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[Nov 16,2006 11:03am - Anti-Racism ""]

What would be a good short general description of what Pan-Nationalism really is?

Pan-nationalism: our current idea of society is the "nation state," or a national boundary which unites its people by economic and political factors. Nationalism espouses the "nation," which is an organic state composed of people linked by culture, heritage and language. Pan-Nationalism is the idea that the best way for humanity to rule itself is for each ethnic group to have national autonomy, and be independent of oversight or critique by others.

I think it's the only fair way to handle the situations in which we find ourselves. If we merge cultures, we destroy them and get mall-culture. Culture is the only force which can oppose rampant capitalism, insane mass religion (not all religion), and other forces that occur when there is no cultural consensus. In my view, most people do not want to hurt other races, but they also want to have a culture of their own. For this reason, we pick a system where we each get cultural autonomy and fend off sickening cultureless globalism -- and that system is pan-Nationalism.

Nationalist Planet Forums

Note - this is a forum where nationalists from all races meet. If you're going to go there to be critical of others races, stop and ask yourself, how will this achieve anything other than hurting someone's feelings? I am all for hurting feelings when it helps something... but this won't. It's a chance for all of us to work together for a Nationalist world order. Join in!

[Nov 16,2006 1:35pm - CNV  ""]
Abstract ideas like culture that everyone should adapt would create a very boring and mundane society in which everyone would be afraid to think for themselves as an individual

You want to create a society that goes against human nature

Doomed to fail, like every civilization of the past

Real intellectuals like Nietszche were against this sort of things

Your very very boring Infoterror

[Nov 16,2006 6:23pm - infoterror ""]
Actually, Nietzsche advocated a similar idea....
[Nov 16,2006 7:09pm - CNV  ""]
Nietszche advocated the individual

You advocate herd mentality

Let us make that clear
[Nov 16,2006 7:58pm - CNV  ""]
Violation or neglect of instinct has painful consequences of a physiological and psychological nature for whose removal medical help, above all, is required... (Jung)

[Nov 16,2006 10:09pm - infoterror ""]
Nietzsche did not advocate the individual, exclusive of all else... his critique of Judaism makes that clear. He advocated Nobility. BIG DIFFERENCE!
[Nov 17,2006 7:28am - CNV  ""]
Man, you really are an Info idiot

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself (Nietzsche )
[Nov 17,2006 7:36am - CNV  ""]
anyone with half a brain is critical of judaism

he was also critical of the nazis

the irony is that the nazis looked up to him and bastardized his ideas

like they bastardized the swastika

and Hitler was jewish, bahahahahaha

[Nov 17,2006 7:44am - CNV  ""]
The problem with a society aimed at only growing more consumers is obvious- it drags the strong down and halts, even reverses, evolution. Survival of the fittest is inverted because the weak are better consumers. Consequently all the worst elements are preserved and protected, all the best elements are discouraged. Intelligence, resourcefulness, originality, curiosity - all the elements of the human brain that made us successful animals on this planet have been bred out of us. (Dr Lavey)
[Nov 17,2006 7:55am - Mess  ""]
hitler wasn't jewish. no one know's for sure. did they do dna testing on him and if so where is the proof? it's propaganda.
[Nov 17,2006 8:02am - CNV  ""]
I do not really care whether he was or not

it would be kinda funny if he was

anyways, I salute him for being the catalyst for that many dead people
[Nov 17,2006 8:08am - Mess  ""]
[Nov 17,2006 8:59pm - infoterror ""]
CNV said:The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself (Nietzsche )

Ah, one quote makes a philosophy, now! He's talking about an approach to philosophy, not its endpoint.
[Nov 17,2006 9:00pm - infoterror ""]
CNV said:he was also critical of the nazis

like they bastardized the swastika

and Hitler was jewish, bahahahahaha

The swastika was in common use throughout Europe and America at the time of Hitler, and pre-dated him (Thule Society, 1918).

Nietzsche died before the Nazis, so by definition was not critical of them.

There is no evidence that Hitler was even part Jewish (Toland).

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