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[Nov 26,2006 11:06am - Troll ""]
Just got this email!

Praise The Lord!

The long awaited breakthrough record from the legends of the lakes region, Suicide Contest has arived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unleashed upon the world and sure to be it's demise, the new full length record Dirtfucker may now be aquired by all who dare. 13 new tracks of musical punishment

For information contact Guts suicon@hotmail.com

live free or die.

[Nov 26,2006 11:07am - Mess  ""]
another shitty band name
[Nov 26,2006 11:15am - Troll ""]
yeah? So whats your point.
[Nov 26,2006 11:29am - Mess  ""]
my point is... i'll fuck you up man!!!
have a beer and relax haha
i am.
[Nov 26,2006 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
I just found oh troll moved.. *shocked*

suicide contest's first demo with pummeler on it ruled. I think the stuff after that was more scissorfight-ish. I'm not into scissorfight (vesides some campy songs and human head 7").
[Nov 26,2006 11:56am - Troll ""]
I like that 7" too. It's raw as fuck.

So you heard about my exodus eh? Yea well, I decided to get out of the mountains for the winter. I guess I needed a change of scene, plus I'm totally miserable down here and I thoroughly indulge in my misery. :spineyes:
[Nov 26,2006 11:57am - Troll ""]
Mess said:my point is... i'll fuck you up man!!!
have a beer and relax haha
i am.

:duffbeer: i'm over it.
[Nov 26,2006 12:01pm - the_reverend ""]
ho far south of PVD are you? I think you and Mess etc... would get along if you went out drinking. weymouth peeps got a lot of the same ideas as berlin, but instead of tree and white welfare, you got buildings and dark welfare.

there are also plent of crust shows in olneyville, but the crusts there are all PC for the most part.
[Nov 26,2006 12:07pm - Mess  ""]
fuck PC bullshit!
[Nov 26,2006 12:24pm - Troll ""]
I'm not south of PVD at all more like North West.
I'm all too familiar with the Olneyville scene politics. Bunch of bullshit really. I don't like hippies. I will however be looking for a crust show or two, but I really would like to see some more hateful nihilistic type crustcore bands like Driller Killer in the states.....Period.
[Nov 26,2006 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
keep an eye on bobdead's shows. if any one will bring those bands there it will be him, chris/peter, and/or armaggedon shop.
[Nov 26,2006 12:34pm - Troll ""]
BTW, Did you go to the Shroud of Thanksgiving dinner?
[Nov 26,2006 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
yep! I was there for 2 hours. lot's of drinking and doom muusic. not to mention food. I left when they started playing gambling games.
[Nov 26,2006 12:45pm - Troll ""]
the_reverend said: I think the stuff after that was more scissorfight-ish.

I wouln't say so much Scissorfight-ish as I would stoner (and I'll probably get hung for this) but, at one point they were kind like Scissorfight's brother band.
I liked the few new songs that I heard live. I I'm lucky enough to have a great live version of Osama Von Kringle from 2004s Chaos Fest. Perhaps I should send you a copy to air on the radio show?!

[Nov 26,2006 12:46pm - Lamp ""]
Troll said:I'm not south of PVD at all more like North West.

Burriville? Glocester? That area?
[Nov 26,2006 12:49pm - Troll ""]
Why do you want to know?
Do you want to stick your fingers in me?
[Nov 26,2006 12:54pm - Lamp ""]
Just wondering is all.
[Nov 28,2006 6:38am - Troll ""]
[May 29,2007 10:44pm - Troll ""]


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