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Metal Cover of We are the World

[Nov 10,2003 5:27pm - OsmokepotalotO ""]
looking for 30,40 vocalist who would be interested in doing the cover,why?because itd be fucking hilarious...... ha.....well anyone?
[Nov 10,2003 9:38pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
ingest a gallon of rancid milk
[Nov 10,2003 9:52pm - dan  ""]
i believe xmikex would typically recommend a gallon of bleach...but i like rancid milk too:doublehorns:
[Nov 11,2003 10:10am - StParareNex ""]
What the shit?
[Nov 11,2003 10:32am - Beakey ""]
Consider me in.
And on the behalf of Al Ravage, I say he's in too.
[Nov 11,2003 10:34am - joe/notcommon ""]
i think you could probably get larry lifeless, doug of existence, mark kevorkian, brian livoti from watchmaker, brian morse from gut, and ryan from phantom limb as well.
[Nov 11,2003 12:27pm - moran ""]
I'll do it.
[Nov 12,2003 12:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't.
I'm wicked busy with antlers
[Nov 12,2003 12:08pm - Beakey ""]
the_reverend said:I can't.
I'm wicked busy with antlers


I honestly hope to hear you guys. You definitely should have all MIDI music w/ everyone on vocals.

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