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Black Metal Question

[Jan 27,2007 1:05am - Ryan_M ""]
Does anyone know how to pronounce this? I've read some good things about this band, and bought their "Desert Northern Hell" album tonight, but me and my friend were trying to figure out how to pronounce the band name!
[Jan 27,2007 1:09am - Dar ""]

it's meh-tal ar-kives dot com
ok, now that I read the rest of your post, yeah, Tsjuder is pronounced like "shoe-der"
[Jan 27,2007 1:15am - Ryan_M ""]
I actually went to metal-archives before posting this; as you can see, the "Metal Archives Owns You" was supposed to be a picture of the band's logo.
But thanks! Now I don't feel as dumb for buying an album from a band I can't pronounce the name of!
[Jan 27,2007 7:05am - Dar ""]
Yeah I know, I meant it looked kinda like you were asking how to pronounce "metal archives.com owns you"
not the wittiest thing ever, i'm aware :p
[Jan 27,2007 9:31am - Troll ""]
I want to know how to pronounce Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty.

I'm not even sure if its German I'm looking at or Icelandic or Archaic Iceleandic. I think its pronounced Awk Nef-nuh Toosh-va To.
[Jan 27,2007 9:47am - Archaeon ""]
i know in english it means "call tyr twice".
[Jan 27,2007 10:17am - tunafishtouch  ""]
tsjuder = shoe-der
[Jan 27,2007 3:41pm - IntestinalAvenger ""]
One of my favorite albums...
[Jan 28,2007 11:07am - anonymous  ""]
Troll said:I want to know how to pronounce Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty.

I'm not even sure if its German I'm looking at or Icelandic or Archaic Iceleandic. I think its pronounced Awk Nef-nuh Toosh-va To.

it's awk nef-nuh tees-vahr tee
as far as I am concerned.
it would icelandic, as falkenbach has an obsession with icelandic literarture.
[Jan 28,2007 11:42am - Troll ""]
[Jan 28,2007 10:50pm - demondave ""]
funny, I'm getting the "Metal Archives Owns You" as well
[Jan 29,2007 10:34am - Yeti ""]
i believe it is pronounced "syooder". either way though its fucking amazing.
[Jan 29,2007 1:24pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jan 29,2007 2:50pm - Troll ""]
Yeti said:i believe it is pronounced "syooder". either way though its fucking amazing.

Yeti said:i believe it is pronounced "syooder". either way though its fucking amazing.

Sounds right, a "J" in Swedish or Norwegian is usually a "Y" sound.
I'm a sucker for language. Its crazy when you hear how a band like Skit System is really pronouced. " çwheat sis-tEmm" the S "ç" kinda sounds like your clearing your throat. Can't explain it. Its gotta be heard.

Espresso could probably articulate.
Most of the bands that are hard to pronounce come from her neck of the woods, like Thyrfing for example. I would never have know the proper way to say it if it wasn't for having scandinavian friends.

[Jan 29,2007 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i am huge into language as well. i believe that would be called lexicology.
[Jan 29,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

seriously, this album is devastating. the dudes vocals are unreal.
[Jan 29,2007 3:53pm - passerby  ""]
I know a lot about the black metal but don't know what you are talking about
[Jan 29,2007 4:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you nothing about nothing
[Jan 29,2007 4:32pm - Ryan_M ""]
I'm really into early 90's Norwegian Black Metal but I keep wondering what this whole thing is with some guitar player getting stabbed??? Can someone explain this???? Sounds kinda crazy!!!:spineyes:

[Jan 29,2007 4:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think it was kvrt kobain
[Jan 29,2007 6:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have that CD digipak in stock now:


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