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[Nov 17,2006 5:52pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Don't know if there's already been a thread about it, but that crazy J. Randall has done it again with this new compilation(?) released on Relapse.
I spotted it in the rock section at Newbury Comics just because of the name and took a closer look, and bought it immediately.
This quite possibly one of the greatest albums I have ever heard ever. Any fan of AxNb should kick themselves in the head if they haven't heard this yet, and if they have, well they should pat themself on the back then smoke some meth and listen to it all over again.
[Nov 17,2006 5:59pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I thought you were talking about how some drummers end up sounding like machine guns when they play, like on skyforger's album "latvian riflemen" there is one song where you swear it is double kick then you realize it's machine gun fire
[Nov 17,2006 6:06pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I've got it, pretty nuts. Brutal but unfortunately it gets a little monotonous and boring after a few minutes.

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