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I just had a mildly interesting memory

[Oct 23,2006 3:25pm - retzam ""]
A couple years back when I began working at barnes and noble, I was working the cash register one time when some scary looking guy with tattoos and a shaved head and a venom shirt came to buy his shit. I said something like "Venom, nice shirt", and he was silent and his face kept the same angry blankness as it had before.

People suck.
[Oct 23,2006 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
Chris Barnes and Noble
[Oct 23,2006 3:28pm - retzam ""]
[Oct 23,2006 4:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
retzam said:A couple years back when I began working at barnes and noble, I was working the cash register one time when some scary looking guy with tattoos and a shaved head and a venom shirt came to buy his shit. I said something like "Venom, nice shirt", and he was silent and his face kept the same angry blankness as it had before.

People suck.

I bet he thought up a million witty comebacks in the shower that night.
[Oct 23,2006 4:14pm - pam ""]
[Oct 23,2006 4:32pm - Ryan_M ""]
I've told a few people I liked their shirt and had them treat me with the same indifference. Maybe it's because I don't really look like a metalhead so they think I'm a loser for talking to them.
But yeah, it does suck when you're just trying to be nice and people try to act all bad ass and ignore you.
[Oct 23,2006 4:33pm - retzam ""]
Ryan_M said:I've told a few people I liked their shirt and had them treat me with the same indifference. Maybe it's because I don't really look like a metalhead so they think I'm a loser for talking to them.
But yeah, it does suck when you're just trying to be nice and people try to act all bad ass and ignore you.

[Oct 23,2006 4:33pm - retzam ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:retzam said:A couple years back when I began working at barnes and noble, I was working the cash register one time when some scary looking guy with tattoos and a shaved head and a venom shirt came to buy his shit. I said something like "Venom, nice shirt", and he was silent and his face kept the same angry blankness as it had before.

People suck.

I bet he thought up a million witty comebacks in the shower that night.

[Oct 23,2006 4:36pm - CNV  ""]
I worked at Barnes and Noble

It made my hatred for mankind increase ten fold
[Oct 23,2006 4:36pm - Kevord ""]
I hate when people compliment my shirt. I never know what to say either. Actually some dude did it to me yesterday at Newbury Comics cause we both had Vital Remains shirts on. What do you do in a situation like that high five?
[Oct 23,2006 4:38pm - pam ""]
You say "thanks", Kevin.
[Oct 23,2006 4:38pm - CNV  ""]
I have a solution

stop wearing heavy metal shirts
[Oct 23,2006 4:39pm - Kevord ""]
pam said:You say "thanks", Kevin.

I did. But then I feel like a tool. Like now I should be pals with this guy. Everyone should just stop with the fucking compliments.
[Oct 23,2006 4:43pm - retzam ""]
CNV said:I worked at Barnes and Noble

It made my hatred for mankind increase ten fold

Ahhh, dude, did you have to ask every customer if they wanted a membership card? That was the worst, I think. People always thought we were trying to pull one over on them or something because it costs 25 bucks per year and you get 10% off everything. Every once in a while someone would do the elementary math problem and think they are really smart and get a clever grin on their face and say something like "Ah, well that means that I'd have to spend 250 dollars a year at your store before I'd start saving money now doesn't it?" It's not a big fucking mystery, fuck I hated all of those people.
[Oct 23,2006 4:46pm - Ryan_M ""]
If someone likes my shirt, I at least say thanks, I only ignore people if it's obvious they're assholes. I was walking out of a Denny's one night, with a Misfits shirt on, and this little fat kid in an ICP shirt said "Cool shirt". I didn't even look at him I just kept walking. Little fucking Juggalo queer.
[Oct 23,2006 4:52pm - Kevord ""]
Well the thing is I must think my shirt is cool or I wouldn't be wearing it. I don't need a stranger to remind me my shirts not gay.
[Oct 23,2006 4:52pm - retzam ""]
Kevord said:Well the thing is I must think my shirt is cool or I wouldn't be wearing it. I don't need a stranger to remind me my shirts not gay.

[Oct 23,2006 4:54pm - dreadkill ""]
i don't mind when people compliment me on a shirt. it was definitely cooler back in the day when metal wasn't mainstream. most of the time it was rare to see someone wearing a metal shirt so it was nice to acknowledge a similar taste in music. i see metal shirts all the time now so it's nothing special. some girl complimented me on my opeth shirt last week and i said thanks and kept walking. opeth is so close to the mainstream now that it didn't surprise me when she said "nice shirt! i love opeth!" if it was before 2003, it would have carried more weight.
[Oct 23,2006 4:56pm - CNV  ""]
retzam said:CNV said:I worked at Barnes and Noble

It made my hatred for mankind increase ten fold

Ahhh, dude, did you have to ask every customer if they wanted a membership card? That was the worst, I think. People always thought we were trying to pull one over on them or something because it costs 25 bucks per year and you get 10% off everything. Every once in a while someone would do the elementary math problem and think they are really smart and get a clever grin on their face and say something like "Ah, well that means that I'd have to spend 250 dollars a year at your store before I'd start saving money now doesn't it?" It's not a big fucking mystery, fuck I hated all of those people.

I only asked that when a manager was watching

It did indeed suck

[Oct 23,2006 5:07pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i love when people completely miss the point of my shirts. i was walking to the car when i heard some guy say behind me "he's a good guy...that al gore." i thought he was just talking on his cell phone or something, but then i realized i was wearing my goreality shirt that says "gore is our reality" on the back, so i turned around and he was like "oh, i thought you were supporting al gore. i should have known it's halloween time so all you kids are wearing scary shirts and stuff. al gore is a good guy anyway!"

i'm going to start the trend of looking at peoples' shirts and saying "woah, dude, that shirt sucks, awesome"
[Oct 23,2006 5:08pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, al gore. what an idiot.
[Oct 23,2006 5:09pm - dreadkill ""]
you kids and your scary halloween shirts
[Oct 23,2006 5:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i should have told him it's al gore's death metal band that spreads world awareness and invented the internet.
[Oct 23,2006 5:24pm - retzam ""]
CNV said:

I only asked that when a manager was watching

I adhered to that method until I got secret shopped and didn't ask the person, so I got a written warning and was told that if it happened again I would most likely be fired.
[Oct 23,2006 5:33pm - CNV  ""]
Haha, fuck them

I made sure I quit without calling in on a really busy day

[Oct 23,2006 8:17pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, i quit circuit city right before busy season. they called me the next day and said "you're supposed to be working now." i told them i was supposed to be working the day before too but i didn't want to work there anymore. they were shocked.
[Oct 23,2006 8:17pm - dreadkill ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:i should have told him it's al gore's death metal band that spreads world awareness and invented the internet.

he would have believed you

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