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Tigger has had it with little shits

[Jan 7,2007 10:40am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Jan 7,2007 10:47am - Lamp ""]
Man, I hope that footage makes it on Youtube, I get the feeling this would make a great animated gif.
[Jan 7,2007 10:48am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Ha, I haven't thought of that. I hope it does too. knowing youtube, it will get on there.
[Jan 7,2007 11:23am - archaeon ""]
Disney World is shitty anyways
[Jan 7,2007 11:52am - powerkok ""]
archaeon said:Disney World is shitty anyways

....no, no it isnt, actually.
Disney World is the Bizz.
[Jan 7,2007 12:27pm - Ryan_M ""]
"In 2004 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Tigger was accused of touching the breast of a 13-year-old girl while she posed with him for a photo. A jury found the man not guilty."

I don't know what's cooler, Tigger hitting a kid or this! Although it must have been disappointing trying to get a good feel on the girl's titty with a big poofy Tigger glove on.

[Jan 7,2007 3:30pm - Dark_violinist ""]
Frivilous lawsuit.

I bet the guy pattet the kid on the head and the parent's mind changed it to a hit. People often see things when they get $$ $$ in their eyes.
[Jan 8,2007 9:17am - Lamp ""]

It's on video here. I thought the victim was a little kid. It's a fucking pussy!
[Jan 8,2007 9:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Jan 8,2007 9:22am - sacreligion ""]
it's so obviously an accident

frivolous is the best word to describe said lawsuit

could you imagine a world without lawyers? *shudders*
[Jan 8,2007 9:22am - powerkok ""]
ya I saw this on Fox news at 10....

Tigger clearly lost his balance...he trips on a curb, and goes to grab the fence...the kids face was in the way.
So unintentional.

Some schmucks will do anything for a buck.
These schmucks are from Greenville NH.......down near the south-central border of Ma. (Keene/Jaffery area)
[Jan 8,2007 9:24am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i bet the kid tried to grab Tiggers ass. I'd knock the motherfucker out too.
[Jan 8,2007 9:27am - powerkok ""]
Lawyers arent worldwide assholes.....American Lawyers are the scummy ones.
I know people in the UK that run a gym, that let 65-70 year olds BARE KNUCKLES FIGHT!!

No waiver or contract was ever printed.

The gym has been open for 16 years, and there's NEVER been a lawsuit.

[Jan 8,2007 9:29am - sacreligion ""]
if you're 65 and bare-knuckle boxing...i think there might be at least a shred of honor in you
[Jan 8,2007 9:30am - powerkok ""]
By the way....this guy, used to be a SuperHW fighter, until he was stomped on the stomach in a fight, causing him to diarrhea in the ring.

He now diarrheas uncontrolably at 38.
[Jan 8,2007 9:31am - powerkok ""]
sacreligion said:if you're 65 and bare-knuckle boxing...i think there might be at least a shred of honor in you

[Jan 8,2007 10:01am - thegreatspaldino ""]
obviously an accident. tigger's hand was clearly open and im sure if he wanted to punch that fag, he would have closed his hand and the kid would have been knocked out.
[Jan 8,2007 10:07am - sacreligion ""]
i bet this case gets settled out of court, unless disney has some nuts about it

if it goes through a trial, i wouldn't be surprised if the faggots still get some fucking cash, even if it is ruled an accident, but they suffered "mental anguish"
[Jan 8,2007 12:43pm - Lamp ""]
I bet this whole thing was the dad's idea too. What a fucking cocksmoker, I bet he and all his buddies get together over the summer and have barbecues where they smoke each others cocks and they chow down on them, fucking cock ass.
[Jan 8,2007 1:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Ryan_M said:"In 2004 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Tigger was accused of touching the breast of a 13-year-old girl while she posed with him for a photo."

Fuck this latest video. I want to see the 13 year old girl one.
[Jan 8,2007 1:28pm - Yeti ""]
if you read the thread title quickly it looks like it says "Tigger has had it with the shits"
[Jan 8,2007 1:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
"In 1998 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Eeyore was accused of luring an 8-year-old girl into a utility closet where she was allegedly fucked to death with a Maglite flashlight. A jury found the man hilarious."
[Jan 8,2007 3:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:"In 1998 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Eeyore was accused of luring an 8-year-old girl into a utility closet where she was allegedly fucked to death with a Maglite flashlight. A jury found the man hilarious."


[Jan 8,2007 5:25pm - xanonymousx ""]
this is everywhere they went on cbs with a lawyer the kid is now on medicine because of his injury tigger had done to the kids neck...

if you watch closely you can see the kid obv was grabbing on to the back of the tiggers neck

[Jan 9,2007 12:38pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This is part of the reason why I hate the fucking media. Why are they covering this garbage?
[Jan 9,2007 12:45pm - Spaldino@werk  ""]
ive fallen on my face harder than he was, been rear ended at like 30, been in a car that rear ended someone at like 30 and all those times, my neck never hurt. this kid got tapped in the face by an open palm that was PADDED and he has to take medicine for it? i call BULLSHIT.
[Jan 9,2007 12:46pm - Spaldino@werk  ""]
harder than he was hit*

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