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Best way to smoke marijuana invented by Africans

[Nov 20,2006 11:51am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
[Nov 20,2006 11:52am - anonymousteinberg  ""]

Advantages of Smoking Blunts

1. Blunts are disposable, resemble an ordinary object and are manufactured from ordinary objects not necessarily known as paraphernalia (box cutters, cigars).
2. Thanks to their tobacco wrapper, blunts burn more slowly than joints and can be shared with less detail than pipes, bongs, chillums.
3. Nicotine, a stimulant, creates a synergistic effect with the marijuana, as reported by a majority of blunt smokers.
4. The rigid sides of the blunt channel large amounts of smoke directly to the user without depositing any resin on non-consumable surfaces, such as the insides of a pipe or the leaky paper of a joint.

[Nov 20,2006 11:57am - davefromthegrave ""]
anonymousteinberg said: resemble an ordinary object

I'm not sure I can understand this concept. You're saying that this object resembles a regular object? amazing!

thanks for the fucking revelation, you stupid cunt.
[Nov 20,2006 12:00pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
correction - the best way to smoke marijuana is to smoke it with me.
[Nov 20,2006 12:40pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
davefromthegrave said:anonymousteinberg said: resemble an ordinary object

I'm not sure I can understand this concept. You're saying that this object resembles a regular object? amazing!

thanks for the fucking revelation, you stupid cunt.

No, idiot gentile, it's saying it doesn't look like drug paraphrenalia. Note it says "ordinary object." You are not fit to shovel pig feces before a Seder, nu...

[Nov 20,2006 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
i love me the blunts. i've found that various devices like bowls make my asthma act up whereas a blunt doesnt. devices also burn the shit out of my throat, and a blunt doesnt. i prefer a blunt anytime.
[Nov 20,2006 1:10pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you're all nuts...bong hits all day
[Nov 20,2006 1:19pm - ariavette ""]
blunts are better to smoke.. as in easier on your lungs and throat and what not.. but it's so much easier to just rip off a bud and shove it in the bong... toke away...
[Nov 20,2006 1:29pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
nothing's ever gotten me more stoned than one of my old friend's zong bongs

[Nov 20,2006 1:30pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Nov 20,2006 1:39pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
now dont get me wrong i appreciate fine glass ware as much as the next man but i dont feel satisfied until i've sm oked a blunt....i cant rip off 3 grams and shove it all at oonce into a peice(wellif the bowl was big enough you could) and only have to light once........blunts rule all
[Nov 20,2006 1:58pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Bongs are a huge fuckin hassle. Have to fill them, clean them, and then they give you bronchitis cause one of your friends has a cold. Blunts are clean, easy and fast, and you can smoke em in public and people dont freak out.
[Nov 20,2006 2:39pm - powerkok ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:correction - the best way to smoke marijuana is to smoke it with me.

Heard that!
Hook this mofo up!
[Nov 20,2006 2:41pm - powerkok ""]
Bongs eat weed like fat kids eat Doritos.
Joints and Blunts take too long to prepare.
Glass bowls are where its at!!
Although, I will not discriminate.

I would agree tho, that bongs give you the best 'holy shit, I am stupid, and I cant move' high.
[Nov 20,2006 2:43pm - RichHorror ""]
powerkok said:Glass bowls are where its at!!

[Nov 20,2006 2:43pm - powerkok ""]
Also, I like glass bowls, because I can hit them discreetly, in my walk in fridge, while at work!!!!

Theres 4 big fans going in there, so the smoke is instantly 'waffed' away, and if anyone DOES smell it, well.....I tell them that its the ribs.
[Nov 20,2006 3:11pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Pyrex or glass?
[Nov 20,2006 3:13pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
pyrex would make awesome bowls
[Nov 20,2006 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
i am also a fan of bowls, but they cause breathing issues for me. also, not everyone knows how to properly pack a bowl, so quite often i'll smoke one and get next to nothing except for an incinerated uvula.
[Nov 20,2006 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
i fucking hate when someone packs a bowl by taking a bud and just sticking it in the pipe. seriously, its not that difficult.
[Nov 20,2006 3:24pm - ariavette ""]
powerkok said:Bongs eat weed like fat kids eat Doritos.
Joints and Blunts take too long to prepare.
Glass bowls are where its at!!
Although, I will not discriminate.

I would agree tho, that bongs give you the best 'holy shit, I am stupid, and I cant move' high.

haha.. yeah i'll give you that...
[Nov 20,2006 4:15pm - hungtableed  ""]
I've been a proud bong owner for so long that I cannot remember. However, despite how much I love pulling tubes, I fucking love soloing a fat blunt to the dome.

BTW: Best blunts ever
Anyone who cannot handle them are pussies!
[Nov 20,2006 6:04pm - sacreligion ""]
i feel that if it's going to be a blunt, it's honey dutchies or death

honey dutchies OF death?
[Nov 20,2006 6:29pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
idk im a lazy motherfucker so its either a blueberry blunt wrap or a garcia vega green tube
[Nov 20,2006 7:38pm - Andy.  ""]
blunts waste. the end.
[Nov 20,2006 10:15pm - Yeti ""]
i'm not a big backwoods fan, but i'd have to say my favorites are garcia greenies.
[Nov 20,2006 10:48pm - powerkok ""]
So, tonight I had a blunt for the 1st time in a while...

Alot of my younger friends smoke these, which leads me to believe, that there is a pretty large, 'age to untensil' variable.

Anyhoo, we smoked that and went to the fart soundboard on Ebaums....my head hurts from all the lol-ing.
[Nov 20,2006 11:10pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Andy. said:blunts waste. the end.

Store those ends up for a rainy Sabbat and you'll have something to put in your pipe (made from the thigh bones of Christian children, oh yes).
[Nov 21,2006 4:47am - animalrampage in espana  ""]
Nate Dogg has his own blunt wraps
[Nov 21,2006 10:05pm - anonymous  ""]
the nate dogg blunt wraps are a higher qulaitly then royals. and there's two in a package.
[Nov 22,2006 7:51am - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
anonymous said:the nate dogg blunt wraps are a higher qulaitly then royals. and there's two in a package.

i dont know a bout that...the flavoring is to stronf i feel like im smoking perfume when i smoke those nate dogg blunts plus they dont stick as well and theres no straw to pack everything down
[Nov 22,2006 8:02am - hungtableed  ""]
I'm going to roll one up right now and get high before school....
[Nov 22,2006 3:05pm - infoterror ""]
Blunt wraps are generally too flavored. Give me the compost heap taste of some cheap cigar and I'm happy, just dump out the "tobacco" shit inside of it first!
[Nov 22,2006 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
i am a fan of wraps, but they have more faults. they are too short for one thing.
[Nov 22,2006 4:50pm - elders of zion nli  ""]
Marijuana weakens the youth of America, and soon they shall serve us...


...at $7.50 an hour.
[Nov 29,2006 1:20am - blunt toker  ""]
have you guys heard of these invisible wraps new from brazil made from cellulose man there even more slow burning then blunts... there called transparent wraps u can find about them on google... they just started selling it at the smoke shop down the street
[Nov 29,2006 5:17am - Meyhna'ch's Dreadlocks  ""]
"have you guys heard of these invisible wraps new from brazil made from cellulose man there even more slow burning then blunts... there called transparent wraps u can find about them on google... they just started selling it at the smoke shop down the street"

Problem being that you're basically inhaling plastic fumes, which is only about 50 times as toxic as inhaling smoke.

The best smoke is still kind rolled into decent Club paper, or a "solar hit" (using a magnifying glass to light your glass bowl). Of course, there's always vaporizing, but that gets a little expensive.
[Nov 29,2006 11:02am - anonymous  ""]
haveu ever heard no one cares if u smoke weed i did it in the school bathroom and u could smell it down the hal way no one cares
[Nov 29,2006 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
Randy's wraps.... built in roach clip.
[Nov 29,2006 11:33am - mississsippi1  ""]
why the fuck is your dumb ass smokin when u got asthma and were the fuck is that presidential shit.
[Nov 29,2006 11:35am - mississsippi1  ""]
nigga were u at shid i need some of those but yall niggas need to smoke them GRAPE CIGAROLLOS AND ROLL THEM INSIDE OUT THEY BURN SLOW ASS HELL CUZ!
[Nov 29,2006 11:35am - elders of zion nli  ""]
People say smoking marijuana is for negroes but Jews invented marijuana abuse. We're the original stoner tribe, proud, yo!

Jews invented Marijuana like everything else
[Nov 29,2006 11:38am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
i wish jews invented shutting the fuck up.
[Feb 18,2007 9:07pm - anonymous  ""]
lmfao, damn jews,they end up like all my budd.....burnt. ha
[Feb 18,2007 10:07pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Allah U Akbar, I'll take my hookah anyday, much more civil, and you can make it any flavor you want just by throwing it in there.
[Feb 18,2007 10:15pm - tylerl ""]
blunts are convenient but it's 100x worse for your lungs. i've never smoked a cigarette in my life and i still fear lung cancer cause of so many blunts
[Feb 18,2007 10:32pm - cav nli  ""]
one word....gravity
[Feb 18,2007 10:32pm - powerkok ""]
Well, thats cuz youre being a pussy about it.
[Feb 18,2007 11:45pm - NIGGER ""]
Drugs are not for winners.
[Feb 18,2007 11:55pm - sxealex ""]
yea i dont smoke obviously so im no authority... but hookahs seem cool and healthier than these blunty objects.... alot of people i know use evaporators they seems the healthiest and cleanest and least wasteful but i guess if u dont make em urself they cost alot... someone said they could take the evaporated shit and put it in a bubble. does anyone know the validity of this?
[Feb 19,2007 12:44am - RichHorror ""]
Actually someone told me evaporators are more inexpensive now. ANd yeah, cleanest/healthiest/least smelly.
[Feb 19,2007 12:48am - tylerl ""]
my room used to have a vaporizer (it broke), it would only smell like burnt popcorn and was really cool to smoke out of, you're inhaling almost no smoke at all
[Feb 19,2007 1:30am - Kinslayer  ""]
who needs to use a knife to break open a blunt?
[Feb 19,2007 4:31am - W3 nli  ""]
you know for a bunch of stoner you motherfuckers sure like to argue.

im guessing none of your are really really high.
[Feb 19,2007 12:51pm - ariavette ""]
tylerl said:my room used to have a vaporizer (it broke), it would only smell like burnt popcorn and was really cool to smoke out of, you're inhaling almost no smoke at all

my boyfriends neighbor has one of those.. It is pretty cool to smoke out of b/c you dont see smoke so you dont really realize how high you are till you put it down...
[Apr 3,2007 8:34pm - Seasoned Toker  ""]
Both are good to use, it just depends on your situation and preference. Blunts are cool if you want to be out and about like a concert, the beach, or just cruisin' around in a vehicle because you can look somewhat inconspicuous. A friend and I once cruised from Waikiki to Hawaii Kai in his convertible, each of us tokin' away at our own thick blunts, and no one seemed to notice or care. Plus, depending on what kind of cigar or wrap you have (coupled w/ the type of dank you're rollin'), the tobacco can sometimes mask some of the smell. It's also a different type of high. One of the downsides though is that you use up a lot of shake to make a blunt (and I'm all about being efficient w/ my burning).

Bongs/pipes are great for lazily hanging out at the house and tokin' away. I prefer these because I like the taste of bud when I blaze (different taste w/ blunts). Slightly more efficient, considering it takes less time and herb in loading bowls, and you don't have to worry about roaches. It's been my experience, that pipes and bongs are less harsh on the lungs and throat than a blunt. You can take bigger/longer rips w/o your lungs and throat feeling like you're trying to breathe in a burning building. Add some ice to the bong water and you barely tell you've taken a hit. Downside to bowls are everyone knows what they're used for, so there's no fooling anyone about why you have it (and they rarely come in classy designs or colors, so I sometimes feel like a god damn hippie w/ it).

Neither get you more higher than the other though. That all depends on the quality of your stuff or how much you've smoked in one setting.
[Apr 3,2007 8:37pm - yummy ""]
good form
[Apr 3,2007 9:07pm - nickyhelliot ""]
I made a lung.

it ruled.
[Apr 4,2007 1:33pm - d_blumkpkin nli  ""]
fuck blunts... everyone needs to embrace the vaporizers. there expensive as hell but a lot but safer than blunts or any other form of blazing
[Apr 4,2007 2:36pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I've never thought of a roach as something to "worry about"
[Apr 4,2007 2:38pm - sacreligion ""]
d_blumkpkin nli said:fuck blunts... everyone needs to embrace the vaporizers. there expensive as hell but a lot but safer than blunts or any other form of blazing

safety? YOU'RE FIRED!
[Apr 4,2007 6:06pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
Meyhna‘ch‘s Dreadlocks said:"have you guys heard of these invisible wraps new from brazil made from cellulose man there even more slow burning then blunts... there called transparent wraps u can find about them on google... they just started selling it at the smoke shop down the street"

Problem being that you're basically inhaling plastic fumes, which is only about 50 times as toxic as inhaling smoke.

The best smoke is still kind rolled into decent Club paper, or a "solar hit" (using a magnifying glass to light your glass bowl). Of course, there's always vaporizing, but that gets a little expensive.

the clear papers aren't plastic there sugar cellulode (don't know if thats how you spell it) its basically the same stuff as the sticky shit on a joint paper
[Apr 4,2007 6:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i enjoy the clear papers cause they dont canoe at all and burn slow like a blunt. they are a bitch to roll though.
[Apr 4,2007 8:27pm - Seasoned Toker  ""]
It's not, Josh. Highly resinated or not, trying to get that little bit of bud at the end of the blunt can sometimes seem like a hassle (most times, you end up pulling the blunt apart and putting it in a bowl anyway). That's where bowls will always have an advantage. You smoke it 'til it's cashed (or for bongs, 'til it's gone) and then you're done. Sit back and enjoy yourself or load another bowl.

For those of you who are really that health-conscious about your cannabis enjoyment, try baking w/ it. It's the healthiest way to get your THC fix, you can use schwag (tough to find here on the islands for some reason) and it still gets you extremely wasted, and it's damn near indetectable. Hell, just last week, my girlfriend brought some "magic" blueberry muffins on a plane for us to enjoy the flight with and we joined the other Mile High Club. No one's suspicious of muffins.
[Apr 4,2007 8:56pm - Hoser ""]
Poy smokers are an odd breed.
[Apr 7,2007 8:12am - anonymous  ""]
HEAR YE HEAR YE let man enjoyeth the weed that god hath given him if it is something that he needeth , and let not man fear condemnation because of it , for god is a merciful god full of compassion to all those that seek him


HEAR YE HEAR YE god is not as silent as some would imagine


all the answers are waiting for you , did you know that the national geographic channel has a program DNA THE MYSTERY OF ADAM which proves beyond a doubt that we all have decended from the one man ,by tracking dna ''mutations'' passed down from father to son, professor wells discovers that people from all over the world share the same particular mark in their dna thus proving the biblical account

there are many evidences for gods existence but people who dont ''want '' to believe, or those who fail to objectivly weigh the evidence without imposing long held beliefs into the mix ,can easily be decieved into thinking that god is just myth,

so look it up and check it out and remember be in the
[Apr 21,2007 8:38pm - anonymous  ""]
marijuana is an effective treatment and temporary cure for asthma attacks
[May 3,2007 2:29pm - rollingstoner  ""]
does anbody know if greyhound does searches? iwanna try and bring a bong from cali to wisonsin do they search ur shit>?
[May 3,2007 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
anonymous said:marijuana is an effective treatment and temporary cure for asthma attacks

i can vouch that that is incorrect. i have asthma, and it is greatly worsened by smoking, and i dont smoke cigarettes. i dont necessarily have an asthma attack after smoking, but i definitely notice way more tightness in my bronchial passages. and when i wake up in the morning, my breathing is more labored than other mornings, and there is a lot more phlegm.
[May 3,2007 3:18pm - ariavette ""]
rollingstoner said:does anbody know if greyhound does searches? iwanna try and bring a bong from cali to wisonsin do they search ur shit>?

i took a grey hound from boston to california and they did send it through an x-ray thing i think. it was a few years ago so i'm not too sure. but i know they definately didn't rumage through it or anything. then the stuff gets thrown under the bus. if you don't get caught you've gota pretty good chance it wont make it in one piece.
[May 3,2007 3:20pm - ariavette ""]
although this was pre 9/11 so who knows now.
[May 3,2007 4:43pm - Agrippa ""]
[May 3,2007 4:45pm - pam ""]
YES!!! Gas masks are the best.
[May 3,2007 6:36pm - BlackoutRick ""]
yes, gas masks are very good. The most stoned I ever got was from a G-bong though.
[May 3,2007 7:23pm - agrippa_nli  ""]
gravitational bong technology
[May 4,2007 10:37am - Yeti ""]
cruuuuushiiiiiing meeee
[May 4,2007 2:06pm - pam ""]
Gravity bongs are pretty awesome, I haven't used one in forever. I still prefer the regular old glass bong though. Sometimes simplicity is best.
[May 4,2007 2:46pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
the gas mask is cool but after like 3 hits your eyes burn and your face feels grimey. im still gonna agree with the blunt here.
[May 12,2007 11:56am - jesus ""]

clear 100% cellulose rolling papers are weird. anyone try these? i couldnt get past the thought of it seeming like i was smoking cellophane
[May 23,2007 12:26am - Johnny Two Times  ""]
all you arguing over peices and blunts and what gets you higher...you just have to know how to take a good fucking hit pussys
[May 30,2007 3:21pm - pottymouth ""]
>elders of zion nli said:Marijuana weakens the youth of America, and soon they shall serve us...
>image: star of david

>...at $7.50 an hour.

you fuckin' jackass. smoke some pot and get a little peace, love, and understanding.

i love gettin' high with my jewish brothers, my islamic brothers, my christian brothers, my buddhist brothers, etc.

i love gettin' high with my black brothers, brown brother, white brothers, yellow brothers, etc.

In fact, the only people i don't like being around are hate spewing, intolerant morans.

Here MY question... what's the best way to prepare a NEW bag of moist pot? smoke as it... or maybe roast a little in low temp. over until crispy?

[May 30,2007 3:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pottymouth said:you fuckin' jackass. smoke some pot and get a little peace, love, and understanding.

i love gettin' high with my jewish brothers, my islamic brothers, my christian brothers, my buddhist brothers, etc.

i love gettin' high with my black brothers, brown brother, white brothers, yellow brothers, etc.

In fact, the only people i don't like being around are hate spewing, intolerant morans.

Here MY question... what's the best way to prepare a NEW bag of moist pot? smoke as it... or maybe roast a little in low temp. over until crispy?

Marijuana apparently weakens your grasp of quoting technology.
[May 30,2007 8:55pm - NIGGER ""]
[Jun 13,2007 4:23am - lookingforGod  ""]
"Who shew from the beginning the things that shall be at last, and from ancient times the things that as yet are not done, saying:
my counsel shall stand and all my will shall be done:
You cant make up your own bible quotes
[Jun 13,2007 5:36am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Agrippa said:[img]

A friend of mine has a similar contraption
[Jun 20,2007 2:19am - Oldschool  ""]
its funny that this is even being argued over..

Blunts > all. end of it, just accept that a well rolled blunt will give you the perfect high. sure there are all sorts of devices out there, massive bongs/vap's/steamers .. i could go on and on, but notice in each of these "Devices" your taking WAY less concentrated and less potent smoke then you are a blunt.. for every mili second smoke is mixed with air it begins to stale and become less and less potent.

a blunt is straight to the dome, slow burning, killin a couple g's and your gettin high as fuck, me myself i'm not a big "high" person, i've smoked outa just about everything you could think of.. volcano's, roors, all the classics.. w.e and i will take a well rolled blunt sesh over ANYTHING and thats because a blunt signifies the fuckin essence of smokin weed, chillen, layin back and just smokin with your buddies, relaxin.. laughin and hopefully listen to bone thugs just flowin

[Jun 20,2007 2:29am - deadlikemurf ""]
jesus said:[img]

clear 100% cellulose rolling papers are weird. anyone try these? i couldnt get past the thought of it seeming like i was smoking cellophane

i walked into my buddy's space one day and they were rolling a j with one of those...

i was all "you niggas are crazy rolling j's w/ saran wrap."

i won the funny contest that night.
[Aug 23,2007 7:33pm - anonymous  ""]
Check out the great video section found on this site: http://www.miniboxs.com/weedvideos.html - many videos showing you the best ways and different methods to smoke pot, Hash, Weed, Ganja, Marijuana and Toke. nullhttp://www.miniboxs.com/weedvideos.html
[Sep 15,2007 6:46pm - theshroomman  ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i wish jews invented shutting the fuck up.

hahahahahaah XD

oh and the cellulose papers are the best. you can lick them anywhere, easy to fix, and easy to attach to make fatties. they run if you dont baptize it.
they act like paper, i find them easier to roll with b/c they curl up when handeled. + you see the weed burn ;)

[Sep 17,2007 2:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Friggin' zombie threads...
[Sep 17,2007 9:51pm - NIGGER ""]
[Sep 17,2007 9:52pm - blue ""]
[Sep 17,2007 11:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

best way to smoke marijuana....

with me! bhwaaahahha.
[Sep 18,2007 7:02am - sever nli  ""]
out of my bowl!

we call it the doobleh amino - it's a four inch twisted double helix dual chamber. it's the shit, and I got it ass cheap in new hampshire.
[Sep 18,2007 9:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I have this 16-inch-long crazy Gandalf pipe that my dad turned on a lathe back in the day. The stem actually breaks down into two pieces to fit into a carrying case. It has a really shitty clay bowl, but I'm going to make a better one out of two-part epoxy putty ("green stuff"). That shit's fucking indestructible once it cures.
[Sep 18,2007 10:42am - Yeti ""]
we have a bongstrosity named Medusa, its a 5 gallon water bottle, 6 person hookah with a shower head for a piece. the carbs are two gas valves near the water level. she will turn you to stone.
[Nov 27,2007 5:22pm - Yoda  ""]
haha Nah Uv all got it wrong. If you really wana know the most efficient and fuck you sideways way to smoke weed Spots are where its at!
Wots Spots?
Well all you need is your home stove (its gota be the one with coils) and 2 butter knives. to start off with you might need 2 people but with experience it can be done solo. Slot the ends of the knives between da coils and wait till those motherfuckers are glowin then roll about half a bowl sized bud into a lil ball (A spot). Take your Hot knives and put the spot on one knive an quickly use the other to press down on top of the spot. this will vaporize the weed your lucky friend should hold a coke bottle with the botom cut off or some sort tube to catch the smoke and then suck all the goodness down.
[Nov 27,2007 5:29pm - brandon... ""]
Yoda said:haha Nah Uv all got it wrong. If you really wana know the most efficient and fuck you sideways way to smoke weed Spots are where its at!
Wots Spots?
Well all you need is your home stove (its gota be the one with coils) and 2 butter knives. to start off with you might need 2 people but with experience it can be done solo. Slot the ends of the knives between da coils and wait till those motherfuckers are glowin then roll about half a bowl sized bud into a lil ball (A spot). Take your Hot knives and put the spot on one knive an quickly use the other to press down on top of the spot. this will vaporize the weed your lucky friend should hold a coke bottle with the botom cut off or some sort tube to catch the smoke and then suck all the goodness down.

Hahahah thats great, only a stoner would come up with an invention like that. I still love the water bong.
[Nov 27,2007 5:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
personal gravity bong hits are the most efficient in my opinion. that or a big ole brownie..
[Nov 27,2007 7:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yoda said:haha Nah Uv all got it wrong. If you really wana know the most efficient and fuck you sideways way to smoke weed Spots are where its at!
Wots Spots?
Well all you need is your home stove (its gota be the one with coils) and 2 butter knives. to start off with you might need 2 people but with experience it can be done solo. Slot the ends of the knives between da coils and wait till those motherfuckers are glowin then roll about half a bowl sized bud into a lil ball (A spot). Take your Hot knives and put the spot on one knive an quickly use the other to press down on top of the spot. this will vaporize the weed your lucky friend should hold a coke bottle with the botom cut off or some sort tube to catch the smoke and then suck all the goodness down.

Knife hits are best reserved for hash; this will definitely kick you in the ding-dong, however.

Also, consider learning English.

Yeti said:we have a bongstrosity named Medusa, its a 5 gallon water bottle, 6 person hookah with a shower head for a piece. the carbs are two gas valves near the water level. she will turn you to stone.

I have seen this; it is indeed an intimidating sight.
[Nov 27,2007 7:45pm - cav nli  ""]
deadlikemurf said:jesus said:[img]

clear 100% cellulose rolling papers are weird. anyone try these? i couldnt get past the thought of it seeming like i was smoking cellophane

i walked into my buddy's space one day and they were rolling a j with one of those...

i was all "you niggas are crazy rolling j's w/ saran wrap."

i won the funny contest that night.

that looks exactly like the shit i got right now.
[Dec 5,2007 8:15pm - cool_dood  ""]
[Dec 5,2007 8:15pm - cool_dood  ""]

[Dec 5,2007 8:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish my drug dealer would call me back. sucks.
[Dec 5,2007 8:16pm - cool_dood  ""]









[Dec 5,2007 8:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm really impressed at the longevity of this thread. Good job, everybody, good job.
[Dec 11,2007 3:22pm - kmk420  ""]
Kingpins... thats where its at!... But dont get me wrong Ill rip that glass on glass, defused downstem, perculator, graffix bong any day!!!
[Dec 11,2007 4:21pm - nickyhelliot ""]
[Dec 11,2007 4:27pm - contagion ""]
i prefer bong rips.

but thats me.
[Dec 11,2007 6:24pm - nickyhelliot ""]
Sky's the limit smells and tastes like waffles and syrup. Bongs still rule, but they aren't awesome untill they can imitate breakfast foods.
[Dec 11,2007 8:35pm - NIGGER ""]

[Jan 15,2008 12:30am - anonymous  ""]
rosen? where are you?
[Jan 15,2008 12:41am - Lamp ""]
RichHorror said:powerkok said:Glass bowls are where its at!!

[Jan 22,2008 9:21pm - anonymous  ""]
wow chill dude its better than alcohol. if you would stop hating and promoting a waste of fed. money you might try some.
[Jan 22,2008 11:38pm - NIGGER ""]

[Feb 18,2008 10:45am - Benny H  ""]
Blunts are good im kinda gettin sick of em tho bcs of how many ive been smokin lately i like to just kick back and relax with a bowl every now and then and when im smokin by myself i roll a nice double wrapped(so it burns slower) joint but when theres mad heads you gotta whip out the bong or a fat blunt
[Feb 18,2008 10:50am - Benny H  ""]
oh and BTW my bong recently passed away. it was about 2 feet tall, blue and black, shaped like a mushroom, and if you push the switch on the bottom(that you cant even notice) it glowed different colors. Im gonna miss that bong dearly
[Mar 23,2008 11:04am - anonymous  ""]
:spineyes::NOD::NOD:its better to hit a bong anyway because its cleaner filtration so your able to get more smoke but it burns so fucking fast
[Mar 23,2008 11:12am - lojan man  ""]
:BOUNCE::2FINGERS::FUBUDDY:early in the morning risin to the street i lite me up that double dutch and i strap shoes on my feet/ naw but i was gonna say my homeboy has a gas mask but instead of a glass bowl he has a steam roller on the end
[Mar 23,2008 11:19am - lojan man  ""]
man what the fuck are  talking about thats all i smoke you fucking rascist :duffbeer::duffbeer::gun::duffbeer::duffbeer::CHEERS:m|m:2FINGERS:
[Mar 23,2008 11:21am - lojan man  ""]
:pukeface:im so fuckin stoned
[Mar 23,2008 11:23am - lojan man  ""]

anonymous said::spineyes::NOD::NOD:its better to hit a bong anyway because its cleaner filtration so your able to get more smoke but it burns so fucking fast
[Mar 31,2008 4:11pm - Adolf Hitler  ""]
<a href="http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c361/Drummer07/?action=view¤t=Nazi.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c361/Drummer07/Nazi.gif" border="0" alt="*Nazi*"></a>
[Mar 31,2008 4:12pm - Adolf Hitler  ""]
[Mar 31,2008 4:12pm - Adolf Hitler  ""]
[Jul 11,2008 9:21pm - anonymous  ""]
bit mad
[Jul 20,2008 12:10am - qTRprShell  ""]
yall are all trippin if you dont like a blunt a good ol swish or philly blunt works and really blunts are just as harsh on your lungs as papez so if you worried bout ya health the you know smoke up on some bwlz but if you tryna get baked smoke a few blunts to the dome
[Jul 20,2008 4:07am - infect ""]

anonymous said:marijuana is an effective treatment and temporary cure for panic attacks

[Aug 1,2008 9:08pm - jacko88  ""]
they probly did.....you? maybe not so much.:tightiewhities:[img][img]
[Aug 18,2008 5:33pm - brown power  ""]
fuck yall african booty scratchers we made weed bitch
[Aug 18,2008 6:21pm - Conservationist ""]
Indians really "made" weed, but it seems to be in use on every continent.

Weed is universal. But it makes smart people get higher.
[Aug 18,2008 6:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I stand by my big ol hand blown glass bong. It stands to almost my midthigh,. and its real pretty. I am pretty sure that besides vaporizers, bongs are the next best for your lungs.
[Aug 31,2008 2:34am - MOB Piru Blood  ""]
fuck all y'all. my homies and i smoke backwoods they get you soo stupid fool its a naturaul leaf burns slow an gets u fucked up i swear try one for mac dre. im soooo ripped smoked a blue berry blunt wrap filled wit 3 grams of dank
[Aug 31,2008 2:38am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

MOB%20Piru%20Blood said:fuck all y'all. my homies and i smoke backwoods they get you soo stupid fool its a naturaul leaf burns slow an gets u fucked up i swear try one for mac dre. im soooo ripped smoked a blue berry blunt wrap filled wit 3 grams of dank

Apparently it made you forget how to type in english.
[Aug 31,2008 12:39pm - oscarct ""]

anonymousteinberg said:[img]

Advantages of Smoking Blunts

1. Blunts are disposable, resemble an ordinary object and are manufactured from ordinary objects not necessarily known as paraphernalia (box cutters, cigars).
2. Thanks to their tobacco wrapper, blunts burn more slowly than joints and can be shared with less detail than pipes, bongs, chillums.
3. Nicotine, a stimulant, creates a synergistic effect with the marijuana, as reported by a majority of blunt smokers.
4. The rigid sides of the blunt channel large amounts of smoke directly to the user without depositing any resin on non-consumable surfaces, such as the insides of a pipe or the leaky paper of a joint.


I dont get it. do these go in the doodoo hole?
[Aug 31,2008 12:40pm - oscarct ""]

MOB%20Piru%20Blood said:fuck all y'all. my homies and i smoke backwoods they get you soo stupid fool its a naturaul leaf burns slow an gets u fucked up i swear try one for mac dre. im soooo ripped smoked a blue berry blunt wrap filled wit 3 grams of dank

uhhhhhhh what?

this honestly the face I made reading this :moe:
[Aug 31,2008 8:38pm - Conservationist ""]

ouchdrummer said:I stand by my big ol hand blown glass bong. It stands to almost my midthigh,. and its real pretty. I am pretty sure that besides vaporizers, bongs are the next best for your lungs.

3 ft glass bongs with wide carbs may be FTW, but blunts are better for rollin'
[Aug 31,2008 11:07pm - sever ""]

Firecrackers > all

a little peanut butter sandwich and you're blasted for 8 hours.
[Sep 16,2008 3:32pm - vijai  ""]
if blunts will not affect our health,we can use it.
But we should consider with doctors about blunts whether it is affect
our health or not.

- - - - - -

[Oct 3,2008 3:18pm - Linkfookedzelda  ""]
Lol damn 2 year old thread, still kicking (kinda). I smoke usually a joint or a pipe. All i have are papers and my pip made from copper plumbing pipe.
[Sep 14,2009 5:22pm - la bonita  ""]
:HUMP:iloveyou josephyour text here
[Sep 14,2009 9:18pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

Linkfookedzelda said:Lol damn 2 year old thread, still kicking (kinda). I smoke usually a joint or a pipe. All i have are papers and my pip made from copper plumbing pipe.

its def not a good idea to smoke through copper
[Sep 14,2009 9:30pm - Where is my stimulus check?  ""]
I love a good pyrex bowl
[Sep 15,2009 2:12pm - khljfhdf  ""]
Blunts leak mad res res, this man is a liar
[Dec 9,2009 6:52pm - anonymous  ""]
hey kid im white n i put dat papper on it that i could smoke you ass under the table any day cant fuck wit my purple
[Dec 9,2009 10:03pm - t2daeek ""]
i can't believe this still exists...
i just ran across that jews shutting the fuck up thing... unreal size portions of funny shit.
however, my 2 cents, joints are it, the one and only way that weed should be smoked.
if i'm gonna be health conscious, i'll vape.
if there's one in the room i'll bong a nong nong.
i smoke from a glass bowl to and from work, and when ever else i'm in the car basically.
joints are it. they taste better and will stuff you into your own personal overhead compartment. and hemp papers can make them burn slowly too.
[Dec 9,2009 11:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Best Thread? Or Besterest Thread?
[Dec 10,2009 1:11am - ernie  ""]
i am higher than any of you/
[Dec 10,2009 1:14am - lon_chaney ""]
[Apr 3,2012 4:43pm - arillius_the_white ""]
Thread needs to be bumped.
[Apr 4,2012 9:15am - ben  ""]
chose your words more wisely. if africans invented it , it isn't the best. in fact they invented extremely little. what they did invent wasn't without the help of the white man who invented just about every fucking thing you can imagine. have you thanked your fellow white man today???
[Apr 4,2012 9:17am - arillius_the_white ""]


[Apr 4,2012 3:47pm - LolBen  ""]

ben said:what they did invent wasn't without the help of the white man who invented just about every fucking thing you can imagine.
hahahahahaha so let's see calculus was north African in origin. Many concept in engineering were invented in north Africa before Europeans stole the ideas also. The Chinese invented almost everything 1000 years before Europeans found out. You fucking stupid white power fuck. White people invented nothing. Especially European whites. Douchebag.
[Apr 5,2012 6:50pm - DYA is HAHAHAHAHA  ""]

LolBen said:
ben said:what they did invent wasn't without the help of the white man who invented just about every fucking thing you can imagine.
hahahahahaha so let's see calculus was north African in origin. Many concept in engineering were invented in north Africa before Europeans stole the ideas also. The Chinese invented almost everything 1000 years before Europeans found out. You fucking stupid white power fuck. White people invented nothing. Especially European whites. Douchebag.

dumb, meet dumber
[Apr 6,2012 7:35am - Yeti ""]
wait...didn't Conservationist make this thread?
[Apr 6,2012 10:48am - Fake ARIL  ""]

LolBen said:
ben said:what they did invent wasn't without the help of the white man who invented just about every fucking thing you can imagine.

hahahahahaha so let's see calculus was north African in origin.
Many concept in engineering were invented in north Africa
The Chinese invented almost everything 1000 years before Europeans found out.
You fucking stupid white power fuck.
White people invented nothing.
Especially European whites.

LOL. If he's white power, you're clearly white guilt. You do realize the North Africans you speak of are predominantly berbers, and not nubians, right? If you're gonna worry about race, at least know that the north africans you speak of are mostly white.

[Apr 6,2012 10:59am - Fake ARILLUS THE WHITE  ""]
Old Fake ARIL was funnier.
[Apr 8,2012 7:22am - ben ""]

LolBen said:
ben said:what they did invent wasn't without the help of the white man who invented just about every fucking thing you can imagine.
hahahahahaha so let's see calculus was north African in origin. Many concept in engineering were invented in north Africa before Europeans stole the ideas also. The Chinese invented almost everything 1000 years before Europeans found out. You fucking stupid white power fuck. White people invented nothing. Especially European whites. Douchebag.

wow what an uninformed self hating whitey you are. keep reading your rewritten social studies books moron. please take a trip through Europe from north to south. when you get to north niggerville africa (which is on the edge of southern Europe), give me your report on what you seen and experienced. then tell me who is superior again.
[Apr 8,2012 12:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 10,2012 3:30pm - babyshakernli  ""]
wow this thread is old and the bong in the post above is ghetto.....vaporizers for life

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