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Attention RTTP posters

[Nov 26,2006 1:36pm - mOe in NJ  ""]
I did not post this picture. I just do not need anyone thinking I would do something like this. It was my secret admirer posting as me.

[Nov 26,2006 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
nice try! the real moe would log in to rebute.
[Nov 26,2006 2:21pm - Cecchini ""]
well... i dont see anything wrong with that picture
[Nov 26,2006 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't see it on my phone.
[Nov 26,2006 2:37pm - Cecchini ""]
when you do see it, your just going to look it over and go "ohh... that sounds about right"
[Nov 26,2006 3:58pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Where is Oral Sex? You need to meet a nice Jewish girl with a 2 tbsp capacity for swallow.
[Nov 27,2006 9:25pm - xanonymousx ""]
wasn't there another thread like this. with two pictures?
[Nov 27,2006 9:25pm - xanonymousx ""]
wasn't there another thread like this. with two pictures?
[Nov 27,2006 10:01pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Silly, sexist goyim... Judaism is a matriarchy.

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