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Trouble is coming!

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Dec 26,2006 6:57pm - Phrozenspite ""]
Veteran Chicago doom metallers TROUBLE have added a few U.S. dates in March in support of their new CD, "Simple Mind Condition".
Mar. 24 - Bedford, NH @ Mark's Place
[Dec 26,2006 7:03pm - Kevord ""]
[Dec 26,2006 7:06pm - the_reverend ""]
the re-issue rules
[Dec 26,2006 7:45pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Dec 26,2006 9:08pm - anonymous  ""]
another marks show... let shit talking begin
[Dec 26,2006 10:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]

this troubles better.
[Dec 27,2006 1:27am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Dec 27,2006 4:02am - PatMeebles ""]
I haven't heard the doom Trouble, so my default is the boston punk band
[Dec 27,2006 9:25am - thuringwethil ""]
oh for fucks sake

kids these days

I gotta pick up "Skull" LP again, I played that thing to DEATH in the 80's
[Dec 27,2006 9:35am - anonymous  ""]
oh no i've been here with a dick in my mouth
[Jan 3,2007 1:26am - blackmetallady ""]
I'll be at this show
[Jan 3,2007 7:36am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
blackmetallady said:I'll be at this show

Get killed.

[Jan 3,2007 7:40am - Lamp ""]
[Jan 3,2007 8:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
Can someone guarantee that Trouble will only play stuff from the first two records and none of that stupid 90's stuff they put out?
[Jan 3,2007 9:02am - sinistas ""]
If I knew they were playing "The Wish", I'd be there. But judging from their DVD setlists, I'm guessing no.
[Jan 3,2007 9:58am - blackmetallady ""]
Plastic Greenhead is a cool album.
[Jan 3,2007 11:07am - sxealex ""]
PatMeebles said:I haven't heard the doom Trouble, so my default is the boston punk band

yea im on the same page but i liked the punk band back then....
[Jan 3,2007 11:29am - Cathach  ""]
Keith Muitiny you are out of your fucking tiny mind.I'll do drugs with Gibby if he's chopping 'em and 'We Are The Blood' is a classic song but the REAL TROUBLE are metal legends.Saw them back in the stone age at Narcissus in Kenmore Sq. I wish I still had my 1985 fan club patch.This show is going to be mindblowing.
[Jan 3,2007 11:52am - sxealex ""]
yea i was 1.5 years old in 1985....
[Jan 3,2007 11:52am - sxealex ""]
if i could say trouble it probably wouldnt have the pronounced "R"
[Jan 3,2007 3:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Cathach said:Keith Muitiny you are out of your fucking tiny mind.I'll do drugs with Gibby if he's chopping 'em and 'We Are The Blood' is a classic song but the REAL TROUBLE are metal legends.Saw them back in the stone age at Narcissus in Kenmore Sq. I wish I still had my 1985 fan club patch.This show is going to be mindblowing.

um, what?
[Jan 3,2007 7:13pm - Opie's Freckled Anal Area  ""]
Are they anything like AMON AMARTH?

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