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Dec 30 (Sat) - BANE, Overcast, Evergreen Terrace, Outbreak, FC Five. Ambitions and Guests [terror, reach the sky??] - Palladium (Worcester, Ma) +[view flyer]

Dec 30 (Sat) - Bane - Palladium (Worcester, Ma) +

BANE 10th reunion show....

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Nov 17,2006 1:46pm - xanonymousx ""]
ok i know most of you probably don't care about them but OVERCAST is also playing this

the show is december 30th at the palladium
i am surprised that they are doing this at the palladium since they have said they do not like playing there
[Nov 17,2006 1:47pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I own Overcast's "Expectational Dilution". It's alright.

And the Palladium is the shiznit.
[Nov 17,2006 1:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
its an Anniversary show not a reunion my bad
[Nov 17,2006 2:12pm - dreadkill ""]
never liked bane
[Nov 17,2006 2:41pm - mcmahon ""]
wow, i saw them at the mass college of arts in.... 99? 00? I forget. i'd check this show out.
[Nov 17,2006 4:10pm - intricateprocess ""]
overcast sucks,the palladium sucks, Outbreak owns, and i heard Reach the Sky might be doing a reunion at this show
[Nov 17,2006 5:20pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
mass concerts had reach the sky on the lineup for like 2 days.......
[Nov 17,2006 6:03pm - tbone_r ""]
no barrier. if reach the sky is playing i'm not missing it.
[Nov 17,2006 8:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
no barrier i didn't think the palladium allowed that anymore
[Nov 17,2006 8:33pm - Kevord ""]
Barrit should do another reunion show. Then I'd be happy.
[Nov 17,2006 8:45pm - xanonymousx ""]
champion should come out of retirement...
blood has been shed would be good.
[Nov 26,2006 1:30pm - anonymous  ""]
i heard terror was on?
[Nov 26,2006 1:33pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
if Reach the Sky is reuniting anywhere I will be there. Even if it means the shitty Palladium.
[Nov 26,2006 1:36pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Kevord said:Barrit should do another reunion show. Then I'd be happy.

[Nov 26,2006 2:25pm - urinal turd  ""]
Kevord said:Barrit should do another reunion show. Then I'd be happy.

they would never do a reunion without steve so it's never going to happen
[Nov 26,2006 3:00pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone on this bill except for overcast... which will explain my getting mondo-retardo ignorant during all bands not named "overcast"

such a bummer they dropped off the suffocation show at toad's place to play THIS poopfest
[Nov 26,2006 10:08pm - blue ""]
yeah, stillborn fest was going to be super awesome with them on it.
[Dec 5,2006 1:17pm - xanonymousxx  ""]
anonymous said:i heard terror was on?

according to the evergreen terrace website they are.
[Dec 5,2006 1:28pm - xanonymousxx  ""]
GoatOfCatalyst said:
such a bummer they dropped off the suffocation show at toad's place to play THIS poopfest

they probably dropped off the suffocation show simply because they have found if they had said no to banes offer it would be disrespectful since bane has been around for along time and they have given so much to the hardcore community.
[Dec 5,2006 2:05pm - xmikex ""]
if Reach the Sky is play you'd better believe I'll be there. There's something about Overcast I just never got into though.

and Ambitions are incredibly nice doods. Check them out if that's your thing.
[Dec 5,2006 2:34pm - cav ""]
has anybody heard of FC FIVE? i checked em out a couple weeks ago cus i saw em on so many shows. i guess they are from japan and they play straight up hardcore. its pretty awesome. im probably going to go to this show as long as im not broke.
[Dec 5,2006 4:03pm - xanonymousx ""]
yeah seems like a good time i missed alot of good shows lately i may have to commit myself to this one
[Dec 5,2006 4:06pm - xanonymousx ""]
cav said:has anybody heard of FC FIVE? i checked em out a couple weeks ago cus i saw em on so many shows. i guess they are from japan and they play straight up hardcore. its pretty awesome. im probably going to go to this show as long as im not broke.

hardcore yell with japanese accent kinda works
[Dec 5,2006 4:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
guess what, bane has sucked huge donkey dick, for all of the last 10 years, so fuck em.
[Dec 5,2006 5:10pm - intricateprocess ""]
I still enjoy bane, i heard Reach The Sky definatly isnt playing. I really want to see Outbreak again,so i might go,even though the palladium is absolutley gay
[Dec 5,2006 6:22pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
cav said:has anybody heard of FC FIVE? i checked em out a couple weeks ago cus i saw em on so many shows. i guess they are from japan and they play straight up hardcore. its pretty awesome. im probably going to go to this show as long as im not broke.

saw em' when i was in London at the Underground last year and they were pretty good. sounded great live, really tight, and lots of energy.

[Dec 5,2006 8:28pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
fc five are decent...saw them in worcester awhile back with bane...ive honestly never seen a band look so excited to be playing...
[Dec 6,2006 12:42am - tbone_r ""]
i'm supposed to go on a road trip to florida right after christmas. if reach the sky is playing this show, i'm not going on the trip.
[Dec 6,2006 1:48am - todayistheday nli  ""]
reach the sky were listed on the lineup on the massconcerts site for almost a week...then they took them off
[Dec 21,2006 2:49pm - xanonymousx ""]
alittle over a week away
[Dec 21,2006 2:55pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Dec 30,2006 12:35pm - xanonymousx ""]
today and according to evergreen terrace's myspace reach the sky is playing but who knows
[Dec 30,2006 1:02pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
KeithMutiny said:guess what, bane has sucked huge donkey dick, for all of the last 10 years, so fuck em.

So many kids that are into old school hardcore say that. I like bane. I think people are just bitter that they became so popular with the scenester kids. I used to be in a band with nick branigan, and the kid has always been into good stuff. I thought bane's first 3 albums were awesome old school hardcore stuff like he's always played, but with some vocals that took a lot of getting used to.

[Dec 30,2006 1:09pm - todayistheday NLI  ""]
reach the sky better play!
[Dec 30,2006 1:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
seems that they will be.
[Dec 30,2006 1:37pm - todayistheday NLI  ""]
i dont see anything on there that says they are playing
[Dec 30,2006 1:42pm - todayistheday NLI  ""]
i hope they take the barriers away
[Dec 30,2006 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
there are no barricades from what I heard.
I'm trying to feel better so I can go.. arg!
[Dec 30,2006 3:11pm - xanonymousx ""]
todayistheday NLI said:i dont see anything on there that says they are playing

well some of the comments its not actually stated...

i also read they are taking the barriors away which personally think is stupid, there will be lots of head walking ect. aka i'm going to get killed worse then last time i went to the palladium if im dumb enough to go on the floor with johnny brass knux and spin kick chuck with all of their buddies
[Dec 30,2006 4:00pm - 123  ""]

with johnny brass knux and spin kick chuck with all of their buddies>>

hahaha awesome.....fuck reach the sky and bane
[Dec 30,2006 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I doubt now that I will be there.. but I'm still holding out.
[Dec 30,2006 4:11pm - xanonymousx ""]
i hear bane is playing somewhere monday go to that i just don't know where.
[Dec 30,2006 4:19pm - xanonymousx ""]
forget it then who would run the rttp live show?

unless you do a live show with bane as the guest band to ring in 07
[Dec 30,2006 4:38pm - anonymous  ""]
ehhh i'm so pissed, i had everything set up to go and then my friend pulls out of his driveway to come get me so we could leave and he slips into a tree i need to see outbreak so badly. but whatever, does anyone know if they're coming back soon? on their myspace they only have this date listed. this is going to be good. someone has to give updates on it!
[Dec 30,2006 11:49pm - xcamx  ""]
reach the sky played.
[Dec 30,2006 11:55pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
reach the sky did not play...it was just ian the lead singer and only one song was played
[Dec 31,2006 12:51am - yummy ""]
Bane was pretty good, I thought Overcast was boring.
[Dec 31,2006 1:55am - anonymous  ""]
does anyone have a link or know who actually took pictures for this show? it was awesome.
[Dec 31,2006 2:01am - yummy ""]
I knew nobody taking pictures. I'm sure Aaron does. I was looking for him but just assumed he stayed home with the scoots. What was your overall opinion of the show?
[Dec 31,2006 2:02am - brian_dc ""]
todayistheday nli said:reach the sky did not play...it was just ian the lead singer and only one song was played

shitty. I'd love to see that band make a comeback.
[Dec 31,2006 2:14am - todayistheday NLI  ""]
ambitions- meh. They were decent but after a few songs I couldn't wait until they were done.

FC Five- they are pretty good. They got a decent reaction from the crowd. Im guessing a lot of people didnt know who they were.

outbreak- holy fuck, crowd went nuts for them. They must have some pretty good lyrics cause everybody seemed to know every word to every song. They sounded god awful, though. Couldn't hear any vocals. I think they got a better response than bane!

evergreen whatever- awesome live band, never heard them on cd. I enjoyed them a lot.

overcast- i was surprised how little the crowd seemed to be excited to see them. they were good though. i was getting anxious at the end for them to finish.

bane- sounded awful and i thought it was the weakest crowd response that ive seen them get. people were going nuts but its usually a huge sing along the entire time. i didnt really see that this time besides a few songs. There was a fuck load of moshing for them, though.

reach the sky diude came out for one song. it was really pointless.
[Dec 31,2006 2:17am - brian_dc ""]
todayistheday NLI said:

evergreen whatever- awesome live band, never heard them on cd. I enjoyed them a lot.

honestly, if you can continue to avoid hearing them on cd, keep it up. They are one of those rare bands that is great live and somewhere between suck to meh on cd.
[Dec 31,2006 2:17am - todayistheday NLI  ""]
also lol at hearing about 20 people in the crowd saying The Suicide File were going to play
[Dec 31,2006 2:18am - todayistheday NLI  ""]
brian_dc said:todayistheday NLI said:

evergreen whatever- awesome live band, never heard them on cd. I enjoyed them a lot.

honestly, if you can continue to avoid hearing them on cd, keep it up. They are one of those rare bands that is great live and somewhere between suck to meh on cd.

really? that sucks. They are pretty intense live.
[Dec 31,2006 2:28am - yummy ""]
I missed most of the show.
I walked in an saw evergree terrace play a few songs. I hated it, but I felt like the only one...the kids dug em.
Overcast-they played a few good ones and a few that (to me) are just ok. Plus, they played 2 new ones(8 years old). Why would anyone who wants to see them wanna hear stuff they don't recognize? I could see if they were headlining or if the cd was actually out but c'mon. They were better the last couple times. very little crowd participation.
Bane-I've seen them many times and never really got into the music but I can appreciate what they are doing. cool guys. yeah, not much goin on with the sing alongs but it was a lot of fun for eveyone in that room. Very sloppy playing. Lots of mosh. It ended with half the crowd on the stage.
[Dec 31,2006 2:33am - yummy ""]
I give them credit for flying up from Florida last minute, just to fly right back, and waiting at the rent a car place and yadda yadda. But...intense? Your serious? I don't know how people eat this stuff up. I try to appreciate anything any band does. What am I missing?
[Dec 31,2006 2:48am - GoatCatalyst ""]
wow, i'malmost glad i didn't drive an hour and a half each way by myself to see overcast (fuck each and every other band on the bill, thanks). but there were some friends i was really looking forward to seeing, so i am pretty bummed. plus, anybody who could possibly give such a mediocre review of overcast to... they're probably on the pipe and prone to poor decision-making skills in life. just sayin.
[Dec 31,2006 2:49am - GoatCatalyst ""]
though i am presently high as the dickens and watching my guns n roses live at the ritz 88 dvd at the moment, so...

[Dec 31,2006 2:59am - yummy ""]
I was only interested in seeing Overcast. I drove 2 hours. They played about a 40 minutes tops. So, yes I was disappointed. I suppose you are right. I made a poor decision. What do you want? A set list. I thank you for just sayin.
[Dec 31,2006 3:01am - yummy ""]
Interesting tho...my opinion of a band's performance reflects other decisions I make in life. I need some tea and some throw pillows, let's converse.
[Dec 31,2006 3:08am - GoatCatalyst ""]
that does suck, then. my condolences. i mean, if you were going to see ANY of the other bands, that would have been very unfortunate. i'd have loved to be there dude. i'm a bitter fucker. i'm sure they killed within the 40 minutes they had and the crowd being of an age that WOULD react better to outbreak than overcast... i would have locked the doors and placed fire to the venue out of disgust.

clearly, staying at home and maintaining tang-getting status with the ol lady, watching the lidell fight for free while swilling fine bourbon and getting ripped on premium cheeba *without having to sweat an hour and a half drive * and then watching this pristine gnr dvd... the right decision

that's my story and i'm sticking to it
[Dec 31,2006 3:18am - yummy ""]
They really didn't kill in that 40 minutes tho. They weren't really all that into it. Oh well. Smaller clubs are where it's at anyways.
You chose wisely.
[Dec 31,2006 3:20am - GoatCatalyst ""]
such a bum out. were you at any of their other reunion shows? i thought they were GREAT at the palladium last time (in june with frozen opening). the dudes in the band just didn't seem into it?
[Dec 31,2006 3:43am - Blackasthenight  ""]
Well I thought the show was decent, I didn't stay for Overcast or Bane because i've seen them both enough - I really went to see Ambitions/FC Fice/Outbreak

Does anyone know any of the people who took pictures at the show? I'd like to get a hold of them.
[Dec 31,2006 5:57am - xmikex ""]
did Reach the Sky play???????
[Dec 31,2006 7:36am - anonymous  ""]
Reach The Sky (Ian and the Bassist) played one song (maybe next year).
[Dec 31,2006 9:53am - anonymous  ""]
anyone have pictures?!
[Dec 31,2006 10:16am - futurebreed ""]
Photos will be up on Future-Breed.com later tonight or tomorrow. I have festivities for New Years to plan first
[Dec 31,2006 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
how many people where there?
[Dec 31,2006 10:43am - anonymous  ""]
A lot. When I got my ticket like a week and a half ago, it said ticket number 247.
[Dec 31,2006 10:44am - anonymous  ""]
oh yeah and in my opinion, helluva show.
[Dec 31,2006 12:13pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
the place was beyond packed.
[Dec 31,2006 12:16pm - yummy ""]
it wasn't sold out
[Dec 31,2006 1:34pm - xanonymousx ""]
how many fights were there?/ did the palladium have to put the barrior back up?
i also had some family emergency's i had to deal with and by the time that was over it was to late i really wanted to see evergreen terrace and overcast
[Dec 31,2006 1:49pm - futurebreed ""]
Palladium didn't put the barricade back up at all. I saw bouncers pull a person out of the crowd rather forcibly, but other than that, didn't seem like there was a lot of fighting at all. Aaron (bane) actually mentioned how surprised and happy he was that there were SO many people there but not any fighting.
[Dec 31,2006 1:53pm - xanonymousx ""]
wow i surprized they actually put the barricade down..... bane must have alot of pull
[Dec 31,2006 1:54pm - fuck usernames  ""]
i dont know whats with everyone hating on the show...i had a lot of fun. I thought overcast was bad, FC five was good, evergreen terrace...meh, ambitions sounded bad but that could have been because of where i was standing during their set. Bane was good but i was dissapointed by the fact they played about a quarter long set compared to overcast and skipped some really good songs. But they played alot of their older stuff which was sweet, and when their old drummer came out i thought that was awesome. It was just a fun time
[Dec 31,2006 3:28pm - PatMeebles ""]
outbreak ruled
[Dec 31,2006 8:38pm - anonymous  ""]
As soon as Aaron(Bane) mentioned that there were no fights, 4 broke out immediately. I saw a lot of fights. Really stupid ones too. Kids minding their own business in some cases, and then just getting cold-cocked. But hey, them's the brakes I guess.
[Dec 31,2006 8:40pm - yummy ""]
that was me
[Jan 1,2007 4:12pm - Blackasthenight  ""]
Does anyone have any more Outbreak/Ambitions pictures besides the ones on Future Breed?
[Jan 1,2007 6:58pm - PatMeebles ""]
yeah, there aren't a lot of outbreak pictures.
[Jan 1,2007 11:38pm - futurebreed ""]
I have like around 150 crowd/band photos from the whole evening going up in a little bit once they finish uploading. The regular photo galleries for concerts on my site do not go for quantity, and a lot more photos are available to specifically the bands and not the fans. But yeah, if you want to check out some more photos of the crowd and such, check back on my site later on. There were a bunch of other photographers there, but other than Todd Pollock, I didn't know any of their names.
[Jan 2,2007 12:08am - the_reverend ""]
and todd never posts pictures.
[Jan 2,2007 12:30am - PatMeebles ""]
Ok, thanks. I've been specifically looking for more pictures of myself because I don't have many in my possession, so I figured there must be some of me manhandling outbreak's singer.
[Jan 2,2007 9:00am - xthomas  ""]
reach the sky was awesome, bane was amazing
[Jan 2,2007 10:00am - xanonymousx ""]
what happen here? the show move from the floor to the stage?
[Jan 2,2007 10:31am - xanonymousx ""]
isn't this the bassist in the red chord why was he playing?
[Jan 2,2007 11:28am - futurebreed ""]
Everyone piled on stage for the ending of Swan Song. Like half the crowd on the floor went on stage
[Jan 3,2007 12:16pm - anonymous  ""]
most ppl who go to shows now, were not at the E-Bar, Club Babyhead, The Space, or even The Rat to know Overcast.
[Jan 3,2007 12:18pm - yummy ""]
That is very true.

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