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Thor just smashed his hammer on my front lawn

[Dec 1,2006 9:11pm - CNV  ""]
Is there some kind of tornado warning in effect

the earth just shook
[Dec 1,2006 9:31pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Thor is the MAN. I used to collect his comic books. Quite the good read.
[Dec 1,2006 9:48pm - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche  ""]
Don't you know you're talking to a satanist?
[Dec 1,2006 10:09pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Nietzsche:God is Dead

God:Nietzsche is Dead

[Dec 1,2006 10:22pm - Ryan_M ""]
THOR fuckers.
[Dec 1,2006 11:19pm - the_reverend ""]
thor fuckers? a fetish site?

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