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download the first Ewigkeit album online, for free!

[Jan 15,2007 6:49pm - hunterhunter ""]
check out the first Ewigkeit (james fogarty, meads of asphodel) album "battle furies"
go to http://www.deathtomusic.com and go to their logo, the songs will appear on the left hand side
if you are into summoning, meads of asphodel, etc, you should enjoy this
I like the song dragons burning:NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS:
[Jan 15,2007 10:40pm - hunterhunter ""]
bump fukkkkers
[Jan 16,2007 12:29am - davefromthegrave ""]
I think that you made up the band name by just picking random letters
[Jan 16,2007 6:14pm - hunterhunter ""]
i am not sure how to pronounce it still, but i think it is awesome

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