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Rudy Guiliani considering Presidential campaign

[Nov 14,2006 1:23am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

Does anyone think he may have a chance?
[Nov 14,2006 1:33am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i know one rudy that no one ever gave a chance but he persevered and played in the big game
[Nov 14,2006 6:02am - americaninfidel526 ""]
Most republicans wont vote for him. He'll never make it through the primaries because of his stance on abortion and gay marriage. He's to liberal for the bible belt
[Nov 14,2006 7:55am - anonymous  ""]
americaninfidel526 said:Most republicans wont vote for him. He'll never make it through the primaries because of his stance on abortion and gay marriage. He's to liberal for the bible belt

I was pretty much going to say the same damn thing when I saw this thread.
[Nov 14,2006 8:28am - xmikex ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i know one rudy that no one ever gave a chance but he persevered and played in the big game

I hear Charles S. Dutton is being considered as his running mate. If so look out.
[Nov 14,2006 2:42pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I figured he had a fleeting chance because of the way he handled 9/11.
[Nov 14,2006 5:57pm - W3 nli  ""]

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