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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Niccolai.
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[QUOTE="Niccolai:539138"]xmikex said:[QUOTE]You wanna know another music shop that sucks? South Shore Music. I dropped a bass off to get the intunation adjusted. I gave them a week to do it, and told them I absolutely 100% needed it by friday because I was leaving for a show in Pennsylvania that night. I called them Friday afternoon and asked if it was ready, and they said yes. I get there, show them my slip, and tell them I'm here for my bass, and they look at me like a bass is something I just made up on the spot. It took a solid couple of minutes for them to even realize what I was there for, and then I see them scrambling around with my bass out back. I ask what's going on, and they tell me that their repair guy never came in that day, and that they were going to do it right now. It took them a half hour to pull it off (and even put it in the wrong tuning). Meanwhile my singer is waiting out in the car, and we've got like 15 minutes to get to the van rental place before it closes. THEN the 700 year old hippie owner comes sauntering out of the back room with my bass. I'm totally in a rush, and I've been waiting for like 40 minutes at this point. Rather than just packing it up, and ringing up my order this fucking guy plugs my bass into a display amp and starts jamming out while he lectures me. "Ya know *jazzy bass lead* the neck on this is bowed and it probably won't *more stupid jazz bass* play as well as it could *do do dodo ddodo* I really think we should..." I try to explain to this idiot that it's not my bass, it's a peice of shit anyways, and all I care about is getting through this one show. The guy just keeps jamming out on my bass in front of me for 10 minutes telling me that he wants to do 8 billion dollars worth of repairs on a $200 bass. Up theirs.[/QUOTE] They are supposed to fix the neck bow before setting the intonation, otherwise it won't intonate. not to mention, if they intonated it for the wrong tuning, it wasn't intonated it when you tuned it correctly. I would have not paid for their services and forced thm to make me free spaghetti for the rest of my life. [/QUOTE]
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