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MESHUGGAH working on new CD

[Jan 5,2007 9:03am - the_reverend ""]
Their 2005 album, the 47-minute one-song opus Catch Thirtythree, featured programed beats and repetitive rhythms, but Swedish metal mathematicians MESHUGGAH are bringing neither back for the as-yet-untitled follow-up, reports Revolver magazine in their upcoming issue. Instead, the MESHUGGAHnites are returning to the pummeling double-bass drums and angular riffage that defined their early material to sculpt what they say will be their most savage, eclectic offering yet. "We've got some fast, intense songs and hectic, heavy stuff that draws from all the things we've done in the past," says drummer Tomas Haake. "It's so great to actually be playing drums again."

The band members started writing this past August and currently have three tracks completed without vocals and parts in place for 10 more tunes. The goal is to finish by March, in time for a May release. To some extent, the tone of the music was motivated by the four months MESHUGGAH spent last year rerecording guitars for the Halloween rerelease of their 2002 album, Nothing. "It was great to revisit that super-heavy stuff," Haake told Revolver. "While we were doing it, we found new ways of playing guitar that give the music a really scary tone. That's going to make this record sound more brutal."
[Jan 5,2007 9:46am - blackmetallady ""]
I heard that. I want to book them so bad, but they are always touring Europe! RRRRRRR! I love Meshuggah.
[Jan 5,2007 9:54am - Messerschmitt ""]
i hate that band with a passion
[Jan 5,2007 9:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
meshuggah = good.
[Jan 5,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
Chaosphere is so good its extraterrestrial.
[Jan 5,2007 10:44am - DreamingInExile ""]
Meshuggah rules!

and for those of you that haven't seen it yet:

the New Millenium Cyanide Christ video (fucking hilarious)
[Jan 5,2007 10:56am - mOe @ work  ""]
this just goes to show you, ANY band will do retarded, hilarious shit once on a bus for months at a time
[Jan 5,2007 10:59am - anthony nli  ""]
Really looking forward to this one... has the potential to be the best since Chaosphere, I hope.
[Jan 5,2007 2:45pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Meshuggah is one of my favorite bands, actually. I didn't like Catch 33 all that much so I'm hoping for something good.
[Jan 5,2007 2:50pm - pam ""]
DreamingInExile said:Meshuggah rules!

and for those of you that haven't seen it yet:

the New Millenium Cyanide Christ video (fucking hilarious)

Greatest thing that band has ever done.
[Jan 5,2007 2:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Meshuggah is one of my favorite bands, actually. I didn't like Catch 33 all that much so I'm hoping for something good.

Thats a good cd for a nice long blunt cruise in my opinion.
[Jan 5,2007 3:00pm - mcmahon ""]
sweet, because Catch Thirtythree did little for me.
[Jan 5,2007 3:46pm - tylerl ""]
hahah the NMCC video is maybe the best music video ever
[Jan 6,2007 2:05am - yummy ""]
the last FEW of their albums did little for me. I know a lot of people here don't really care for them. Hopefully this new album will help erase all the awful bands that copied them from my memory.
[Jan 6,2007 2:24am - blackmetallady ""]
I will def book this band if it's the last thing I do... i love this band! Maine needs them !!!!!
[Jan 6,2007 2:26am - yummy ""]
how far of a drive is it to Worcester from Maine? 2 hours?
[Jan 6,2007 2:27am - blackmetallady ""]
2 to 2 and a half, depending on traffic
[Jan 6,2007 2:31am - yummy ""]
that's how far it takes me to drive to Worcester. Now you're just being a spoiler to Maine
[Jan 6,2007 2:33am - blackmetallady ""]
Who cares? It's good for NH and Maine folks, + some Mass fans
[Jan 6,2007 2:36am - yummy ""]
I really don't care. I'm just being silly, don't forget local bands tho
[Jan 8,2007 8:47pm - amon0amarth66  ""]
come to worchester,MA
[Jan 8,2007 10:25pm - Aegathis ""]
pam said:DreamingInExile said:Meshuggah rules!

and for those of you that haven't seen it yet:

the New Millenium Cyanide Christ video (fucking hilarious)

Greatest thing that band has ever done.

that video is soo old now i think, its on the rare trax dvd, and the best scene on that is when Jens Kidman fucks up the verse while recording the song Sane. The most classic thing theyve done i think is the campfire version of Future Breed Machine.
[Jan 8,2007 10:33pm - yummy ""]
neither of those are all that old.
Did anyone go to that show in Springfield, not sure what year, maybe 97ish,Cannible Corpse, Angel Corpse, Meshuggah, Overcast, Indifference. Club Infinity I believe.
[Jan 9,2007 10:47am - Yeti ""]
amon0amarth66 said:come to worchester,MA


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