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Stop Anti-Semitism!

[Nov 10,2006 11:16pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Anti-Semitism FAQ

From: National Socialism <victory@nazi.org>
Newsgroups: alt.politics,alt.politics.europe,alt.politics.usa,
Subject: Anti-Semitism FAQ
Followup-To: alt.politics.nationalism
Summary: Explanation of the causes and results
of anti-Semitism, as well as the beliefs of
anti-Semites, reasons for anti-Semitism and
how to practice anti-Semitism.
Keywords: anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite

Archive-name: politics/anti-semitism
Posting-frequency: monthly

ANTI-SEMITISM Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright 2002 Craig Smith

This FAQ can be found online at:

ANTI-SEMITISM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is anti-Semitism?
2. What are Semites?
3. What are the causes of anti-Semitism?
4. How many people are anti-Semitic?
5. Is there "secular" Semitism?
6. How do I find a list of Semites?
7. How do I practice anti-Semitism?
8. Anti-Semitism resources
9. National Socialist Groups

1. What is anti-Semitism?

Any force of control will do its best to make sure that those who
oppose its values, whether visibly or not, are labelled as insane
and disposed of as quickly as possible. In the case of anti-
Semitism, we are expected to believe several lies:

1. That no one is influenced by the dogma of their religious text.
2. That certain groups cannot and will not commit aggression or
3. That anyone who disagrees with the religion of a certain group
must also
disagree with their race, personal existence and culture.

Examine the following examples from mainstream sources that define
"anti-Semitism," looking for examples of the above.

a.Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.
b.Discrimination against Jews.

Anti-Semitism can be defined most simply as hostility
directed at Jews solely because they are Jews (Anti-
Defamation League 1989). In spite of what anti-Semites
profess, anti-Semitism is not caused by the actions or
beliefs of Jews, but rather is a result of attitudes and
behaviour that arise regardless of what Jews do or believe.
Anti-Semites are antagonistic to Jews for who they are and
what they represent, and this antagonism has an ancient


Which of the following comes closest to your views about the
amount of Anti-Semitism -- that is, hostility toward Jewish
people -- in this country today... (Newsweek, March 21-22, 2002)

It is interesting to note that these definitions allow no room
for disagreement with Judaism as a religion, and thus rational
dislike of Judaism and those who practice it, by definition those
who act out that with which one disagrees, if it is a dogma of a
religious or political or cultural sort. The public definition of
"anti-Semitism" might as well be rephrased as "disagreeing with
Judaism or becoming inconvenient to Jews politically." It is a
taboo-label, and not an effective part of descriptive language.

Thus those of us who feel that Semitism, defined as any of the
beliefs or practices common to Semitic cultures and religions,
is harmful must recapture the word "Semitism" from its political
connotations and use it in a method similar to be definition of
the word "racism":

a. The belief that race accounts for differences in human
character or ability and that a particular race is
superior to others.
b. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

a. The belief that degree of Semitic heritage, culture
or religion accounts for differences in human character
or ability and that a Semitic race or culture or religion
is superior to others.
b. Discrimination or prejudice based on degree
of Semitism.

In this we see how the definitions game is played, since accusing
others of being guilty of "anti-Semitism" is clearly designed to
scare off those who would criticize Semitism. Since it admits no
criticism, Semitism is clearly a supremacist movement of radical
preference for Semites, Semitic culture and religion over other
peoples and beliefs.

Looking further in the dictionary:

a. A Semitic word or idiom.
b. Semitic traits, attributes, or customs.
c. A policy or predisposition in favor of Jews.

Through this we can see how "Semitism is an irrational belief
and therefore, "anti-Semitism" is not opposition to Jews, but
opposition to the irrational, intolerant and bigoted preference
for Jews, Judaism and Jewish culture over others.

2. What are Semites?


3. What are the causes of anti-Semitism?

The modern politically-correct view: Anti-Semitism occurred
because Christians needed someone to blame for the death of
Christ, and because Europeans are by nature mean and hateful
people who dislike those who are different from them.

A more historically accurate definition states that enemies
of the Jewish people occurred wherever Jews moved, regardless
of local religion. This occurred in Egypt, in Syria, in
Ethiopia, in Turkey, in Iran, in Nigeria as well as in every
European nation in which they settled. Some historians allege
that "anti-Semitism has occurred" in every area where Jews
have become separate but participatory local populations.

Often, as with early Christians, Jews met resistance where
they found a local population and would participate within
it financially, putting their profit back into the Jewish
community instead of the local community. In pre-war Germany
for example, people of Jewish descent or religion were
disproportionately represented in newspaper publishing, the
arts, academia and government, in part through their
willingness to reinvest in their own people at the expense
of the German population, and to use nepotism as a means of
finding new, competent people.

Currently, anti-Semitism is most commonly caused by a
recognition of the destruction nature of the policies of
Israel, and of the contradiction between these actions
and the words and dogma of Israel and the Jewish people
to describe themselves. Far from appearing as the bene-
volent and competent sages which much literature suggests
they are, Jews appear as vicious, totalitarian and
ethnically xenophobic critters whose goal is not so much
to participate in other societies, but to borrow from

Many Americans also note incidents such as the Jewish
"lashon hara," or obligation to defend Judaism and Jews
over "goyim," or gentiles (non-Jews), or the U.S.S.
Liberty attack, in which a U.S. ship was attacked by
Israeli jets, boats and gunners, at a strategic moment
in a war with Egypt; their reasons for doing so, it is
conjectured, involved hoping to draw the U.S. into the
conflict against Egypt. The damning evidence of this
attack came after the initial confusion settled down,
which left Jewish publicity agencies and the Israeli
government accusing the U.S.-based crew of anti-
Semitism for assuming that an hourlong attack on a
clearly-marked U.S. warship was anything other than an

The current war in Iraq draws other criticisms because
of the disproportionate amount of Jews in the Bush cabinet
and staff who are pro-war and are vocal about it. Those
Americans who would not like to see Europeans drawn into
another crusade often find this willingness to play with
goyish lives (the young men and women of the American
armed forces) with no direct provocation.

A rising movement of people are anti-Semitic in the
postmodern sense of the word, in which one resists
all doctrines originating in Semitism, whether they
are religious or secular in nature. These people tend
to see religions which invent imaginary worlds in
which their god is the supreme ruler, and draw clear
lines between the "Chosen People" and the "goyim,"
as insane, and those that choose to follow these
religions as doubly insane. Recognizing the paranoid
tendencies, racist xenophobia, and simmering resentful
hatred of Judaism allows these people to see how
Semitic doctrines are inapplicable to those of
European descent.

Details (non-political source) of Israel's attack
on the U.S.S. Liberty.

4. How many people are anti-Semitic?

While anti-Semitism as a whole appears to be declining,
it is shifting in demographic and becoming more
concentrated in the young, who have seen through
American and Hollywood propaganda about Israel,
Judaism and the role of the "Chosen People" in our

The findings in brief - Strongly anti-Semitic:
17% of Americans
35% of Hispanics
44% of foreign-born Hispanics
20% of Hispanic Americans born in U.S.
35% of African-Americans
3% of U.S. college and university students

NEW YORK, Jan. 16 (JTA) — Nearly one-third of Americans
are concerned that a Jewish president may have split
loyalties vis-a-vis Israel, according to a new poll.
On many questions, the survey found that Americans
aged 18-34 are more likely to hold anti-Semitic
attitudes than are older groups, reversing a trend
since World War II.
For example, roughly 24 percent of respondents under
35 believe Jews control the U.S. news media.
Tobin attributes the change, in part, to a surge
of anti-Israel sentiment on campus.
"On college campuses, you can see signs that say
‘Stop Israel.’ You can also see signs that say
‘Stop the Jews,’" he said.

5. Is there "secular" Semitism?

Most definitely. Many who are attentive to theological
history realize the emergence of modern liberalism in
Europe occurred through the influences of Judaism and
Christianity and the bipolar morality they introduced.
Further, these religions were instrumental in facilit-
ating the drive toward universal employment and a moral
justification of individual earning of wealth through
industrial process, as well as a tendency to justify
usury, monetary systems not backed by a tangible value,
and the form of patriotic identification with "freedom"
and monetary gain that is also used in the Bible to
show Christians and Jews are more "moral" than other
tribes. In short, wherever highly dangerous, ambiguous
and absolutist doctrines have been needed to justify
industry or liberalizing social doctrines, there has
been a secular component to Judeo-Christianity to fit
the role.

This is consistent with the Jewish self image of a
dispossessed people being forced to subjugate other
nations through passive - e.g. not direct, military
or explicitly stated methods - behaviors which first
admit the foreign culture of Jews, and second come
to praise it. Their primary method in Jewish, Christian
and secular mythos is the same: convince the individual
that selflessness is a higher goal than practicality,
and then using symbols which do not refer to reality
as is but to a promised future state, manipulate them
into doing what is against their interests.

Anyone who has dealt with a used car salesman is familiar
with these tactics, which gives intelligent context to
their application by a tribe of wandering traders who
were disliked by their neighbors.

The authors of this FAQ would like to express that we
seek no "blame" or "judgment" of Jews, Judaism, the
secular components of Judeo-Christianity, or Christ-
ianity; we seek merely to identify why these are
illogical and harmful traditions, and to remove them
from our own societies. There is no good nor is there
evil, and Jews/Christians/Liberals are not "evil" as
much as they are, like criminals, used car salesmen,
politicians, and liars of every stripe, dishonest and
opportunistic. If our cultures wish to survive, we
must resist their paradoxical and delusional doctrines
and supplant them with our own, in the context of our
civilizations. It is the belief of the authors of this
FAQ that to be "anti-Semitic" is to be against Semitic
thought in the context of non-Semitic cultures, but on
the flip side, it is to be "pro-Semitic" or in support
of independent Semitic cultures and their religions
and social traditions, within Semitic societies.

Further, the authors of this work wish no part of
those who follow Christian doctrine and claim to be
"anti-Semitic"; while Christianity contains many
non-Semitic elements, using a Semitic religion to
justify persecution of Semites is essentially a
guilt trap designed to provoke a violent response,
which in turn requires guilt and atonement which
can only be administered by the victims, who are
("you guessed it") Semitic.

6. How do I find a list of Semites?

There are two resources on the net which aim to be
comprehensive and accurate in their listings, and
these are:

Pro-Jewish list of Jews in media, academia, gov't
and society.

Anti-Jewish list of Jews in media, academia, gov't
and society.

Both lists accidentally include some non-Jews or
people who resemble Jews, one in an attempt to
garner greater praise for the Jewish "race," and
the other in an attempt to warn people away from
harmful Semitic doctrines.

Pro-Jewish list of Jews in the American Congress.

A great list of links of Jews on the web and those
who administer these resources.

By far and away, some of the best sources can be
found at a local library, including "Who's Who in
the American Jewish Community" and "Famous Jews."

Finding a list of Christians and secular Semites is
is impossible, so we present the following guidelines
for Semite detection:

Is it:
- From the middle east or its doctrines
- Inclined to liberalism, egalitarianism, or "pity"
- Wielding guilt as a weapon
- Acting out passive aggression
- Praising the "good" and fearing "evil"
- Inclined toward abstract symbolism of dual
or future realities

Should one or more of the above be checked, the
person, doctrine or object you are examining
most likely has a Semitic background. To be
anti-Semitic, reject it. We suggest that the
most rigorous attention be paid to Semitic
beliefs within one's own culture, as without
these, there is no need for Semites.

7. How do I practice anti-Semitism?

There are many different ways to practice anti-
Semitism as defined as "the rejection of Semitic
beliefs, dogma, culture and religion," most of
which require little more than being aware of
your surroundings and choosing non-Semitic options
where available.

- Buy from merchants of your own heritage where possible
- Avoid stores owned by Christians, Jews or liberals
- Encourage local landlords to rent to non-Semites

- Promote products that emphasize your cultural roots
- Join local cultural societies
- Create an "endeavor mentality," where profit is
not the highest goal, in your business and home.
- Eschew moral thinking, avoiding thinking of symbolic
prediction (action --> metaphysical reward) and bipolar
classifications, especially guilt-related ones.
- Explore your own culture and reject cosmopolitianism,
multiculturalism and globalism

- Replace Christian, Jewish and liberal candidates
with Traditionalist ones.
- Vote against liberal, egalitarian, cosmpolitan,
multiculturalist "reforms"
- Protest any actions on behalf of Israel or the
Jewish people, including perpetual Holocaust repayments

- Explore pagan pantheism.
- Understand nature as a whole indivisible into
"good" and "evil"
- Deny a preference for individual needs over those
of the whole.
- Celebrate individual differences and intelligences
- Avoid guilt, pity, and shame as methods of control

Generally speaking, any time you opt for local culture
instead of a multi-national corporation, national ethnic
rule instead of globalist domination, and science over
religious superstition, you are sending a message to
Semites: your politics of being preferential to your
own kind while insisting the rest of us respect you
are destructive; we prefer our own cultures and leave
you to your own.


8. Anti-Semitism resources

Numerous resources for combatting the Semitic
influence in your culture can be found at the
following homepages:

Listing of reading matter against Semitism
and ways of resisting Semitic influence.

Library of documents which contain post-
Semitic beliefs and explanations of the
dangers to non-Semites of Semitism.

9. National Socialist Groups

For those who wish to resist internationalism,
the political standard by which Semitism advances,
National Socialism is the only political option
that explicitly rejects and counters the Semitic
influence in Western culture.

A brief listing of National Socialist

Libertarian National Socialist Green Party

National Alliance

National Socialist Movement

This short list details the political leaders of
the National Socialist community and is not inclusive,
but the following link provides a more exhaustive

Includes a listing of organizations friendly to
the National Socialist political mission.
|_|_ Copyright 2003 (c) Libertarian National Socialist
_| | Green Party (http://www.nazi.org/)

[Nov 10,2006 11:24pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 11,2006 9:22am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
I am shocked -- shocked, I tell you -- at this blatant display of historical truth.

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