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White only scholarship... boo hoo

[Nov 22,2006 8:35am - xmikex ""]

A Boston University student group is offering a scholarship for white students. The scholarship itself is only $250, but the point behind it is a protest to "race-based scholarships". I was reading about this in the Metro today. The group responsible said simply that scholarships should be based off merit, and financial aid, not race. In my opinion it's a worthwhile protest, and quite honestly, anyone with a problem with this can eat my ass.

[Nov 22,2006 8:38am - Mess  ""]
i saw it on the news last night. pure propaganda imo. this has been going on with other races/creeds of nature for years now to keep up with the census stats.
[Nov 22,2006 8:42am - Messerschmitt ""]
do they make a big deal of it when there's a blacks only scholarship? or if they get special treatment for one reason or another?
[Nov 22,2006 8:42am - Messerschmitt ""]
it's about fucking time
[Nov 22,2006 8:43am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
:ralphie: I'm a scholar ship!!
[Nov 22,2006 8:45am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Nov 22,2006 8:57am - xmikex ""]
I went to Brockton High (aka 10 billion not-white kids, and me... whatever). I can remember looking for scholarships senior year, and realizing I don't qualify for half of them because apparently I belong to the wrong race.

It doesn't have to do with scholarships, but I think this is a story worth telling, and fairly indicitive of the counter-productiveness of shoving multi-culturalism at people... my freshman year at Brockton High the school put on a multi-cultural t-shirt contest. The idea was to design a t-shirt that best represented the diverse atmosphere and attitude of the school. Sounds typical. The shirt that actually won the goddamn thing was a design that simply said "CAPE VERDEAN PRIDE" with a huge Cape Verdean flag beneath it. It left a lot of the white kids asking 'well wait a minute, wasn't this about MULTI-culturalism? CAPE VERDEAN PRIDE only represents one culture. Needless to say we looked like the fucking KKK for bringing it up.
[Nov 22,2006 9:05am - Mess  ""]
are you kidding?
[Nov 22,2006 9:17am - xmikex ""]
if I could make shit like that up I'd be the next Stephen King
[Nov 22,2006 9:21am - Mess  ""]
want to join my militia?
[Nov 22,2006 9:35am - Anthony ""]
Some Cape Verdean kids got into a shootout right next to our van when it was parked in Dorchester a couple weeks ago. One got killed. A bullet hole went into our side window and the police impounded our van looking for the bullet but couldn't find it. They were like "If you hear anything rattling around in there, give us a call."
[Nov 22,2006 9:42am - xmikex ""]
Mess said:want to join my militia?

no but I'll take some free guns
[Nov 22,2006 9:44am - Mess  ""]
haha... good! i'm glad you're not a pussy!
[Nov 22,2006 10:24am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
xmikex said:http://media.www.dailyfreepress.com/media/...&MIIHost=media.collegepublisher.com

A Boston University student group is offering a scholarship for white students. The scholarship itself is only $250, but the point behind it is a protest to "race-based scholarships". I was reading about this in the Metro today. The group responsible said simply that scholarships should be based off merit, and financial aid, not race. In my opinion it's a worthwhile protest, and quite honestly, anyone with a problem with this can eat my ass.


I've always wished there was an official White History Month or something to counteract the stupid notion that whites are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, but instead are to feel only guilty.

While I'm no racist, I just can't feel remorse about my forebears essentially conquering the world. If Africans or Indians had the technology and firepower and the Europeans hadn't, am I to believe that they WOULDN'T have had a slave trade? Hell, the Africans DID have a slave trade, but that is quickly overlooked since only white men are truly allowed to be evil.

The violent interracial history of the world is water under the bridge, and should be left behind. We should already have learned from it. We don't need White and Black Scholarships or Black History Month or Affirmative Action or any of this nonsense to keep the past rearing its ugly head in everyones' faces.

Time to move on, no matter what color you are.
[Nov 22,2006 10:27am - paganmegan ""]
I agree, this notion that because in the past certain ethnic groups were "oppressed" that they deserve special treatment, months dedicated to them, is absurd.
[Nov 22,2006 10:29am - the_reverend ""]
every month is white male month.
[Nov 22,2006 10:33am - xmikex ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Time to move on, no matter what color you are.

haha all I can think of is that Madball song Back of the Bus, but no one wants to hear me talk about that.

Slavery, in different forms, stills exists in many African countries today. I staffed this lecture not too long ago that talked about warlords in Uganda that kidnap children and force them to be part of their army. I guess that's alright though by the rest of the world's standards. As long as they don't get snippy about a t-shirt contest it can be overlooked.
[Nov 22,2006 10:41am - paganmegan ""]
people are stupid.
[Nov 22,2006 10:45am - xmikex ""]
another fun annecdote about cultural pandering at Brockton High. The Pledge of Allegiance, like any school in America, was recited every morning during morning announcements. A lot of kids chose not to stand, and recite the pledge. Many of these kids were what you might call... not white (in fact from my experiences, almost excusively). They sat there, talked over it, and goofed around. Then one day the school invents "Multicultural Week". Every day of this week the Pledge was recited in a different language. Part of it, I guess, was to grab the attention of all the hispanic, and cape verdean kids who never stood for the Pledge. Surprise surprise they recite it in Spanish, Portugese, and Cape Verdean Creole absolutely none of those kids gave a shit.

The most ignorant response to the whole thing, however, still belonged to a white kid who said, after the Pledge had been recited in German, "What is this, Nazi Germany?!"
[Nov 22,2006 10:47am - Yeti ""]
"it ain't white boy day is it?"
[Nov 22,2006 10:48am - Yeti ""]
our keyboardist is Cape Verdean. which explains his wild hair.
[Nov 22,2006 11:02am - xmikex ""]
Cape Verdeans themselves....

I got no beef with
[Nov 22,2006 11:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeti said:our keyboardist is Cape Verdean. which explains his wild hair.

the fact you have a keyboardist explains even more.
[Nov 22,2006 11:53am - davefromthegrave ""]
xmikex said:Cape Verdeans themselves....

I got no beef with

based entirely on that picture, I do.
[Nov 22,2006 11:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The guy in that picture was voted gayest looking man alive in this poll only I participated in
[Nov 22,2006 12:10pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i see Ross
[Nov 22,2006 12:11pm - sacreligion ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:the fact you have a keyboardist explains even more.

haha...the fact that you showed up out of nowhere and said that doesn't make any sense to me
[Nov 22,2006 12:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I didn't show up out of nowhere, rainbow bright
[Nov 22,2006 12:38pm - sacreligion ""]
ugh...you haven't been around here that much as of late is what i meant
[Nov 22,2006 12:41pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Free Nelson Mandela!
[Nov 22,2006 12:53pm - pam ""]
I get very annoyed that white people aren't allowed to so much as mention their various backgrounds without some asshole telling them what their "people" did to other people. Shit happens, get the fuck over it. I have family from Scotland...you don't see me demanding compensation from the English.

I think gender and race based scholarships started out with the best of intentions. Minorities and women needed these organizations and shit for support when they'd get it nowhere else...I don't think they're needed any more.

If you want to give charity scholarships they should be for poor and inner-city students that can't afford a fucking pair of shoes so that maybe they can make something useful out of themselves.

Otherwise scholarships really, REALLY should be based on merit. They could even make the system gender and race anonymous so that no one can whine that they don't have a fair shot.
[Nov 22,2006 12:54pm - Messerschmitt ""]
quiet woman!
[Nov 22,2006 12:55pm - Messerschmitt ""]
budum pish
[Nov 22,2006 12:55pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
"the trouble with Scotland...is that is full of Scots."
[Nov 22,2006 12:56pm - pam ""]
That's just not going to happen.
[Nov 22,2006 1:00pm - xmikex ""]
Women should get scholarships to Bovine University and nowhere else.
[Nov 22,2006 1:05pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
xmikex said:Women should get scholarships to Bovine University and nowhere else.


[Nov 22,2006 1:05pm - Messerschmitt ""]
yes and blacks should get them to brown
[Nov 22,2006 1:06pm - pam ""]
I bet every last one of you talks like a fucking faggot to your girlfriends.
[Nov 22,2006 1:07pm - xmikex ""]
Messerschmitt said:yes and blacks should get them to brown


How'd I fail women's studies? I LOVE bitches!
[Nov 22,2006 1:09pm - Messerschmitt ""]
pam said:I bet every last one of you talks like a fucking faggot to your girlfriends.

not me! call my cunt and ask her!
[Nov 22,2006 1:12pm - pam ""]
Your mouth says no but your internet chauvinism says yes.
[Nov 22,2006 1:15pm - Messerschmitt ""]
pam said:Your mouth says no but your internet chauvinism says yes.

you are correct
[Nov 22,2006 1:16pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
[Nov 22,2006 1:17pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
aww that was a good one too. looks like its suicide for me.
[Nov 22,2006 2:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
there are a lot of african american/ native american scholarships.
why not just give the free money to everyone?
[Nov 22,2006 2:58pm - infoterror ""]
Multi-culturalism doesn't work. No successful examples throughout history. Your nation is doomed to failure.
[Nov 22,2006 5:41pm - anonymous  ""]
Messerschmitt said:do they make a big deal of it when there's a blacks only scholarship? or if they get special treatment for one reason or another?

and to answer you question, they absolutely do not make a big deal about black/hispanic only scholarhips - and they absolutely have plenty of them out there as well.
[Nov 22,2006 5:46pm - DREADkill ""]
xmikex said:if I could make shit like that up I'd be the next Stephen King

hahaha, that was great.
[Nov 22,2006 5:47pm - DREADkill ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The guy in that picture was voted gayest looking man alive in this poll only I participated in

that was great, too.
[Nov 22,2006 5:47pm - DREADkill ""]
xmikex said:Women should get scholarships to Bovine University and nowhere else.

another great post.
[Nov 22,2006 5:49pm - Niccolai ""]
Normally, I hate reverse racism, but I think an organization should be able to give away cholarships to whoever they want.

If BET raises $30,000 to give away to black kids, I think it's gay, but I don't think they need to be forced to stop.

I don't, however, think financial aid and schoolastic bodies should favor students of color.

That being said, I'm going to school for free for being Maori. and some third party isn't paying for it, but the state of Massachusetts is waiving my tuition fees...

So I guess you could say I'm contradicting myself.
[Nov 22,2006 6:10pm - Kevord ""]
Going to school in general is gay. Ignorance is bliss.
[Nov 22,2006 7:10pm - anonymous  ""]
pam said:I get very annoyed that white people aren't allowed to so much as mention their various backgrounds without some asshole telling them what their "people" did to other people. Shit happens, get the fuck over it. I have family from Scotland...you don't see me demanding compensation from the English.

I think gender and race based scholarships started out with the best of intentions. Minorities and women needed these organizations and shit for support when they'd get it nowhere else...I don't think they're needed any more.

If you want to give charity scholarships they should be for poor and inner-city students that can't afford a fucking pair of shoes so that maybe they can make something useful out of themselves.

Otherwise scholarships really, REALLY should be based on merit. They could even make the system gender and race anonymous so that no one can whine that they don't have a fair shot.

yeah, give the scholarships to poor inner city kids who can't afford a can of RC cola, yet whose only goal in life is to accumulate more xxxl scarface shirts. 85% of black kids dont could give a shit about an "edumacation"and wouldnt do anything with a scholarship. you're dumb.
[Nov 22,2006 7:37pm - infoterror ""]
If you're black and score a 20 on the SAT, you can get into about anywhere.
[Nov 22,2006 11:04pm - dj death  ""]
Oddly enough, the first slaves that came to America were transported by jews into Rhode Island, or Maryland. Those sneaky little bastards, putting all the blame on the white people.
[Nov 22,2006 11:05pm - dj death  ""]
The first NAACP presidents were jews too.... Kivie Kaplan all the way. Fuck them.
[Nov 23,2006 12:39am - pam ""]
anonymous said:pam said:I get very annoyed that white people aren't allowed to so much as mention their various backgrounds without some asshole telling them what their "people" did to other people. Shit happens, get the fuck over it. I have family from Scotland...you don't see me demanding compensation from the English.

I think gender and race based scholarships started out with the best of intentions. Minorities and women needed these organizations and shit for support when they'd get it nowhere else...I don't think they're needed any more.

If you want to give charity scholarships they should be for poor and inner-city students that can't afford a fucking pair of shoes so that maybe they can make something useful out of themselves.

Otherwise scholarships really, REALLY should be based on merit. They could even make the system gender and race anonymous so that no one can whine that they don't have a fair shot.

yeah, give the scholarships to poor inner city kids who can't afford a can of RC cola, yet whose only goal in life is to accumulate more xxxl scarface shirts. 85% of black kids dont could give a shit about an "edumacation"and wouldnt do anything with a scholarship. you're dumb.

Uh, since you're obviously not a collegiate individual, allow me to explain what a fucking scholarship is. YOU HAVE TO MAKE GOOD GRADES TO GET ONE. You have to apply and write essays and show some kind of academic perseverance. So obviously these kids (who aren't all black you ignoramus) would care about more than xxxl shirts if they're working their asses off in school.

[Nov 23,2006 12:46am - DeRtOxIa ""]
sooooooooo reverse-affirmative action?
[Nov 23,2006 12:52am - infoterror ""]
pam said:Uh, since you're obviously not a collegiate individual, allow me to explain what a fucking scholarship is. YOU HAVE TO MAKE GOOD GRADES TO GET ONE. You have to apply and write essays and show some kind of academic perseverance. So obviously these kids (who aren't all black you ignoramus) would care about more than xxxl shirts if they're working their asses off in school.

"Good grades" is a flexible term, and getting "good grades" at an inner city school involves showing up. If you're a minority student, you will be aggressively courted if you have any potential at all.

The problem is that poor whites get slighted, but we all know that multiculturalism has never worked and never will. Only Jews and Christians advocate such insane practices.
[Nov 23,2006 12:54am - pam ""]
That's why I said it would be much better to make applications race-anonymous. But I was saying if private organizations want to PRIVATELY raise money and hand out a charity scholarship, they should be able to and not ever poor person is some ignorant nigger with no chance.
[Nov 23,2006 12:57am - infoterror ""]
Other than the fact that the races should be separated, I'm in rough agreement. Race-anonymous applications work 100% in homogenous societies

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