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R.I.P. Lilly Munster

[Jan 10,2007 4:53pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Not HorseFace. The real Lilly Munster.
[Jan 10,2007 5:00pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Lilly Munster is actually more attractive than cunt horseface.
Bummer on her death. Why couldn't it have been blackmetallady in the Obits.
[Jan 10,2007 5:06pm - pam ""]
too bad.
[Jan 10,2007 5:25pm - Dissector ""]
Weiiird. I was just talking about The Munsters and Adam's Family today.
[Jan 10,2007 5:27pm - pam ""]
Dissector said:Weiiird. I was just talking about The Munsters and Adam's Family today.

Way to go, you killed her with your powers of masturbation.
[Jan 10,2007 5:28pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
you put her name into google images and the first hit is a nice tit shot of her from probably 1940 or so.
[Jan 10,2007 5:30pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
oh what the hell, i'll save you all the trouble

[Jan 10,2007 5:35pm - pam ""]
Wow. Go Lilly.
[Jan 10,2007 5:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jan 10,2007 11:07pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
Josh_Martin said:http://theedge.bostonherald.com/tvNews/view.bg?articleid=176386

Not HorseFace. The real Lilly Munster.

Why is my name in all of Josh's threads? Josh, maybe you think there is something special about you on RTTP because you're in Anal Cunt... blah. Has anyone on this board ever disagreed with Josh about anything (not me, any topic). You people need to grow some balls.
[Jan 10,2007 11:21pm - davefromthegrave ""]
your name is horseface?
[Jan 10,2007 11:30pm - yummy ""]
I disagree with everybody
[Jan 10,2007 11:32pm - iren_the_viking ""]
she had a sweet rack
[Jan 10,2007 11:32pm - RichHorror ""]
This thread offends my offensitivity.
[Jan 10,2007 11:36pm - yummy ""]
I do agree, sweet rack
[Jan 11,2007 8:41am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
BlackMetalLady said:Josh_Martin said:http://theedge.bostonherald.com/tvNews/view.bg?articleid=176386

Not HorseFace. The real Lilly Munster.

Why is my name in all of Josh's threads? Josh, maybe you think there is something special about you on RTTP because you're in Anal Cunt... blah. Has anyone on this board ever disagreed with Josh about anything (not me, any topic). You people need to grow some balls.

I personally am not into anal cunt, but it still does not change the fact that you are busted and are a douchebag.

[Jan 11,2007 8:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
Ha, I've got that stupid cunt trained to answer to HorseFace now.
[Jan 11,2007 10:38am - BlackMetalLady ""]
Josh_Martin said:Ha, I've got that stupid cunt trained to answer to HorseFace now.

I bet if I said Mr. Anal Cocksucker you would turn around. Faggot.
[Jan 11,2007 10:42am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
BlackMetalLady said:Josh_Martin said:Ha, I've got that stupid cunt trained to answer to HorseFace now.

I bet if I said Mr. Anal Cocksucker you would turn around. Faggot.

ooohhhh, you are so witty.

[Jan 11,2007 12:59pm - ariavette ""]
i really dont understand why she keeps coming around..
she claims she is the awesome promoter who books all these awesome bands...
yet she is in here making everyone fucking hate her... not that it's real hard to do...
how is that gonna get you good shows with a large gathering?
it's not...
not to mention the fact that she is one of the ugliest bitches i have ever seen...
horse face should be considered a compliment you stupid douche...
for you are far worse...
[Jan 11,2007 1:01pm - ariavette ""]
and shortly i'm assuming.. her rebuttal will read something like this

" i rock.. i get awesome bands like slayer and blah blah... you will regret the day you ever crossed me "

dun dun dun
[Jan 11,2007 1:02pm - pam ""]
I got into a full blown e-brawl with Josh over KISS. Hating you has mended our fences.

Thanks for quoting her Captain, I hope you stub your toe today.
[Jan 11,2007 1:05pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
You def are a chick. There's like 5 people on here that don't like me... 20 if you count the same people with different screennames. If people wouldn't mention me then I wouldn't come back. Talk to Josh. Bottom line... I never have a problem with peeps at my shows. Maybe one or two have gone sour, but usually they are packed. So eat that you little bitch.
[Jan 11,2007 1:06pm - pam ""]
I can't hear youuuuu, caaaan't hear youuuuu hahahahaha
[Jan 11,2007 1:07pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
You always read my comments, Pam. You're so lame.
[Jan 11,2007 1:22pm - ariavette ""]
BlackMetalLady said:You def are a chick. There's like 5 people on here that don't like me... 20 if you count the same people with different screennames. If people wouldn't mention me then I wouldn't come back. Talk to Josh. Bottom line... I never have a problem with peeps at my shows. Maybe one or two have gone sour, but usually they are packed. So eat that you little bitch.

yeah i'm a chick.. and ..umm i hate to tell ya.. but nothing you could possibly EVER say would offend me after seeing your picture...
haha... in fact it's pretty funny you would even try...
and umm 5 are you sure it's not .... everyone...
[Jan 11,2007 1:24pm - ariavette ""]
sorry pam.. had to do it
[Jan 11,2007 1:27pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
ariavette said:BlackMetalLady said:You def are a chick. There's like 5 people on here that don't like me... 20 if you count the same people with different screennames. If people wouldn't mention me then I wouldn't come back. Talk to Josh. Bottom line... I never have a problem with peeps at my shows. Maybe one or two have gone sour, but usually they are packed. So eat that you little bitch.

yeah i'm a chick.. and ..umm i hate to tell ya.. but nothing you could possibly EVER say would offend me after seeing your picture...
haha... in fact it's pretty funny you would even try...
and umm 5 are you sure it's not .... everyone...

How old are you?
[Jan 11,2007 1:32pm - ariavette ""]
[Jan 11,2007 1:36pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
I can tell. Well, I'm guessing you're in your early 20's. This is me when I was 23. I was a model. Listen little wanna be vally girl... when you're almost 40 then we compare pictures. Until then just your mouth... I don't argue with babies. I know I'm hot.

[Jan 11,2007 1:50pm - ariavette ""]
looks like your arguing to me...
this is the last thing i'm saying to you b/c you are a fucking waste of life.. and waste of my time... i am FAR from a valley girl you nasty fucking cunt... and i can promise you that when i'm 40 i wont be attempting to regain my youth by pretending to be this kickass metal promoter ..
and if i look like you when i'm 40 ..i will be killing myself.. .maybe you should do the same... there is no amount of time that could transform a " model".. into the hideous douchebag creature you have become ...you were never hot.. you NEVER will be.. denial is the only thing that helps you sleep at night...
[Jan 11,2007 1:52pm - BlackMetalLady ""]

Me now... I'm hot and you know it. The Rev had a bad pic of me... oohhh, so I don't take the best pics all the time. Big deal. And Josh, you really need to stop this little crush you have on me.
[Jan 11,2007 1:57pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
being jealous is so bad. I hope hope your self esteem improves. Look at my Myspace profile... I've acomplished so much I could retire now. Promoting is just fun for me now at this point in my life. You might want to work on your potty mouth... it's not attractive at all.
[Jan 11,2007 1:58pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
BlackMetalLady said:I can tell. Well, I'm guessing you're in your early 20's. This is me when I was 23. I was a model. Listen little wanna be vally girl... when you're almost 40 then we compare pictures. Until then just your mouth... I don't argue with babies. I know I'm hot.


HAHA!! Holy shit you are the biggest attention whore. Face it, you are bunk now, and bunk back then. Even the airbrushing could not save you in this hideous pic.

[Jan 11,2007 1:59pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
no airbrushing, baby
[Jan 11,2007 2:01pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
She has a potty mouth? You go around calling people Anal Cocksucker. Hypocritical attention whore.
[Jan 11,2007 2:03pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
BlackMetalLady said:no airbrushing, baby

Still hideous. You are a living monstrosity. Not only are you ugly outside, but your personality is fucking disgusting as well.

(Hey, there was a DEATH reference there)
[Jan 11,2007 2:04pm - Dissector ""]
BlackMetalLady said:I can tell. Well, I'm guessing you're in your early 20's. This is me when I was 23. I was a model. Listen little wanna be vally girl... when you're almost 40 then we compare pictures. Until then just your mouth... I don't argue with babies. I know I'm hot.


That's a huge nose.
[Jan 11,2007 2:04pm - Dissector ""]
BlackMetalLady said:[img]

Me now... I'm hot and you know it. The Rev had a bad pic of me... oohhh, so I don't take the best pics all the time. Big deal. And Josh, you really need to stop this little crush you have on me.

Holy shit! Your nose got even bigger!
[Jan 11,2007 2:05pm - mOe @ work  ""]
Josh and I would get into many an argument when i first started posting here, but I just dont pay much attention to him that much anymore and i'm sure he's doing the same
[Jan 11,2007 2:10pm - Dissector ""]
I can't believer we're disgracing The Munsters by paying attention to blackmetallady in this thread. Let's please just ignore her and return the topic to Lilly Munster.

Remember how hot Marilyn Munster was?
[Jan 11,2007 2:46pm - xanonymousx ""]
with the amount of Munster re-runs that is on T.V. now adays it is kinda hard to remember that the munster's were actually on for only two seasons.....

Marilyn was the only normal Munster right?
[Jan 11,2007 2:56pm - hungtableed  ""]
BlackMetalLady said: Has anyone on this board ever disagreed with Josh about anything (not me, any topic). You people need to grow some balls.

I have certainly partaken in my fair share of disagreements with Josh on politics, even to the point in which we both began just hurling off-topic insults at each other. If you think everyone sucks his dick because he is in Anal Cunt, you are more wrong than two boys fucking.
[Jan 11,2007 3:01pm - Troll ""]
Strange...I was just at a car show in Boston this weekend and Eddy Munster (don't remember his real name) was there doing autographs and such. He was a bit overweight and looked miserable, like washed up and forgotten miserable.
[Jan 11,2007 3:09pm - mOe @ work  ""]
honestly, i could really give a shit about blackmetallady
like...if everyone just did what i did i.e. payed NO attention to her, this wouldnt even be a problem and she wouldnt be "ruining" the board with her.."horseness(?)"
any fool could see that she likes the attention, so why give her any
[Jan 11,2007 3:18pm - Lamp ""]
See, I used the ignore button on her. A few other people have used the ignore button on her. Some people just don't fucking getting it.

At this point, if drama starts in the thread between cuntface and someone else, it's their fault for not using the ignore button as far as I'm concerned. I think I'm going to start ignoring people who quote her posts.
[Jan 11,2007 3:19pm - Troll ""]
mOe @ work said:honestly, i could really give a shit about blackmetallady
like...if everyone just did what i did i.e. payed NO attention to her, this wouldnt even be a problem and she wouldnt be "ruining" the board with her.."horseness(?)"
any fool could see that she likes the attention, so why give her any

thanx, you just did.
Good one.
[Jan 11,2007 3:26pm - ariavette ""]
Lamp said:See, I used the ignore button on her. A few other people have used the ignore button on her. Some people just don't fucking getting it.

At this point, if drama starts in the thread between cuntface and someone else, it's their fault for not using the ignore button as far as I'm concerned. I think I'm going to start ignoring people who quote her posts.

sorry man... done now... :bow:
[Jan 11,2007 3:30pm - mOe @ work  ""]
Troll said:mOe @ work said:honestly, i could really give a shit about blackmetallady
like...if everyone just did what i did i.e. payed NO attention to her, this wouldnt even be a problem and she wouldnt be "ruining" the board with her.."horseness(?)"
any fool could see that she likes the attention, so why give her any

thanx, you just did.
Good one.

umm, no i didnt i simply gave everyone my opinion on the matter since i havent yet...i said nothing derrogatory towards her, actually i said nothing to her at all and i certainly didnt get into sparring matches with her like some posters here do in most threads
[Jan 11,2007 3:31pm - Troll ""]
lets have a love-in.
[Jan 11,2007 3:31pm - ariavette ""]
hey i've sat back in silence and watched her fight with ppl for weeks now.. today was the first day i couldn't bear her arrogance any longer.. i said what i had to say.. .moving on
[Jan 11,2007 3:32pm - Troll ""]
post peace symbol here [ ]
[Jan 11,2007 3:33pm - Troll ""]
[Jan 12,2007 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
everyone should listen to Type O Negative's "Thir13teen" in honor. i know i will.
[Jan 12,2007 7:39pm - espresso ""]
Troll said:mOe @ work said:honestly, i could really give a shit about blackmetallady
like...if everyone just did what i did i.e. payed NO attention to her, this wouldnt even be a problem and she wouldnt be "ruining" the board with her.."horseness(?)"
any fool could see that she likes the attention, so why give her any

thanx, you just did.
Good one.

*laughs her ass off* :swedenflag:
[Jan 13,2007 1:53am - Niccolai ""]

You look like the alien from signs in this picture.
[Jan 13,2007 3:04am - davefromthegrave ""]
that guy on the left looks like he just puked up tomato soup all over his chin, and the dude on the right appears to have a small mammal living on top of his head. Squinty in the middle there needs help standing up cause she's so drunk.
[Jan 13,2007 7:28am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
davefromthegrave said:that guy on the left looks like he just puked up tomato soup all over his chin, and the dude on the right appears to have a small mammal living on top of his head. Squinty in the middle there needs help standing up cause she's so drunk.


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