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woman mistakenly put her 1-month-old grandson through an X-ray machine at LAX

[Dec 20,2006 8:55pm - boine ""]
[Dec 20,2006 9:18pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
they bring the staff and the xray machine into question... but not the fucking idiot that doesnt speak english. BRILLIANT.
[Dec 20,2006 10:20pm - retzam ""]
It is stupid that they are putting any blame on the machine itself, spaldino, but I don't see how you could possibly think her not speaking english had anything to do with her being so absent-minded as to put a baby through the machine.
[Dec 20,2006 10:22pm - retzam ""]
I mean, I don't mean to be critical, but, as far as I know, you don't speak Chinese, but if you were in a Chinese airport you wouldn't suddenly be stupid enough to put your kid through some conveyer machine where everyone else is putting baggage.

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