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[Nov 1,2006 12:34pm - arthuratd nli  ""]
anyone know whats up with it? i heard that X4 is definitely coming and that the 2 new main characters to replace cyclops and jean are gonna be gambit and bringing back nightcrawler
[Nov 1,2006 12:36pm - mOe ""]
i'd like that, i enjoyed the x-men movies very much
[Nov 1,2006 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
i would love to see what they could do with Gambit.
[Nov 1,2006 12:41pm - Niccolai ""]
If they bring Gambit into the plot than they would haveto introduce sinister, and sinister is the stupidest fucking character ever next to apocalypse.

I hope they retcon both villians.

and I hope the pheonix thing is overwith. I would hate to see a fucking movie version of pheonix in space.

[Nov 1,2006 12:48pm - arthuratd nli  ""]
a pheonix in space movie would be horrible they'd have to bring in lillandra and all that shit
[Nov 1,2006 12:56pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck that, I'm waiting for this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458525/
[Nov 1,2006 12:59pm - arthuratd nli  ""]
i kinda just shit my pants reading that
[Nov 1,2006 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
lillandra and the stupid aliens were the worse drawn thing ever.
[Nov 1,2006 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
wolvie movie would be awesome. weapon X!
[Nov 1,2006 1:26pm - RichHorror ""]
Ken Watanabe as Silver Samurai? YES.
[Nov 1,2006 3:33pm - the rooster  ""]
they need to wrap it up. the 3rd one sucked. bad.
[Nov 1,2006 3:35pm - awol ""]
the rooster said:they need to wrap it up. the 3rd one sucked. bad.

That's an understatement, 3rd one was fucking terrible.
[Nov 1,2006 6:46pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
oh i was praying on an X4. at the end of X3 when you see magneto in the park playing chess, he concentrates and you see the chesspeice move ever so slightly. i watched that scene a dozen times and everyone i show it to says "i didn't see it move". I swear it moves just a little. Leading me to believe that the "cure" is just temporary or that the mutant traits can be relearned. Ohhh god i cant wait.
[Nov 1,2006 6:47pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
the rooster said:they need to wrap it up. the 3rd one sucked. bad.

it wasn't the best out of the 3 but it definitely didn't suck.
[Nov 1,2006 7:45pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The chess piece moved. Whoever said it didn't needs to report immediately for an eye test. The whole point of the scene was that it moved, and that 'the cure' was temporary, making the crappy X3 (except for the Juggernaut kicking Wolverine's ass and a few decent lines of dialogue, and some character deaths for Cyclops, Jean and Psylocke) a COMPLETELY WORTHLESS FILM.
[Nov 1,2006 10:16pm - xanonymousx ""]
not to do with anything but the x-men arcade game was the best.
[Nov 1,2006 11:06pm - eddie ""]
xanonymousx said:not to do with anything but the x-men arcade game was the best.


[Nov 1,2006 11:07pm - eddie ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:The chess piece moved. Whoever said it didn't needs to report immediately for an eye test. The whole point of the scene was that it moved, and that 'the cure' was temporary, making the crappy X3 (except for the Juggernaut kicking Wolverine's ass and a few decent lines of dialogue, and some character deaths for Cyclops, Jean and Psylocke) a COMPLETELY WORTHLESS FILM.

psylocke died?
[Nov 1,2006 11:38pm - Jr5spd ""]
yeah...he blew up thanks to Pheonix.... and if anyone watched after the credits...I guess Prof X talks to some woman in her mind...Or some shit like that
[Nov 2,2006 1:01pm - arthuratd nli  ""]
Jr5spd said:yeah...he blew up thanks to Pheonix.... and if anyone watched after the credits...I guess Prof X talks to some woman in her mind...Or some shit like that

if you remember the class he was teaching, talking about when it's ok to transfer someones consciousness into someone who is say brain deads body, it showed the nurse and the brain dead dude, and prof x's voice came outta the guy
[Nov 2,2006 1:04pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yes, Psylocke died. She was the purple haired Morlock chick that died in the science building after Phoenix blew it up.

Of course they could always write this out later because they are Hollywood after all and worthless.
[Nov 2,2006 1:21pm - Niccolai ""]
the guy in the lifeless body with no higher brin function was charles xavior's twin brother If I remember correctly.
[Nov 2,2006 1:26pm - Yeti ""]
[Nov 2,2006 1:48pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
whatever happened to the movie adaption of Green Lantern?

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