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A family of bible thumpers just came to my door

[Nov 4,2006 10:25am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
They asked me"Have you heard of the word of the lord today?"

I said "I was trying to cut down" and I told them that my son was the Antichrist.

I slammed the door in their face. This is not how I wanted to start my Saturday morning.

It was a family of thumpers. a little boy and girl and mommy and daddy. Fucking weird.:pukeface:
[Nov 4,2006 11:28am - Messerschmitt ""]
a friend of mine got in trouble for punching a jehova's witness in the face and throwing him down the stairs (all while in his boxer shorts) when he came to the door. he had to go to court. he said he was trespassing and took a picture of a NO TRESPASSING sign he had up. i'm not sure what came of it though.
[Nov 4,2006 11:34am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Ha, good for him! I hate those fuckers.
[Nov 4,2006 1:54pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I've had the Mormons come to my door and I only let them in so I could prove that their cult was false. They were trying to come up with answers to questions I through at them and kept telling me that their "prophet" was the true prophet and we should all follow his church.

I'm a Christian but I hate it when people do this. You cannot force people to believe and going to their door is just stupid. They didn't convince me of anything and they clearly didn't know much about religion.
[Nov 4,2006 2:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i bet these people would just love a tidy group of atheists and/or agnostics knocking on their doors preaching their anti-faith.

the first time i went to NYC, i took a bus trip with a friend of mine. we were rushing through the subway to get to the bus before it left at the end of the night, and we got chased down by people giving out free prayers. they would not accept no for an answer until i smacked their stack of 100 or so prayers on the ground. they called me an asshole. who's the REAL asshole here?
[Nov 4,2006 2:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
one more funny tidbit...

some young, female, religious fanatic told my friend that she would pray for him. his response was "you should pray that i don't fuck you in the ass in your sleep tonight"

[Nov 4,2006 2:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I'm a Christian

How fucking stupid are you?!

[Nov 4,2006 3:22pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Why does that make me stupid?
[Nov 4,2006 5:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 4,2006 6:10pm - bonneau  ""]
twice in portsmuth ive been fiven pamphelts about how jesus still loves me.
[Nov 4,2006 6:30pm - mostahthat ""]
we have this skinny j.hovahs witness where i live who would leave these fucking watchtower pamphlets in our laundry room for YEARS. I never saw her leave them,but i know it was her. I'd always rip them up ,and throw them in the washing machine.
[Nov 4,2006 6:35pm - bonneau  ""]
my girlfriends mom got this book from these jehova witnesses that said maturbation was evil and addictive. the book went on to say how some men still cometed the monstrosities of masturbation after marairge.
[Nov 5,2006 1:43am - CNV  ""]
I was brought up Jehovahs witness

Made me hate everything and everyone

[Nov 5,2006 1:45am - davefromthegrave ""]
bonneau said:my girlfriends mom got this book from these jehova witnesses that said maturbation was evil and addictive. the book went on to say how some men still cometed the monstrosities of masturbation after marairge.

and some commit monstrosities of spelling.
[Nov 5,2006 11:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
CNV said:I was brought up Jehovahs witness

Made me hate everything and everyone

And it all becomes clear.

Actually, some of the craziest people I know were raised JW, it seems to have that effect.
[Nov 5,2006 2:23pm - CNV  ""]
Just another sect of Jewish fairytales tooken literally (and they would put their own spin on it of course) except I would have to go to church for longer on sundays and bible studies during the week

Luckily, my family was half hearted JW so I did not have to do that door to door rubbish

Fakest, most boring, and mundane people I have ever come across

Feed them to the lions

It is funny, I would argue with my father and mother about how hypocritical and bogus it was until they gave up too

I would set up a concentration camp for them if I had the power for wasting so much of my time over the years

[Nov 5,2006 4:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
In my opinion, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are the cultish part of Christianity.
[Nov 5,2006 5:32pm - dreadkill ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:one more funny tidbit...

some young, female, religious fanatic told my friend that she would pray for him. his response was "you should pray that i don't fuck you in the ass in your sleep tonight"


[Nov 5,2006 5:34pm - dreadkill ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:In my opinion, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are the cultish part of Christianity.

what do you think of the boy-fucking Catholic priests?
[Nov 5,2006 8:17pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:In my opinion, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are the cultish part of Christianity.

of course they are a cult fag, christianity was a cult too in the old roman days, all religions start as cult, cult is not a negative word. Cult defines a very small following to a new religion.

Christianity wishes it was as controlling nowadays as Islam is in most of the middle east and Asia. The highest form a religion can obtain is when it become one with the state.

fuck all churches and denominations, jesus just wants your money like any other buisnessman

"send your money to jesus christ
Mail order your eternal life"

high five to whoever guesses what band that quote is from.
[Nov 5,2006 8:39pm - neverpurified ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:

"send your money to jesus christ
Mail order your eternal life"

high five to whoever guesses what band that quote is from.

Band: Nevermore
Album: Nevermore
Song: Godmoney

[Nov 6,2006 12:46am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
heavy metal high five
[Nov 6,2006 1:18am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
dreadkill said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:In my opinion, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are the cultish part of Christianity.

what do you think of the boy-fucking Catholic priests?

I hate Catholicism and what religion stands for. I don't agree with the politics. I am a Christian but not for a religion's sake.
[Nov 6,2006 2:50am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You are a fucking moron if you follow Christ or believe any of that bullshit nonsense.
[Nov 6,2006 7:49am - Cecchini ""]
dont give the dude a hard time because he has a set of beliefs he has not once tried to push on you or done anything to discourage you from not believing in any religion. plenty of people follow a faith for whatever reason in their life just like for whatever reason people choose to not do that stuff, but until he goes and tries to push his beliefs on you what right does anyone have to tell him how he's lived his life is wrong? he's apparently done alright for himself being catholic and what not so i don't see how bashing him on rttp is going to make him change his views.
[Nov 6,2006 3:54pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I am not Catholic but thank you. I appreciate it. I seriously have never tried to convert anyone here. It is not my place.
[Nov 6,2006 5:18pm - dreadkill ""]
i think religion is pretty gay, but i'm all for people being allowed to have their own beliefs without being reprimanded or criticized.
[Nov 6,2006 9:34pm - Cecchini ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I am not Catholic but thank you. I appreciate it. I seriously have never tried to convert anyone here. It is not my place.

yea i reread and see that, but the point i made still holds haha.
[Nov 6,2006 9:45pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
when i was 7 my mom took me and my sister to hide in my sisters bedroom because someone was knocking at our door. i started crying because i had no idea what was going on. turned out they were jehovah's witnesses..not that that meant anything to me at the time.

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