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RTTP Hoodies?

[Dec 7,2006 9:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
are there any chance of you getting another shipment in soon?
[Dec 7,2006 9:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I have plenty of L's and I think 2 S's. any other size, I don't think I've got.
[Dec 7,2006 10:17pm - elders of zion nli  ""]
[Dec 8,2006 12:18am - tbone_r ""]
the hood of mine almost got ripped off on sunday. not sure how it happened.
[Dec 8,2006 1:49am - sacreligion ""]
you need to invest in some XXXXXXXL's so i can get one
[Dec 8,2006 3:05am - Dwellingsickness ""]
yeah, mine is kinda beat to shit, I need a new one, also Anderson wants one as well
[Dec 8,2006 3:08pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:I have plenty of L's and I think 2 S's. any other size, I don't think I've got.

I would love a small, tell me where to send the money and how much of it to send.
[Dec 8,2006 3:09pm - RichHorror ""]
Do you have any in fat?
[Dec 8,2006 3:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
make mine a pink one with glitter please.
[Dec 8,2006 8:35pm - xanonymousx ""]
how big are the smalls? are they like a medium, like a small, or like a youth large, the reason i ask is cause some companys make their shirts smaller than the others i guess the same thing goes with the large.
[Dec 8,2006 8:39pm - powerkok ""]
I want a XXXXXXXXL also, like Mike.
[Dec 8,2006 9:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I am requesting a RTTP mumu.

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