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Bum Fights creator thrown off Dr Phil show

[Dec 18,2006 8:41pm - W3 nli  ""]

not sure if this is a repost or not but enjoy otherwise
[Dec 18,2006 8:44pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
hahah i heard about this ...i hate dr. phil
[Dec 18,2006 8:46pm - jesus nli  ""]
hahahahaha awsome haircut!!!
[Dec 18,2006 8:49pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah its awesome how upset phil gets over it
[Dec 18,2006 8:50pm - Kevord ""]
Dr. Phil is such a scumbag. If he found bumfights so deplorable he never would have invited this guy to his show or aired the footage they taped.
[Dec 18,2006 8:50pm - archaeon ""]

i'm gonna go buy one of those right now just for that haircut
[Dec 18,2006 9:03pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Good thing you posted a link, I was gonna rag on you for watching Dr.Phil
[Dec 18,2006 9:14pm - W3 nli  ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Good thing you posted a link, I was gonna rag on you for watching Dr.Phil

todd, id rag on myself for that.
[Dec 18,2006 9:29pm - fishcakes ""]
Dr.Phil blows!
[Dec 18,2006 11:20pm - Cecchini ""]
bumfights is a piece of shit.
[Dec 18,2006 11:31pm - Jared_The_Zompire ""]
That makes no sense to show his segment and invite him on the show and then not let him talk. He had to have known what Bum Fights was. He was just trying to make it look like he was "the better man" if you can even call him that. Someone needs to take the sand out of their Vagina.
[Dec 18,2006 11:53pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, that was planned from the get-go. the dude was smiling, i bet he was in on it as well.
[Dec 19,2006 12:21am - hungtableed  ""]
dr. phil is a pussy. That was excellent! not only is that guy a millionaire, but, if I were him I'd be proud of getting kicked off that show like that.
btw, that fag dr. phil obviosly must have known about what bumfights is. If anyone thinks that it wasn't staged, I got news for you - you are a fucking retard.
[Dec 19,2006 12:22am - hungtableed  ""]
ahhhhhhhhh hahahaha
that guys haircut rules!
The first time I saw bumfights I was tripping BALLS and I ended up watching it like 6 times in a row.
[Dec 19,2006 12:54pm - ariavette ""]
" i'm totally tripping balls"
[Dec 19,2006 1:21pm - Yeti ""]
Cecchini said:bumfights is a piece of shit.

agreed, i think its fucking retarded. what a waste of time.
[Dec 20,2006 10:25am - Cecchini ""]
i'll take dr. phil in this one.
[Dec 20,2006 10:29am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Dec 20,2006 10:33am - hybrid ""]
the creator of that movie is just a gimmick now. that whole thing is a gimmick. bumfights is a funny movie, it honestly is, but that dude is just in it for the ride. he'll be broke in a few years time, he's on dr. phil for christ sakes. both of them are idiots.
[Dec 20,2006 10:43am - Joshtruction ""]
hybrid said:the creator of that movie is just a gimmick now. that whole thing is a gimmick. bumfights is a funny movie, it honestly is, but that dude is just in it for the ride. he'll be broke in a few years time, he's on dr. phil for christ sakes. both of them are idiots.

that guy is actually quite smart. I can almost garuntee the main reason he wanted on that show was more publicity. good marketing there. NOT to make money off the show. Him getting booted from the show like that will help him too. People will want to see the video's even if they hate them. It's like them idiots that hate howard stern but still listen to him. The stuff he is doing falls right in with the way society is lately, and he will continue to make a shitload of cash. Is he a dumb ass? I think not. Is a lot of stuff in the video's questionable? Yes. I mean getting Bumfights tattoo'd across a bums forehead for a blowjob from a hooker is kinda wrong.
[Dec 20,2006 10:44am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Dec 20,2006 10:46am - SellOUTd0od ""]
It's publicity for bumfights... By the creator just being there.. It's also publicity for Dr Phil by continuing to be this figure of "good moral beliefs" Look at the demographic of viewers for the doctor phil show.... It's comprised mainly of older woman. The real losers are the mindless saps that continue to watch his shoveling of garbage.. Haaa was that guy mocking Phil with the haircut, or was he naturally bald? I think that could add another level of funny to this.
[Dec 20,2006 10:48am - Messerschmitt ""]
you guys are the REAL dr. phils!
[Dec 20,2006 10:50am - SellOUTd0od ""]
I wish I could be as rad as dr Phil
[Dec 20,2006 10:50am - SellOUTd0od ""]
I actually here he's a pretty sick bass player... He plays a 7 string like it's nothing.
[Dec 20,2006 10:56am - cav ""]
i guess dr phil did a great job of "refusing to publicize that" by playing a whole video of it and then throwing the guy of the show, like he didnt plan on doing that. douche bag.
[Dec 20,2006 10:57am - Joshtruction NLI  ""]
yeah the guy was mocking phil with the hair. I laughed so much when I seen that.
[Dec 20,2006 10:59am - SellOUTd0od ""]
Haa that is genious... Pick a flaw of the other person and exploit it for your own gain!
[Dec 20,2006 11:00am - Messerschmitt ""]
i honestly thought he was really bald. boy i am fucking retarded. great bit.
[Dec 20,2006 11:01am - SellOUTd0od ""]
Before he goes on Oprah I hope he goes tanning for a few weeks.
[Dec 20,2006 11:02am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that was some excellent psychology dr phil... really got to the bottom of that one.
[Dec 20,2006 11:11am - Lamp ""]
It's not just Dr. Phil that's exploiting shit like this. Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, Oprah, they're all doing the exact same shit. The fact that anyone even gives these talk shows their attention is retarded.

Regardless, that Bumfights video stuff wasn't to my liking either, fuck that guy too.
[Dec 20,2006 11:16am - SellOUTd0od ""]
Why not exploit to make a buck? It is rather sneeky claiming to be doing the morally righteous while actually exploiting weak people, but isn't it the fault of the non-media savey who eat it up? Survival of the fitest
[Dec 20,2006 11:19am - Lamp ""]
You know, I guess I can't really feel too sorry for people who let themselves get exploited by stuff like this, but the fact that it's even there whether you claim to be morally right or wrong is fucked. Dr. Phil did the wrong thing by having the guy on the show(or even having his show in the first place) but if he was dealing with that guy in an everyday situation off TV, the way he dealt with him would have been spot on. Just don't even bother talking to the guy.

Even though the fake haircut was pretty funny.
[Dec 20,2006 11:41am - Josh_Martin ""]
I think Phil was planning on debating the guy until he saw the hairpiece. THAT'S why he kicked him off the show. He couldn't handle his baldness being goofed on.
[Dec 20,2006 11:50am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Dr. Phil built his career exploiting the problems of people on his talkshow (and previously Oprah's show) by playing popular moral cards on everyone and 'entertaining' a nation of dummies with common sense that noone needed to watch.

It's not much different than arranging Bum Fights, the only difference is the Bum Fights creator is more honest.
[Dec 20,2006 12:04pm - Lamp ""]
Honest? You think him giving a guy 20 bucks to eat a raw frog while he sells the video footage and makes millions off of it is honest? You think that ripping a guy's tooth out just because it's bothering him when he really needs to see a dentist for that sort of problem is honest? That's pure grade-A BULLSHIT.
[Dec 20,2006 12:09pm - SellOUTd0od ""]
Good arguement Lamp. Kudos
[Dec 20,2006 12:27pm - xanonymousx ""]
is live leak the new youtube?
[Dec 20,2006 1:38pm - hybrid ""]
Joshtruction said:hybrid said:the creator of that movie is just a gimmick now. that whole thing is a gimmick. bumfights is a funny movie, it honestly is, but that dude is just in it for the ride. he'll be broke in a few years time, he's on dr. phil for christ sakes. both of them are idiots.

that guy is actually quite smart. I can almost garuntee the main reason he wanted on that show was more publicity. good marketing there. NOT to make money off the show. Him getting booted from the show like that will help him too. People will want to see the video's even if they hate them. It's like them idiots that hate howard stern but still listen to him. The stuff he is doing falls right in with the way society is lately, and he will continue to make a shitload of cash. Is he a dumb ass? I think not. Is a lot of stuff in the video's questionable? Yes. I mean getting Bumfights tattoo'd across a bums forehead for a blowjob from a hooker is kinda wrong.

i agree it will get him publicity. i can't stand the howard stern radio show, so i never listen to it. i however truly do think that dude is an idiot, if you listen to him argue his points he is terrible at it. he talks like a high school kid in a debate. honestly look into other interviews he has done, he is pointless. personally, im not the kind of person who gets kicks out of websites like steakandcheese.com etc., seeing these things once is enough for me. i am just one person, and unfortunately most of america falls for stuff like this.
[Dec 20,2006 2:03pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
finally watched the video. First and foremost the haircut was awesome. I'm an asshole who enjoys videos such as the bum-fights. But I'll agree that the creator of bum-fights and Dr. Phil fall into the same catagory of exploitation. There is no difference if you really want to look at them in the same light. Both will take people who already have problems and bring them down to their lowest point. The bum-fights creator just brings it to a much grander scale than Dr. Phil.

I don't own any of the bum-fight dvds, and I'm not planning on it. Watching them every now and again is just something that makes me laugh. The insanity of it all is what makes it something to watch. I'm sure there's some psychological aspect of it that brings out the ID part of the ego, and that's why some people really do enjoy watching it.
[Dec 20,2006 2:06pm - sean streets  ""]
im glad i wasted three minutes of my life watching that clip, both of them are roman helmets.
[Dec 20,2006 2:06pm - W3 nli  ""]
people just like to watch other people do fucked up shit.

thank you rich horror you made my this year that much more entertaining.
[Dec 20,2006 2:09pm - HostileTakeover ""]
I love it how he came out looking like dr phil!

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