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Loud Proud and Fucking Intoxicated Appreciation thread! (No fuckin' straight edge cum guzzlers here!)

[Nov 13,2006 8:10pm - Troll ""]
This is for those who refuse to turn their back on the juice of the barley! :duffbeer:
If you get on the wagon I hope you fall off harder next time!
Remember! Quiters are losers!

Thats all.:middlefinger:
[Nov 13,2006 8:16pm - Kevord ""]
Amen brother.
[Nov 14,2006 12:52am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The quitters are the ones who actually want to maintain their livers and live beyond 40.
[Nov 14,2006 6:12am - Troll ""]
40 sounds like a drag to me
[Nov 14,2006 6:41am - Messerschmitt ""]
my liver has been bad and needs to be punished!
[Nov 14,2006 8:21am - xmikex ""]
loud loud proud and punk
[Nov 14,2006 10:46am - espresso ""]
Troll said:40 sounds like a drag to me


actually I think 40 sounds like lots of fun. At least when you look at how my dad is living. Still partying, still a crazy person, still loads of fun to go out to the pub with, and he's 48. :D

I had the yummiest glass of beer last night. Beer on mondays is the best! :doublehorns::swedenflag:
[Nov 14,2006 11:01am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm an alcoholic who doesn't drink anymore. I guess that makes me a loser.
[Nov 14,2006 12:08pm - anonymous  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I'm an alcoholic who doesn't drink anymore. I guess that makes me a loser.

No, you're looking out for your best interests. Some people can function drunk and some people get drunk and shit and piss all over their apartments and get evicted for it - I know someone's mother that that happened too. She should have quit drinking a long time before she lost control of her bowels. She's in that long island place drying out now.
[Nov 14,2006 12:13pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
i know a kid who brings a change of clothes to every party he goes to knowing full well he will get drunk enough to piss himself. why he continues to get invited to parties? no idea.
[Nov 14,2006 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
i hate people like that. getting drunk and losing control of yourself, and not in waste terms, is one thing, but getting drunk and being out of control is where it gets obnoxious. i know lots of people like that where they are cool to hang out with, but they get drunk and become fucking weird. the bad weird.
[Nov 14,2006 1:04pm - BlackoutRick ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I'm an alcoholic who doesn't drink anymore. I guess that makes me a loser.

[Nov 14,2006 1:13pm - paganmegan ""]
beer is good. wine is great. puking/hangovers blow
[Nov 14,2006 1:15pm - paganmegan ""]
edit: beer is great wine is good
[Nov 14,2006 1:28pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
wine is fine but liqour is quicker
[Nov 14,2006 2:16pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm proud of my drunken scumbagness. All hail the hooch.
[Nov 14,2006 2:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i love booze, but i respect other people choosing not to drink it. there's nothing wrong with being straightedge unless you're one of those pushy motherfuckers who tells people not to drink.
[Nov 14,2006 2:22pm - RichHorror ""]
I hate respect.
[Nov 14,2006 2:24pm - dreadkill ""]
no, you hate women.
[Nov 14,2006 2:24pm - RichHorror ""]
I hate respecting women. And breathing.
[Nov 14,2006 4:03pm - HOoker nooasijdfaojd  ""]
I mean, I get hammered and all, but this thread is just gay.
[Nov 14,2006 4:05pm - dreadkill ""]
the guy was hammered when he posted it. it probably seemed like a good idea at the time.
[Nov 14,2006 4:09pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
most things are a good idea when hammered
[Nov 14,2006 4:48pm - hungtableed  ""]
i'll drink whiskey and smoke weed till the day I die. If you smoke crack or anything like my dad, then you are a fucking loser. period.
[Nov 14,2006 5:44pm - poop ""]
[Nov 14,2006 7:03pm - eat shit and live  ""]
[Nov 14,2006 7:29pm - Troll ""]
See, a real alcoholic doesn't get evicted, burn jobs or soils ones pants. The real alkeys like myself hold a steady job (no matter how bad the hangover cause the money needs to keep coming in to feed the addiction right?) and they are usually very well tempered and and relaxed. So now your thinking ,"is this guy full of shit or what?!" but If you really think alkeys are so derelict, then you've probably only experienced the pansyass "weekend warriors" who ofcourse are gonna throwdown like theres no tomorrow. Ever been to AA? Doctors, LAwyers, Politicians, Cops and those who have never had any kind of criminal record. Its a wonderfull thing. Alcoholics are everywhere and the world is better off for it. I drink every day. I don't bother anyone except for the usually shitty music forum. I like too drink alone. Nobody seems to think its a problem. Sure I'm kinda sad, but I was depressed long before I discovered the juice of the barley. Alcohol is bliss.

Sorry, I lost my train of thought. :duffbeer:
What was i talkin about?
So ya, I've vomited out my nose before, pissed myself, flipped the cusion and hitch hiked home. The End.



[Nov 14,2006 7:31pm - Troll ""]
[Nov 14,2006 7:31pm - Troll ""]
what what you wanna go?
[Nov 14,2006 8:03pm - Coldnorthernvengeance ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:most things are a good idea when hammered

Yeah, today I had court because I thought it was a good idea to swipe a 9 dollar bottle of wine from a convenience store

Of course I was drunk while doing it

That shwag wine wound up costing me 300 bucks


By the way, I have really killer new Cold Northern Vengeance longsleeves if anyone wants one

2 sided, print on both sleeves!!!

All proceeds will go to the CNV- Fines under the influence fund

[Nov 15,2006 6:34am - Troll ""]
Dumbest thing I've ever done under the influence was take a DWI for a friend that was in way over his head. Now since I've beet the charge my only regret is I should have demanded the mug shot from my night in county , It was fuckin' killer. They tape it to the outside of your cell. I caught a glimpse of it the next morning. Ha Ha! So much blood on my face after the fuzz slammed my head on the top of the cruiser's roof before they put me in the back seat. It made Nick Noltes mug look like a covershot for FHM or some shit. Oh well, I guess I could still try to get it but then it probably go on record how much of a sadistic fuck I really am.
[Nov 15,2006 9:12am - Lamp ""]
I was drug/alcohol free until I was 18. I tried it because all my friends magically decided it was fun one day and I wanted to stop being dicks to them. Over the course of the next year, I smoked weed maybe once every 2-3 weeks, drank much less frequently than that, and did shrooms once. I quit all that shit because I really never figured out exactly what part of any of those things is supposed to be fun.

So yeah, file me under the category of losers too.
[Nov 15,2006 9:17am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Nov 15,2006 12:22pm - Troll ""]
[Nov 15,2006 12:27pm - Troll ""]
Go on folks keep em' coming!
Whiners too!
Cry me a river so I can fuckin drown you in it!
[Nov 15,2006 8:03pm - Troll ""]
I've got to spread the gospel!
I need disciples!
[Nov 15,2006 8:08pm - Messerschmitt ""]
i'm with ya. drink'n beers, vodka, robatussin, k-pins. whatever.
[Nov 15,2006 8:14pm - dreadkill ""]
i want booze now
[Nov 15,2006 8:20pm - Mess  ""]
go git some!
[Nov 15,2006 8:20pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm going to the bar around 10. i need booze very badly
[Nov 15,2006 9:10pm - Troll ""]
Yes my faithful! Go forth and baptise thy pallet with the spirits of fermentation!
[Nov 15,2006 9:11pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 15,2006 9:11pm - Messerschmitt ""]
kill a jew while your at it... seriously
[Nov 15,2006 9:35pm - rhys ""]
[Nov 15,2006 9:39pm - Lamp ""]
Troll said:Go on folks keep em' coming!
Whiners too!
Cry me a river so I can fuckin drown you in it!

[Nov 16,2006 6:39am - Troll ""]
You've got balls.
I like balls.

Join our congregation
[Nov 16,2006 9:06am - pam ""]
Troll said:See, a real alcoholic doesn't get evicted

I beg to differ.
[Nov 16,2006 9:07pm - Troll ""]
Drunks and Alcoholics.
Two different types of people honey.

Join us!
[Nov 18,2006 1:29pm - Troll ""]
Anyone got a good drunkin' vomit story?
[Nov 19,2006 12:40pm - rotivore ""]
hmmmmm lets see...........4 possession of alcohol, 15 alcohol related arrests, aggravated DWI, 2 open containers, woke up in Speare hospital in Plymouth and CMC hospital in Manchester out of a blackout with alcohol poisioning. once a confirmed .40 , 4 wrecked vehicles. 1 wrecked motorcycle. leaving the scene, reckless operation, disobeying an officer. Eluded police twice on foot after being stopped. passed out in bars, side of the road, a horseshoes pit, in the woods. pissed on countless couches and floors, been beaten up. $15,000 + in loss vehicles, court fines, bail, lawyers ect. At least 1200 blackouts. Lost at least 4 jobs. broken collar bone, cracked ribs, broken toes, stiches, brusies and blood. lost the love of my life. asleep at the wheel twice. successfully funneled a six pack in one shot. Some of the many unknowns are the money spent on alcohol over the years and how many actual alcohol poisons I went through besides the hospital stays. On the bright side.....Never did any real jail time and never got caught for a second DWI........knock on wood.
[Nov 19,2006 12:44pm - rotivore ""]
I need a beer
[Nov 19,2006 12:45pm - rotivore ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i know a kid who brings a change of clothes to every party he goes to knowing full well he will get drunk enough to piss himself. why he continues to get invited to parties? no idea.

[Nov 19,2006 12:48pm - rotivore ""]
rotivore said:hmmmmm lets see...........4 possession of alcohol, 15 alcohol related arrests, aggravated DWI, 2 open containers, woke up in Speare hospital in Plymouth and CMC hospital in Manchester out of a blackout with alcohol poisioning. once a confirmed .40 , 4 wrecked vehicles. 1 wrecked motorcycle. leaving the scene, reckless operation, disobeying an officer. Eluded police twice on foot after being stopped. passed out in bars, side of the road, a horseshoes pit, in the woods. pissed on countless couches and floors, been beaten up. $15,000 + in loss vehicles, court fines, bail, lawyers ect. At least 1200 blackouts. Lost at least 4 jobs. broken collar bone, cracked ribs, broken toes, stiches, brusies and blood. lost the love of my life. asleep at the wheel twice. successfully funneled a six pack in one shot. Some of the many unknowns are the money spent on alcohol over the years and how many actual alcohol poisons I went through besides the hospital stays. On the bright side.....Never did any real jail time and never got caught for a second DWI........knock on wood.

Fuck I left a bunch of shit out.....
[Nov 19,2006 2:14pm - CNV  ""]
Sounds like it is time for AA
[Nov 19,2006 9:09pm - Troll ""]
Rot is beautifully tragic.
[Nov 20,2006 6:25am - Troll ""]

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