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Its good to see......

[Dec 31,2006 9:57pm - Troll ""]
I'm not the only person doing jack shit for the New Year.

I'm sick and I'm broke.
Whats your excuse?
[Dec 31,2006 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
sick.. went downtown for fireworks.
my ass wasn't happy about that apparently.
[Dec 31,2006 9:59pm - Troll ""]
still got the shits Rev?
[Dec 31,2006 10:00pm - Troll ""]
wait...did you shit yourself?
[Dec 31,2006 10:03pm - Troll ""]
When I moved to RI I was running a straight pipe for about 3 weeks.
No joke man, I never drank the water.
Well, maybe to brush my teef.
[Dec 31,2006 10:05pm - yummy ""]
I have a son. I'm not going anywhere. I could pretty much care less about New Years' anyways, not to sound like a scrooge. I just hope everyone I know is safe and I don't get any bad phone calls in the morning.
[Dec 31,2006 10:13pm - yummy ""]
where do you live in RI that the water is bad?
[Dec 31,2006 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't shit myself.. some close calls though... but my pipes are getting cleaned out in a serious way. carina's drinking some wine. I'm drinking some coffee liquor and we had some chinese rice.
we also went to see the fireworks in portsmouth.

oh and I just synched the time with the national time for the eastcoast. the clock was running around 10 minutes slow.
[Dec 31,2006 10:20pm - Troll ""]
She's standing by getting all liqued up while you drink coffee brandy with a bad case of the shits? Is she some kind of freaky fecalphiliac or sumthin'?!?!
[Dec 31,2006 10:23pm - Lamp ""]
I went out for a drive around Narragansett and didn't see anybody, I'll probably leave my house again soon looking for people standing outside to piss off with loud music from my car.
[Dec 31,2006 10:26pm - Dissector ""]
I took sleeping pills and didn't feel like going out when I woke up. There's my excuse.
[Dec 31,2006 10:31pm - succubus ""]
Troll said:She's standing by getting all liqued up while you drink coffee brandy with a bad case of the shits? Is she some kind of freaky fecalphiliac or sumthin'?!?!

[Dec 31,2006 10:32pm - Troll ""]
I've got a bottle So Co that could use some love, but dammit if I can't breath through only one bubbling nostral right now. Though maybe, it'll clear my sinuses.
[Dec 31,2006 10:33pm - Troll ""]
succubus said:Troll said:She's standing by getting all liqued up while you drink coffee brandy with a bad case of the shits? Is she some kind of freaky fecalphiliac or sumthin'?!?!


glad you could join the conversation
[Dec 31,2006 10:35pm - succubus ""]
hah! in fact he got a coffee when we were in b&n earlier...and tonight he wanted another one and i told him no way bcz coffee makes you poop and he needs no help pooping!
[Dec 31,2006 10:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I got some stomachbug that is going around
that's a thread about it.
[Dec 31,2006 10:45pm - Troll ""]
The shits are like hiccups. You just gotta scare it out of him.
Demons be gone!
[Dec 31,2006 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
it feels like demons have been trying to claw their way out of me.
[Dec 31,2006 11:08pm - sxealex ""]
i got dumped
[Jan 1,2007 1:57am - Troll ""]
good start for the new year
[Jan 1,2007 4:39am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i know someone that got dumped today too.
[Jan 1,2007 7:33am - tenspeedmaniC  ""]
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one not doing jack shit for new years except whwn I gotta get uo and get a Shwepps Raspberry ginger all and a re-stock on Grahm Crackers and Penit butta.Mmm.Swamp Thing is on demand and I have to go.
[Jan 1,2007 7:34am - tenspeedmaniC  ""]
Ps you made my couch smell funny and my mom is real mad.Febrese only goes so far.

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