thought they were kind of a snooze, really. I think Stations had a different lineup from the last time I saw them, they were a lot tighter. Not to mention this band actually has good and interesting stage banter, not just "thanks for getting us on this show" type bullshit. Their stories in between songs were just as interesting as their music.
[Mar 5,2007 12:21am - RichHorror ""]
Everyone told me Stations was preachy as fuck.
[Mar 5,2007 12:29am - Lamp ""]
They said some stuff in between their songs about the issues and talked about the meanings of their songs, but what's wrong with that? It's better than kissing ass to the promoters and talking about building a positive scene in between every song.
[Mar 5,2007 12:31am - RichHorror ""]
I dunno. I could tell you if I saw it, but I was coughing up a lung in my bedroom by the time they got on. I wanted to stick around for the whole show, but it wasn't happening. The recorded stuff I've heard is rad, though.
[Mar 5,2007 12:37am - Lamp ""]
Yeah, I should have bought a 7" or something, but I just got out of there fast. I was home by 11:30. Speaking of which, I forgot to get a shirt from you guys, but you were nowhere in sight most of the time after your set.
[Mar 5,2007 12:38am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I'm getting the new ones made up. The ones I have left are on the shitty side. Hence me giving them away.
[Mar 5,2007 12:43am - Lamp ""]
Do you have any smalls?
[Mar 5,2007 11:46am - Dissector NLI  ""]
Lamp said:Do you have any smalls?

I think we do.
[Mar 5,2007 3:22pm - Lamp ""]
If you guys are giving them away for free can you send me one in the mail?
[Mar 5,2007 3:41pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll check if I have any smalls today. If I do I'll let you know and you can PM me your addy.
[Mar 5,2007 3:42pm - Lamp ""]
Sounds like a plan.
[Mar 11,2007 5:12am - Lamp ""]

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