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Rape Appreciation thread!

[Nov 13,2006 8:44pm - Troll ""]
thats not funny.
[Nov 13,2006 9:28pm - kevinfitz  ""]
haha..ya got me!
[Nov 14,2006 12:01pm - babyshakernotlogged in  ""]
i read the title of this thread and thought gotta be richhorror....but no
[Nov 14,2006 12:11pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
I'll take "The Rapists" for $100
[Nov 14,2006 12:12pm - paganmegan ""]
Troll is a master of subtlety har har
[Nov 15,2006 9:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"Rapreciation" for short.
[Nov 15,2006 9:39pm - RichHorror ""]
babyshakernotlogged in said:i read the title of this thread and thought gotta be richhorror....but no

If it was me there'd be no humor involved.
[Nov 16,2006 9:40pm - Troll ""]
Depressed cause you got dumped by your true love?
Rejection got you down?
Do you find yourself alone masturbating to hand-models on the Home Shopping Network?
Do think your all your options have run out?
Think again....Try our brand new RAYPITOL!
Thats right, Raypitol!
Just slip it in a drink or a nice tv dinner!
Works in minutes!
rejection will be a thing of the past! Now you can have your way with any women you desire! You'll be a Stud again!
What are you waiting for? Act now!
For only $14.88 per bottle you can be swingin' like a pro!
...And remember!
Rape is always an option!

Raypitol or its affiliates are not responsible for criminal missuse of this drug. Raypitol is for entertainment purposes only. Side affects may include diarrhea, nausea, upset stomach, runny stools or a lengthy jail sentence. Not to be used by children under twelve. Enjoy.
[Nov 16,2006 10:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 19,2006 9:19pm - Troll ""]
[Nov 19,2006 10:05pm - Dissector ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]

Hahaha classic.
[Nov 20,2006 12:30am - anonymous  ""]
Why do girls die their hair blonde? Do they want to be Aryan or something? LOL no way feminized sluts!
[Nov 20,2006 1:18pm - Anti-Rapism  ""]
You're all fucking retarded. I hope you get raped.
[Nov 20,2006 2:01pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
They will... as soon as there are enough Mexicans and Jews in the country, we're gonna form a third world posse and kick the asses of these wimpy whites while raping their pampered, pretentious women. Nature hates a vacuum! 81
[Nov 20,2006 4:15pm - anonymous  ""]
i support this thread

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