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Industrial music should be dead to me

[Oct 23,2006 6:27am - the_reverend ""]
I had one of those dreams that is so long and drawn out that you wake up and feel tired... like you didn't sleep at all cause most of your sleep was tied up in that dream. basically, carina andI went to a hotel that was a big industrial concert. she was upstairs in bed restingfor the next day's shows. I went off to see a band playing in the hotel. so I got sick of the band and left to go see another band. the band had 2-3 dudes, 1-2 dudette. I head to the next bar in the hotel. the band that I just left's members are on the bar in the second bad when I get in there. they all lift up their skirts or pull down their pants to jerk off. yes, that is right, they all have dicks and are beating them like crazy. guess who walked in at the wrong time? me (if you didn't guess). pop,bang,boom. and I get jizz in my eye. I turned around a promptly went back to the hotel room feeling very very very old and just wanting to sleep.

the worst part is I kept falling aleep in the dream and then waking up in real life to tell carina about it. but while I was doing that, I would nod off again and fall back in to the dream, back at the bar with cum in my eye.

worst part was the band sucked.
[Oct 23,2006 6:43am - Allah That  ""]
that'll be $200.00.I'll send you the bill.
[Oct 23,2006 7:28am - Cecchini ""]
i think the bigger issue here is the face wash job you got in your dream.
[Oct 23,2006 7:29am - brianpeepers  ""]
i agree
[Oct 23,2006 9:40am - the_reverend ""]
it sucked. I think it's my subconcious telling me that I really shouldn't ever get in a situation where there can be semen ejaculated into my eye. I'm wearing goggles from now on.
[Oct 23,2006 9:57am - brianpeepers  ""]
female squirting is awesome. it's like they're convulsing for a minute and pissing their brains out, at that moment you punch them in the stomache and really watch it start to pour.
[Oct 23,2006 10:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
At what part do I spray vomit from my nose out the windows of a farmhouse?
[Oct 23,2006 10:28am - brianpeepers  ""]
you can do that when she's knocked out if you want but i'd do it while she's still conscious. bessy might like to watch also.
[Oct 23,2006 10:29am - brianpeepers  ""]
put some silver in her mouth at the same time. that would be quite an educational move.
[Oct 23,2006 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
nick, that was a barn, not a farmhouse. I can't believe you forgot that. granted you were pretty fucked up at the time.
[Oct 23,2006 10:44am - succubus ""]
the worst part is that you wake me up from sleeping and then you fall asleep mis story and i can't get back to sleep
[Oct 23,2006 10:46am - brianpeepers  ""]
sounds homoerotic. you need to get checked dude.
[Oct 23,2006 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
what are they going to check? is there a dipstick for homo-tude?
[Oct 23,2006 10:50am - brianpeepers  ""]
no, they'll get you to express your true feelings! less baggage. you'll learn to leave these things that burden you behind.
[Oct 23,2006 10:56am - largefreakatzero ""]
Return to the Bukkake?
[Oct 23,2006 10:21pm - yummy ""]
I've heard some good dreams but...that one's a keeper. Too much Martin Atkins for you.

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