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39 Troy St (Olnyville, RI) - [abhorred][bathtub_shitter][id][randomshots][suffering_bastard]
[Nov 21,2006 2:35pm - aeser ""]
this show has moved around a lot. first it was in providence then got cancelled then was in boston then cancelled then in providence again then their neighbors are bitching so NOW the show WILL BE at 39 troy street in providence, which is supposedly a gallery type space, decent sized, and with no "the show has to be over by 10pm" noise ordinance bullshit, SO a couple more bands will be added (like supposedly suffering bastard and 1 other band)

this friday 11/24

bathtub shitter
suffering bastard
39 troy st. providence, ri
sometime after 9pm
fuck yes.
[Nov 21,2006 2:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 21,2006 2:59pm - paganmegan ""]
kick ass
[Nov 21,2006 3:41pm - Lamp ""]
The other message board I saw this on had no address, price, or specific time(said "when the liquor stores" close)

I'm all over this fucking show, no doubt.
[Nov 21,2006 3:48pm - aeser ""]
what board was that by the way? there's a bunch of people involved in this show at this point.
[Nov 21,2006 3:50pm - aeser ""]
and we haven't talked about price yet, it will be between $5 and $12.
[Nov 21,2006 3:50pm - Lamp ""]

It's been a confusing ride but at least now I know I'll only have to drive 20 minutes to see Bathtub Shitter and not over an hour and then getting stuck in traffic on the way there.
[Nov 21,2006 4:00pm - aeser ""]
cool, threw people a lifeline on that board as well.
[Nov 21,2006 4:10pm - the_reverend ""]
2hr drive, sweet!
[Nov 21,2006 4:22pm - Lamp ""]
[Nov 21,2006 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
one of these days lamp, I will snap.

I'm goessing (1/2 hoping) for a bobdead band to play.
[Nov 21,2006 7:13pm - blue ""]
im probably still going to make it to this.
[Nov 22,2006 8:35am - anonymous  ""]
me too
[Nov 22,2006 12:08pm - animalrampage ""]
I'm in Spain right now and I need a Bathtub shitter t shirt. I've contacted Staples but I am not sure if he is going to attend. Anyone willing to pick one up for me and I'll hit em back at the end of December?
[Nov 22,2006 4:27pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Fuck, I've been into Bathtub Shitter since the demo came out. I wicked want to go to this but I have no way to get home.
Can anyone give me a ride back to Mass after the show, or anyone in RI let me crash at their place???
[Nov 22,2006 4:28pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Rev, you going? I'm almost right on your way home. I'll kick in gas $$
[Nov 23,2006 12:18pm - Lamp ""]




Off blast!
[Nov 23,2006 7:39pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Nov 23,2006 11:26pm - anonymous  ""]
bump for tomorrow night
[Nov 23,2006 11:36pm - Lamp ""]
Anonymous knows the deal.
[Nov 23,2006 11:56pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
will prob be there
[Nov 24,2006 10:35am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Nov 24,2006 11:07am - Lamp ""]
[Nov 24,2006 11:50am - davefromthegrave ""]
well I can't make it to the show, so I'm just gonna shit in my bathtub tonight at home and hope it rules just as much.
[Nov 24,2006 12:42pm - RichHorror ""]
If anyone from Somerville or anywhere in between Somerville and PVD is going to this and wants to ride in together, let me know. I need eyes to drive at night.
[Nov 24,2006 3:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm not going to this unfortunately, I have work until 10.
[Nov 24,2006 3:31pm - blue ""]
well, looks like i wont be making it out to this either. boo.
[Nov 24,2006 7:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I just read this thread for the address. I'm heading down now.
rich, if you want to ride down, call .e with in the next 1/2 hour. wear a tweed sweater and a suade jacket with tweed patches. there is a no body fluid releasing rule in my car so if you crap you pants of puke oh yourself, you are taking greyhound back. you are allowed to piss into bottles in my car (ala dumb and dumber), but music not spill and must supply own widemouth bottles.

josh, if you are down there and need a ride, I can do it. it's a little out of the way on the way back, but I can do it.
[Nov 24,2006 7:35pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 24,2006 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
that was my brother kraftwerkaaron
[Nov 24,2006 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
rich is going to detangle my hair ANd give me an upsidedown french braid. little known fact rich went to blaine for finishing school.
[Nov 24,2006 10:30pm - the_reverend ""]
waiting for the show to start. listening to really really loud IDM and tech-step for some reason. I'm pretty sure I travelled in to the bowels of olneyville. found a bunch of heart shaped boxes.... hey wait... naw nevermind.
[Nov 24,2006 10:51pm - the_reverend ""]
it smells like olneyville in here now.
[Nov 25,2006 12:16am - todayistheday nli  ""]
haha it hasnt started yet? wtf are they doing?!
[Nov 25,2006 12:49am - the_reverend ""]
3 bands have played bs about to setup. one thing I've learned is why does every person who has a set of turntables thinks they can scratch and that they should play their music super load? ok, that's a question so I want to know. since I don't know yet.

suffering bastard: even by sb standards, this was a super short set. They had a lot of people thrashing around for them. Bodies kept spilling out of the doors and into abhorred's gear. My flash messed up twice, so I ran it manual as not to blind people

id: awesome set. With the duct taped mic stand, they still rocked out hard. I was slowly headbanging more than shooting. During their set, the light got turned almost completely out. I was afraid to blind everyone so I didn't shoot many pictures and I ran everything manually.
[Nov 25,2006 12:51am - Dylan Klebold  ""]
shit or get off the bathtub.
[Nov 25,2006 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
id had a very doomy napalm death sound that I never really noticed before.

abhorred: fantabulous set. Reminds me of the old days when I would see these dudes all the time. Ah memories. john spent 1/2 the set to rip the tape off the mic that id put on it. I tried to mind my flash as much as possible as to not blind people. But this is how I used to see abhorred "backintheday" before the started only playing places with stages. One of the songs in the middle sounded suspicously like a grief song. Maybe jeff is just influencing them. At the end, all the lights went out and daveSOA held a flashlight for jeff to see.
[Nov 25,2006 2:45am - Lamp ""]
Holy moly that was amazing.
[Nov 25,2006 2:57am - the_reverend ""]
rich ran from the car like the gremlin to his mogwai (internet personality richhorror) was going to bust out of his chest.
I made damn sure not to feed him!
[Nov 25,2006 3:01am - RichHorror ""]
I couldn't wait to get out of the freezing cold. Everytime I go to an Olneyville show, my hands smell like something gross that they didn't smell like beforehand. Tonight it's earwax.
[Nov 25,2006 4:30am - the_reverend ""]
pictures up in a second.
[Nov 25,2006 6:14am - Messerschmitt ""]
pissed i missed this. looks like it was a fun one.
[Nov 25,2006 8:40am - aeser ""]
had an awesome time despite freezing my ass off/not being able to feel my hands or see anything while we played. bathub shitter killed it. good times.
[Nov 25,2006 10:01am - Lamp ""]
I was in a hurry before so I can add more details. I had to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible so I could drop off my friend who was with me and get back home and changed and go to work. But yeah, I smelled like cigarettes and I couldn't feel my toes towards the end(I did end up finding another shirt in my car that helped me later) but all in all this was definitely worth it, I felt so pumped up right before Bathtub Shitter started playing, they really did kill it. It was pretty funny to watch a guy who looked like he had a double digit weight number in pounds do low growls and the high squawks were great. So weird to watch those two voices come out of the same person.

Someone from the Lots of Noise board made a poster out of my screen name too...weirdest thing to ever happen to me at a show, that's for sure. But I got to keep it.
[Nov 25,2006 10:04am - Kevord ""]
From the pictures it looks like 90% of the crowd hasn't showered in 2006.
[Nov 25,2006 12:29pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Another seven million thanks to Jason/Id for getting us on this.

I had a good god damn time, even though Providence hates us.
[Nov 25,2006 12:33pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
the_reverend said: But this is how I used to see abhorred "backintheday" before the started only playing places with stages.

Hahahaha. If by places with stages you mean O'Brien's, you are correct. I prefer playing on the floor, though, whether the room clears out or not.
[Nov 25,2006 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
whatever rockstar. they only left cause your set was longer than 10 minutes and they got board. lot of wine to drink and art to make/talk about
[Nov 25,2006 12:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
wow, i would have thought there would be more people there.
[Nov 25,2006 2:18pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Nov 25,2006 2:21pm - aeser ""]
KeithMutiny said:wow, i would have thought there would be more people there.

it was a very decent turnout for like 3 days notice on the venue and everyone being out of town for thanksgiving and shit. made enough to pay bathtub shitter a respectable ammount. there were also several rooms people were hanging out in and outside which are not pictured.

[Nov 25,2006 2:34pm - Dylan Klebold  ""]
they're no cop ass grinders.
[Nov 25,2006 2:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I was too busy trying to find jlo and the mental serial killer in the back.
[Nov 25,2006 2:57pm - RichHorror ""]
The back is Buffalo Bill's summer home.
[Nov 25,2006 3:17pm - Dylan Klebold  ""]
shonen knife
[Nov 25,2006 3:21pm - Dylan Klebold  ""]

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