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Type O, COF, Poonsmell tonight

[Nov 14,2003 5:25pm - Ninkaszi@work  ""]
Anyone going? I am going mainly to see Type O. I haven't liked anything they have done in ages, but they always entertain me live. It's also fun to yell old Carnivore songs at them. They always get a really good sound as well.

COF is going to suck big time, but I will watch it.

Poonsmell used to be awesome (seven inch, demo, "Under The Moonspell", and most of "Wolfheart"), but they were really gay by the third real album. I will have some fun heckling them.
[Nov 14,2003 5:33pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm going, I'll be passing out Bloodletting flyers too. Never seen Type O, should be a good show.
[Nov 14,2003 6:18pm - phantos ""]
I would go if COF was Council of the Fallen.. but it aint...

good idea though Mike... I think ill listen to some Carnivore now.
[Nov 15,2003 2:02am - BornSoVile ""]
Whoa, wicked big turn out, they opened the balcony.

Moonspell - Eh. Solid set but it's to built for a European crowd. They like hand clapping and fist pumping but the crowd was somewhat stale. A couple kids danced and might have been the worst I have ever seen in my life at a metal show.

Type O Negative - Really impressive. They mixed it up nice between slow and fast songs. Lots of people moving through the whole set and plus it was pretty filled. Black No 1. ruled.

Cradle of Filth - They actually had my attention this time. For one Dani's mic wasn't cranked like last time, so there was hardly any feedback, which was a problem last time. They played a shitty "single" first one of the newer hits, it went over my head, but followed up nicely with The Twisted Nails of Faith, into A Gothic Romance, then Desire in Violent Overture, so they kinda had me cause I like those tunes. They also played Malice Through the Looking Glass, I left during Nocturnal Supremacy. Sarah Jeezebel wore stockings, a garter belt, with black panties on stage :ralphie:

I saw a cool "tussel" outside the Type O Negative bus after the show, two drunk guys, a dude in a Staind shirt kicked another dude square in the face.
[Nov 15,2003 2:05am - MyDeadDoll ""]
BornSoVile said:Sarah Jeezebel wore stockings, a garter belt, with black panties on stage

Isn't she fat?
[Nov 15,2003 2:46am - Terence ""]
big boned.
[Nov 15,2003 3:23am - MyDeadDoll ""]
same thing
[Nov 15,2003 4:02am - Terence ""]
[Nov 15,2003 4:06am - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Nov 15,2003 9:32am - moran ""]
Ninkaszi@work said:

Poonsmell used to be awesome (seven inch, demo, "Under The Moonspell", and most of "Wolfheart"), but they were really gay by the third real album. I will have some fun heckling them.

Liar, Moonspell was never good.

[Nov 15,2003 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
yeah.. I was goingto ask if she was fat.
[Nov 15,2003 4:57pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
haha fat or not, she got me and my friends in free. My friend Chad wrote her for a few years starting in 94, and we knocked on the tour bus. Saved me some money and we got free beer from them after the show. Dani is the biggest dork I've ever met. HUGE EGO! It's also funny how everyone on the tour just shit talks him whenever he leaves the room heh heh. It was fun.

Missed Moonspell, oh well I've seen them twice and it wasn't that good.

Type O ruled, but they should have played just as long as COF.

COF was ok. Better than last time, and the time before that.

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