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ISLAND (germany)

[Oct 17,2006 8:53pm - Troll ""]
I just kinda stumbled upon this artist. Kinda hard to explain this bands sound its good though, atmospheric with haunting vocals. An ex-member of Bergthron in there too. I guess it could be compared to Isis or Neurosis with a touch of Mastodon.
Anyways, download this track if your curious.
[Oct 17,2006 9:01pm - Troll ""]
Right Click, Save Target As
(Just incase your lacking the proper comp know-how.)
[Oct 17,2006 9:12pm - Troll ""]
Hmmm...Funny this thread got lumped in with the Video category when its an MP3.
I guess I'll have to be more specific next time Rev.

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