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Covan (decapitated) interviewed on metal injection

[Nov 26,2006 1:03am - the_reverend ""]
Covan, lead singer of Polish death metal band DECAPITATED recently sat down with METAL Injection for an interview during the band's recent run with SUFFOCATION and FEAR FACTORY.

Among the topics discussed in the interview, Covan talks about losing his voice in the middle of the tour and going on, as well as the scene in Poland, future touring plans for the band and much more.

The entire interview can be viewed on Metal Injection's video-on-demand channel at www.metalinjection.tv
[Nov 26,2006 1:08am - davefromthegrave ""]
I met this guy at the hartford show, he's an exceptionally friendly dude with an excellent stage presence. he pretty much kicks ass.
[Nov 26,2006 1:37am - blue ""]
losing his voice on tour? how could you tell? his vocals are so disappointing.
[Nov 26,2006 2:46am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I know I will get shit for this, But I don't see the big deal about them, I saw both shows at Mark's and they were my least favorite both nights, that is including the openers
[Nov 26,2006 3:10pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]

i love this dude
[Nov 26,2006 3:17pm - Anthony ""]
blue said:losing his voice on tour? how could you tell? his vocals are so disappointing.

Damn you Blue, the new album rules. The vocals are great on it.
[Nov 26,2006 10:07pm - blue ""]
the new album is great, but damn his vocals BLOW!
[Nov 26,2006 11:58pm - Farten_Dust ""]
I don't know,i like covan's vocals.

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