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BOE please play Montreal

[Dec 16,2006 9:20pm - succubus ""]
dunno if aaron told you...but you have a lot of fans there and i keep getting MSN messages about yer awesomeness...
[Dec 16,2006 9:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
bane of existence is for fags
[Dec 16,2006 10:57pm - DwellingSickness ""]
Blame canada
[Dec 17,2006 11:09am - succubus ""]
[Dec 17,2006 12:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
We'd love to play up there. We were just talking yesterday about playing some short mini-tours next year. Who could we get in contact with to set up a show over there? And do you know what is required to cross the border (I'm guessing you do)?
[Dec 17,2006 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
if you wait, you are going to need passports to get back in
[Dec 17,2006 12:11pm - succubus ""]
msd did you get my email?

the only thing about playing there is that they might hound you about visa's ..honestly they can be quite subjective about how they handle things. it's always good to call first and ask quetions (canada customs) and then get a name so when you cross..if the person gives you issues..you can say that you called and spoke to blah and then told you...blah blah

i know people who'd come to the show but i don;t know venue/booking people anymore..maybe a montreal band that has played in boston?
[Dec 17,2006 1:34pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_reverend said:if you wait, you are going to need passports to get back in

What do you mean?

succubus said:msd did you get my email?

the only thing about playing there is that they might hound you about visa's ..honestly they can be quite subjective about how they handle things. it's always good to call first and ask quetions (canada customs) and then get a name so when you cross..if the person gives you issues..you can say that you called and spoke to blah and then told you...blah blah

i know people who'd come to the show but i don;t know venue/booking people anymore..maybe a montreal band that has played in boston?

Ahh, I'll have to look around for bands.

And Jeff from Griefhorredbomb has a funny story about either Grief or Disrupt playing Canada a long time ago. They were crossing the border with all their gear and were telling the border that they weren't playing any shows when they asked. They held them for like 4 hours interrogating each of them individually like they commited murder. Basically, they wanted a cut of any money they made playing a show but since the band kept denying that they were playing a show (they wouldn't have any money to give seeing how they would never break even) they ended up turning them away at the border I believe.

And I'll check out that email right now.
[Dec 17,2006 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
at some point, you will need passports to get back into the US from canada. right now, you don't need them.
[Dec 17,2006 1:39pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
ahh, I see. Do you know when that is happening?
[Dec 17,2006 8:55pm - yummy ""]
All you have to do is tell them you are playing a party for a friend who is getting married(or something). It works, as long as everyone has the same story. If you're not getting paid neither do they. It couldn't hurt to call customs first tho.
[Dec 18,2006 8:23am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I can't go to jail. They pee in a cup and throw it at ya. I saw it in a movie once.
[Dec 18,2006 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
that wasn't pee.
[Dec 18,2006 8:31am - Troll ""]
[Dec 18,2006 9:31am - carina @ work  ""]
def call customs...like i said they are subjective and do what they want. If you call before, you can always say that.
[Dec 18,2006 9:34am - Messerschmitt ""]
mos def
[Dec 18,2006 9:39am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Sounds like a plan. We'll have to get directions to all these strip clubs I keep hearing about as well.
[Dec 18,2006 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
they are all 18+, sorry bub.
[Dec 18,2006 10:43am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I just squint my eyes and pretend they're all 15.

...15-year-olds with TERRIBLE TERRIBLE parents.
[Dec 18,2006 10:52am - xmikex ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:And do you know what is required to cross the border (I'm guessing you do)?

No self respecting country would let you in. Tour Mexico.
[Dec 18,2006 10:53am - carina @ work  ""]
hahaha I know places where you don't have to pretend

actually that's pretty sad but true...I'll spare details though
[Dec 18,2006 11:07am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I may have to email you soon, then.
[Dec 18,2006 11:29am - Samantha ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Sounds like a plan. We'll have to get directions to all these strip clubs I keep hearing about as well.

I've been to just about all of them. I grew up about an hour south of the Canadian border, and I have lots of male friends who like to drag me to places like that. It's been a few years since I've been up there, but here is everything you always wanted to know about strip clubs in Montreal but were afraid to ask:

There are a lot of strip clubs as well as some good bars on St. Catherine Street West. Drink prices are generally lower at the strip clubs than at a regular bar. Club Super Sex is the "high-class" joint that most people prefer, while Le Chateau Du Sexe is a scummy place with Vegas-looking lights outside. The place next to Le Chateau Du Sexe is even scummier. Beware of their scary staircase with mirrored walls and flashing lights! Once you've had a few drinks, it's an adventure getting out of that place.

The standard price for a lap dance is about $10 Canadian ($7.50 American), and there are a few strip clubs where you can get a lot more than a lap dance. I'm not going to tell you what their names are in a public forum, but trust me, it's a well-known secret in Vermont and upstate New York. People in Quebec don't care very much about decency laws. Even cops have paid for the private lesbian show at Club Super Sex, which is technically illegal.

You don't have to worry about speaking French in the strip clubs because, since they cater to a mostly American clientele, they speak English. If you do, however, need to talk to anyone, ask them IN FRENCH if they speak English.... otherwise, they will label you as another stupid, rude American tourist, and they will pretend that they can't speak English.
[Dec 18,2006 11:44am - carina @ work  ""]
A lot of tourists go to Ste Catherine but there are a lot "better" places. As for not caring about decency laws...i'll try not to take offense to that statement since a lot of crap does go on, but your statement is an oversimplified generalization. Also, your exchange is off =)
[Dec 18,2006 11:51am - Samantha ""]
There is no reason to take offense. I actually think it's cool that, generally speaking, most people in Quebec aren't so uptight about a lot of things. I think it's more similar to the European mentality, and it is quite a breath of fresh air from dealing with the rabidly fundamental christian right.

Yeah... I'm sure my exchange rate sucks. It's a rough guess based on what it was 5 years ago.
[Dec 18,2006 11:54am - Samantha ""]
By the way, j'adore Montreal!
[Dec 18,2006 12:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
i'm going up in a few weeks to vacation avec moi amis ent neuraxis.

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