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Pan's Labyrinth

[Jan 15,2007 10:37am - Yeti ""]
anyone see this yet? i saw it last night and it was fucking wild. i thought it was going to be the new Labyrinth/Willow/The Neverending Story, but man was i wrong. this was fucking graphically violent. it did have alot of fantasy monster stuff, but these monsters were fucked up. the only complaint i have is i thought the end wasnt executed well, i mean it wasnt bad but it could have had a better ending. probably the most depressing movie i've ever seen, i wanted to hang myself at the end. the effects were jaw-dropping, the violence was full on, none of this off screen bullshit. there was alot of war style violence amidst the fantasy creature stuff, i recommend this. its spanish with english subtitles. i give it an 8.5 because the ending was a little weak. but up until the ending, the movie is fucking spectacular.
[Jan 15,2007 10:48am - Yeti ""]

this dude is fucking crazy. when i first saw photos of it, i figured it was going to be some all knowing guru who helps the main character out, but man i was way off.
[Jan 15,2007 11:36am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
saw it friday. really liked it.
[Jan 15,2007 12:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i heard about this and definitely need to see it ASAP
[Jan 15,2007 12:18pm - xmikex ""]
This movie blew me away. Visually stunning with a great story to follow it. Yeah, it did need more monsters, and more on the mystical side. To do that though you'd have to either cut out big portions of the war plot (which I wouldn't do since it was written so well, and yet so concise) or extend the movie another hour which I honestly wouldn't have minded. I didn't hate the ending, it was creative but maybe a little rushed. I think it's going to frustrate a lot of people because it's very open ended in the sense that it will make a lot of people ask "well was it real? or was it all her imagination?"

That monster with the eye-hands had guru written all over it when I first saw a screen shot of it. Ususally something like that which draws so much attention to the eyes has some sort of "all-seeing" connotation to it. But a slumbering baby eating monster..... no way do I ever argue with that. The visuals in that scene were out of fucking control.
[Jan 15,2007 12:29pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
wait is this another re-make?
fuck the movie industry. it's gayer than the pathetic music industry right now. seriously, if my job was to record cover bands... i would kill myself.
[Jan 15,2007 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
xmikex said:This movie blew me away. Visually stunning with a great story to follow it. Yeah, it did need more monsters, and more on the mystical side. To do that though you'd have to either cut out big portions of the war plot (which I wouldn't do since it was written so well, and yet so concise) or extend the movie another hour which I honestly wouldn't have minded. I didn't hate the ending, it was creative but maybe a little rushed. I think it's going to frustrate a lot of people because it's very open ended in the sense that it will make a lot of people ask "well was it real? or was it all her imagination?"

That monster with the eye-hands had guru written all over it when I first saw a screen shot of it. Ususally something like that which draws so much attention to the eyes has some sort of "all-seeing" connotation to it. But a slumbering baby eating monster..... no way do I ever argue with that. The visuals in that scene were out of fucking control.

the toad was the loudest thing i think i've ever heard. yeah the war scenes were incredible, the gunfights were so intense.

[Jan 15,2007 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
and no i dont believe its a remake. if you are thinking its a remake of Labyrinth, it isnt.
[Jan 15,2007 1:04pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Saw this last night, and it is defenitly one of the best movies I've seen in years. Guillmero Del Toro had directed another one of my favorite movies. If you haven't seen his 2001 horror/ghost story "The Devil's Backbone" I'd reccomend checking it out.

If the Oscars don't give this best Foreign film, then I have no faith in the voting. Defenitly seeing this again in theaters, no doubt about it.
[Jan 15,2007 1:08pm - VoidExpression ""]
Great stuff! The end did feel a little rushed and I also think the movie could have been at least a half hour longer, but I think Del Toro was just trying to keep it at two hours. However, I thought the ambiguity of the ending was pulled off very well, if nothing else. I loved Blade 2 and Hellboy, but it's nice to see him returning to darker pastures.

Also one of the most intense films I've seen in a while. You could sense the whole theater squirming in their seats for pretty much the whole thing, and everyone just kind of sat there for a few seconds when the lights came on to catch their breath.
[Jan 15,2007 1:09pm - pam ""]
I guess I know what I'm doing tonight.
[Jan 15,2007 1:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
is this shit on TV or do i gotta go rent it?
[Jan 15,2007 1:11pm - pam ""]
[Jan 15,2007 1:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 15,2007 1:13pm - MadOakDevin ""]
Yeti said:and no i dont believe its a remake. if you are thinking its a remake of Labyrinth, it isnt.

alright cool.
[Jan 15,2007 1:22pm - deadlikedavesucks  ""]
im going to see this tonight i cant fuckin wait
[Jan 15,2007 1:57pm - pam ""]
this is only playing in select theaters, what the fuck.
[Jan 15,2007 5:06pm - Dankill  ""]
It is technically a continuation of The Devil's Backbone because it takes place in 1944 in Facist Spain, whereas DB takes place during the Spainish Civil War.

Hands down, this movie was amazing.
I saw it saturday night (Framingham 16 is showing it) and I was blown away. The story was great, the scenes of action with the girl and the war was great. The violence was def more then a lot of the people watching expected, judging by some crowd reactions.
I liked the ending, but at the same time, you are left with the nagging question of: was it real or in her mind? Del Toro does what I think is a great job of leaving it up to the viewer because if you really think of it, you could argue for either one and they'd both make sense without changing the end of the movie or the story.

The effects and creatures were so damn good. I had heard that the eyeless creature was going to be a threat to the princess, but I thought, like everyone else, it was going to be maybe a tempter or sly creature.
WRONG! That thing was creepy to a degree that it felt like a nightmare you'd have as a child and was so much better then I expected.
It's an adult fairy tale that really seems to look at the innocence of children in a world that seems to do it's best to destroy that.
These days, I think it's a VERY smart and relavent movie.

See this movie or you suck at life.
[Jan 15,2007 5:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Dankill said:See this movie or you suck at life.

This coming from a hairdresser.
[Jan 15,2007 5:24pm - sinistas ""]
I already hate this movie because of people reposting some lameass t-shirt contest on myspace.
[Jan 15,2007 5:25pm - Dankill  ""]
Fuck you, Rich.
It's "barber"
[Jan 15,2007 5:26pm - RichHorror ""]
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Abigail Mae.
[Jan 15,2007 5:33pm - Troll ""]
Pan's Labyrinth eh? I haven't had Cable for about 5 months. This was in the theatre?
It's got a good title.
[Jan 15,2007 5:47pm - Dankill  ""]
Ima go over your head with a straight razor nice and proper, yaheah?
[Jan 15,2007 6:10pm - pam ""]
It's in the theater NOW. Just not any theater close to me.
[Jan 15,2007 7:34pm - Phillip nli  ""]
heard about this just a few days ago
looks amazing
[Jan 15,2007 8:13pm - xmikex ""]
Yeti said:and no i dont believe its a remake. if you are thinking its a remake of Labyrinth, it isnt.

Yeah I think the whole film industry got together and agreed nobody needed to see David Bowie's bulge digitally remade
[Jan 15,2007 8:21pm - DUG_nli  ""]
absolutely fantastic flick. saw it friday in danvers. beautifully made. the pale man was fucking nuts. the best part though was the captain bashing the farmer's face in with the bottle, cronenberg style.
[Jan 18,2007 12:52am - KeithMutiny ""]
I just got back from seeing it in Framingham.

I have to say, the most well written, directed and produced film i have seen in years, or that i can truely recall.

The effects were awsome, the art was beautiful, the soundtrack was perfectly fitting. It had that traditional flair of a spanish fairy tale, very morbid, yet entertaining in a different sence.

I was very impressed, VERY impressed, for once i walked out of the theater with not a single negative comment about what i had just seen.

if you have the chance, and you have even a drop of artistic taste in your blood, you must see this film.
[Jan 18,2007 7:44am - deadlikedave ""]
saw it this weekend it really was great. I watched a 15 minute behind the scenes thing about it on HBO and in the battle scenes the people playing the soldiers didnt want anything coming out of the guns, not even sparks or shit like that, so all the gunshots and visual of people getting shot are all special effects. I wanna go see it again
[Jan 18,2007 7:49am - the_reverend ""]
I just saw a commercial. looks like the dreamscapes from the cell. ill get carina to go see it.
[Jan 18,2007 8:24am - succubus ""]
*smacks aaron's butt. We saw the commercial last night and I said..."hey's thats the movie people on rttp posted about" (yes i said that) and i was saying ..wow looks cool. Then I said it's probably no where near portsmouth...Sometime's I feel like I'm talking to myself.
[Jan 18,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i saw this again, its 10x better the second time.
[Jan 18,2007 12:58pm - ariavette ""]
going saturday. can't wait
[Jan 18,2007 1:22pm - aaron_michael ""]
anyone not want to see it in theaters?

[Jan 18,2007 1:24pm - Yeti ""]
you have to see it in the theater. the sound is part of the whole experience.
[Jan 18,2007 1:42pm - aaron_michael ""]
yeah, I'm not going to watch it on my computer until I see it on saturday
[Jan 18,2007 2:01pm - xmikex ""]
somebody say they didn't like this movie so I can hand them a dunce cap.
[Jan 18,2007 2:07pm - hybrid ""]
anyone in the portsmouth/seacoast area know if this is playing in that area?
[Jan 18,2007 2:22pm - aaron_michael ""]
hybrid said:anyone in the portsmouth/seacoast area know if this is playing in that area?

not at all. I'm going to Boston to see it.
[Jan 18,2007 2:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I just downloaded it.
[Jan 18,2007 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 18,2007 7:53pm - niflheim ""]
This movie sucked; not nearly as surreal as it was hyped up to be. I saw this last weekend and people were walking out of the theater midway through the film. I'm sure David Lynch's Inland Empire, and Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy will make up for its failure
[Jan 18,2007 8:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I have hated all lynch's work thus far.
[Jan 18,2007 8:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
niflheim said:This movie sucked; not nearly as surreal as it was hyped up to be. I saw this last weekend and people were walking out of the theater midway through the film. I'm sure David Lynch's Inland Empire, and Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy will make up for its failure

thats too bad, go america!
[Jan 18,2007 8:45pm - niflheim ""]
Mulholland Dr. is the only Lynch film to disappointment me. Erasrerhead, Lost Highway, and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, were excellent at creating a dark mood, with dry humor and an ability to present normalcy in the absurd.
[Jan 18,2007 8:56pm - niflheim ""]
KeithMutiny said:niflheim said:This movie sucked; not nearly as surreal as it was hyped up to be. I saw this last weekend and people were walking out of the theater midway through the film. I'm sure David Lynch's Inland Empire, and Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy will make up for its failure

thats too bad, go america!

Americans would probably love this film since it gives you little to think about, and simply bores you to death. It just reeks of banality. Far more artistically creative films have been made; representing a childs escapist fantasies from a harsh or mundane existence, such as Neco Z Alenky. If I want a movie with a conflict/political edge, Children of Men is a much better choice than this overrated nonsense.
[Jan 18,2007 8:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Judo fight right now.
[Jan 18,2007 9:08pm - succubus ""]
the title also should be Labyrinthe of the Faun
not Pan
Laberinto del Fauno
unless there is a a connection with the mythical figure Pan, i haven't seen the movie but read up on it...and i think it's a bad translation/marketing thing
[Jan 18,2007 9:16pm - VoidExpression ""]
niflheim said:This movie sucked; not nearly as surreal as it was hyped up to be. I saw this last weekend and people were walking out of the theater midway through the film. I'm sure David Lynch's Inland Empire, and Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy will make up for its failure

I can't wait to catch Lunacy, though I doubt how a Poe adaptation is going to come across. Otesanek and his Faust were interesting, but I'm having a hard time tracking down anything older. Not having seen it yet, I have mixed emotions about Inland Empire as friends with similar tastes have given me conflicting reviews. I missed it at the Brattle so I'll have to wait for a while now, but I just wished Lynch would get over his Laura Dern fascination, it's so fucking frustrating (speaking of which, Wild at Heart is playing at the Coolidge this weekend).

Anyone expecting a surreal Del Toro has only themselves to blame. This movie is what he does best: dark, little kids, civil war Spain, and fantasy. It worked in Devils Backbone and it works here. There are a few minor flaws, but all in all it's very enjoyable!
[Jan 18,2007 9:21pm - KeithMutiny ""]
niflheim said:KeithMutiny said:niflheim said:This movie sucked; not nearly as surreal as it was hyped up to be. I saw this last weekend and people were walking out of the theater midway through the film. I'm sure David Lynch's Inland Empire, and Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy will make up for its failure

thats too bad, go america!

Americans would probably love this film since it gives you little to think about, and simply bores you to death. It just reeks of banality. Far more artistically creative films have been made; representing a childs escapist fantasies from a harsh or mundane existence, such as Neco Z Alenky. If I want a movie with a conflict/political edge, Children of Men is a much better choice than this overrated nonsense.

im actually checking out Children of Men this weekend.

and i wouldnt say the story line was particularly the draw, in this case.

[Jan 19,2007 12:50pm - niflheim ""]
VoidExpression said:niflheim said:This movie sucked; not nearly as surreal as it was hyped up to be. I saw this last weekend and people were walking out of the theater midway through the film. I'm sure David Lynch's Inland Empire, and Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy will make up for its failure

I can't wait to catch Lunacy, though I doubt how a Poe adaptation is going to come across. Otesanek and his Faust were interesting, but I'm having a hard time tracking down anything older. Not having seen it yet, I have mixed emotions about Inland Empire as friends with similar tastes have given me conflicting reviews. I missed it at the Brattle so I'll have to wait for a while now, but I just wished Lynch would get over his Laura Dern fascination, it's so fucking frustrating (speaking of which, Wild at Heart is playing at the Coolidge this weekend).

Anyone expecting a surreal Del Toro has only themselves to blame. This movie is what he does best: dark, little kids, civil war Spain, and fantasy. It worked in Devils Backbone and it works here. There are a few minor flaws, but all in all it's very enjoyable!

Newbury Comics usually carries Alice. The only Svankmajer film that seems difficult to find is Conspirators of Pleasure. Two separate DVD's were released as a collection of his short films, which unfortunately, are not complete works. I am kind of disappointed I missed out on Inland Empire at the Brattle. I read about it in the Phoenix, but it mentioned nothing about the appearance he was making at the theater; too bad. I just hope it makes up for Mulholland Dr which seemed almost like Lynch running out of good ideas. Speaking of the Phoenix, I read the review it gave Pan's Labyrinth and it mentioned that it was a pretty surreal and complex film. My only apprehension towards it was the fact that Del Toro was the guy who directed Hellboy, which I wasn't really into. The scene with the creature sitting idly, awaiting its victims to disturb it from its dormancy, was the only part I enjoyed. Unfortunately the rest of the film just didn't hold my interest.
[Jan 19,2007 1:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i want soooo bad to make fun of you, but for once, theres an opinionated poster thats actually educated and backs up his responces. For that matter, i do belive i will even take your reviews as a reason to see some of these other movies.
[Jan 19,2007 5:54pm - infect ""]
crossover appeal?
[Jan 19,2007 6:12pm - the_reverend ""]
LOST HIGHWAY IS ONE OF THE WORST MOVIES EVER. I weep for film that was wasted on that shit.
[Jan 20,2007 3:54pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm up for trying any different kinds of cinema, but you really can't compare Pan's Labyrinth to David Lynch movies.
Someone must have misinformed you about this movie because it wasn't meant to be surreal and strange on that kind of level.
It's just two completely different kinds of movies.
[Jan 20,2007 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
it's like comparing the santa clause 3 and rudolph the red nose reighndeer.
[Jan 20,2007 11:10pm - Dankill  ""]
Nice analogy, Rev
[Jan 20,2007 11:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I pride myself on the ability to draw comparisons between rudolph and just about anything.
[May 19,2007 6:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just watched it. very powerful.
[May 19,2007 6:45pm - pam ""]
I can't wait for the DVD.
[May 19,2007 6:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pam said:I can't wait for the DVD.

you dont have to... it came out on tuesday.
[May 19,2007 6:50pm - pam ""]
Well...shows how much I pay attention. I gotta go add it to my Blockbuster queue.

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