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What kind of bass do you play?

[Oct 17,2006 3:15pm - xmikex ""]
I'm curious to know.
[Oct 17,2006 3:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Niccolai's ESP LTD B105. It rules a lot.
[Oct 17,2006 3:49pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
ace of base.
[Oct 17,2006 3:54pm - xmikex ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:ace of base.

pink slip is in the mail
[Oct 17,2006 3:56pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
but all that i want is another baby goddammit! why can't you give it to me?
don't turn around mike. i don't want to see your heart breakin'.
[Oct 17,2006 4:11pm - nicc nli  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Niccolai's ESP LTD B105. It rules a lot.

Glad to see you like it man. They only made b105s with those bevels for that year, then they changed them and made them fatter and less comfortable and put shittier pickups in them.

I'm currently playing an LTD b405.
[Oct 17,2006 4:15pm - nicc nli  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Niccolai's ESP LTD B105. It rules a lot.

Glad to see you like it man. They only made b105s with those bevels for that year, then they changed them and made them fatter and less comfortable and put shittier pickups in them.

I'm currently playing an LTD b405, but I've experimented with alot of different basses (and genders) over the years.

The best being US BCriches, modulus, and spector.

I bought the bassist from glasscasket's old NS3 spector, but unfortunately I had to sell it. (sold it to Steve, the old bassist from a Terrible Night for a Curse)
[Oct 17,2006 4:16pm - spaldino@werk  ""]
i play an LTD F205... but there is a loose ground somewhere so it half works... feels amazing though. im gonna end up buying a reallly nice 4 stringer soonish. probably that fender aero i have been wanting so bad for the past like 3 years...
[Oct 17,2006 4:17pm - nicc nli  ""]
[Oct 17,2006 4:20pm - spaldino@werk  ""]
oh well
[Oct 17,2006 9:55pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
esp b-104 that i bought from this boards mauri assassin niccolai
[Oct 17,2006 10:22pm - Ryan_M ""]
I have a black Squier that I got for Christmas maybe 2 or 3 years ago. It came as one of those $200.00 starter sets you can buy at any music store. Most people would say it's a piece of shit; I plastered a bunch of death/black metal stickers on it, never changed the strings, and I think the neck might be a little messed up from falling over too many times - the strings buzz on the higher frets.
I love it.
[Oct 17,2006 11:01pm - smackroak  ""]
spector ns2000 four string neckthru, son son
[Oct 18,2006 12:25am - blue ""]
im currently playing a late 80s ibanez rd690 roadgear bass, one of the mid/high end ones. in the near future i will be picking up an olp stingray 5 (awesome bass for the money) and ill be modifying it with a duncan smb-5d.
[Oct 18,2006 3:38am - A.Nolan ""]
I have a Signature J-Bass made from 1986 prototype parts from the Fender factory. It's tits.
[Oct 18,2006 6:05am - badsneakers ""]
Ristola Scroll bass(only two made special order for RockCityGuitars) Pau Ferro finger board, mahogony body, flamed maple tops w/Dimarzio p/j pups and a Badass II

1977 Gibson Grabber w/ a Badass II

1995? MIM Pbass, custom mixed ti-stage candy orange paint(by me) Dimarzio pup and a Badass II
[Oct 18,2006 9:49am - Farten_Dust ""]
Conklin gt-7(w/barts).
[Oct 18,2006 9:58am - Anthony nli  ""]
'97 Warwick Fortress Masterman 5 (pre-mass production) - This is my main bass. The only thing I don't like about it are the weak (imo) MEC electronics. I will put a really awesome custom passive dual-J pickup in there soon and possibly change the preamp if I need to.

ESP LTD B-50 4 - Bought this new as my first bass. Satin black finish. Stock P/J pickups. It's a great little 4 string and I use it for all my playing at home.

Japanese J-Bass Copy Fretless 4 - Honestly this is a POS but I wanted to make the least financial commitment possible to see if getting a real fretless was worth it to me. I will hopefully be getting a much better fretless 5 in the future, possibly an upper-end Yamaha.
[Oct 18,2006 10:07am - xmikex ""]
nicc nli said:DestroyYouAlot said:Niccolai's ESP LTD B105. It rules a lot.

Glad to see you like it man. They only made b105s with those bevels for that year, then they changed them and made them fatter and less comfortable and put shittier pickups in them.

I'm currently playing an LTD b405, but I've experimented with alot of different basses (and genders) over the years.

The best being US BCriches, modulus, and spector.

I bought the bassist from glasscasket's old NS3 spector, but unfortunately I had to sell it. (sold it to Steve, the old bassist from a Terrible Night for a Curse)

What are your thoughts on Jackson basses?
[Oct 18,2006 12:29pm - niccolai nli  ""]
I don't like their current basses, their low end bass is currently made of cedro, I would avoid that, and the other two are kindof expensive considering their sub-par features.

also, I hate their 35" scale basses. If you can find an older jackson/charvel form the 80s or early 90s with a 34" scale, it's almost guaranteed to play awsome, but nothing they've made in the past decade has looked sound enough for me to buy.

I'm probably never going to own another bass that isn't an esp/ltd or modulus.
[Oct 18,2006 12:45pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i want a modulus SOOOOO bad. i played on one thats almost identical to Alex Webster's and there is a fucking reason he has been playing it for so long. thing was godlike. although it wasn't the BEST bass i played on. at the Guitar Center in Attleboro, like 3 years back... they had a used Tune 6 string. i jammed on that thing for over an hour. i wanted that bass so bad. i was about to hock my car and equipment for it right then and there. if you can ever get your hands on a Tune bass... buy it, no questions asked.
[Oct 18,2006 12:47pm - niccolai nli  ""]
Spalding, are you still looking to buy one?

let a nigga know.
[Oct 18,2006 12:52pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
a Tune? if i had a spare $1200+ of course, haha.
[Oct 18,2006 12:54pm - niccolai ""]
It's a 5 string, hows $900 sound?
[Oct 18,2006 12:59pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
if i had a spare $900, i would be down.

while i vowed i would own a 6 string tune... i would settle for a 5. you dont like it?
[Oct 18,2006 1:03pm - Anthony ""]
spaldino@werk said:i play an LTD F205... but there is a loose ground somewhere so it half works... feels amazing though. im gonna end up buying a reallly nice 4 stringer soonish. probably that fender aero i have been wanting so bad for the past like 3 years...

I miss Mr Bass-o.... Which pickup is out? I always thought those HZ humbuckers were great.
[Oct 18,2006 1:08pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i think its a ground in the input... nothing crazy. the pickups on it are great and it sounds VERY bad ass on any amp i plug it into... even my little 20 watt practice amp that sounds flatter than the olsen twins' chests
[Oct 18,2006 1:14pm - niccolai ""]
It's not your ground.
[Oct 18,2006 1:14pm - Anthony ""]
I would have kept that bass if I could, it ruled. They still made them out of mahogany when I bought that, sounds so transparent and dark.
[Oct 18,2006 1:15pm - niccolai ""]
thegreatspaldino said:if i had a spare $900, i would be down.

while i vowed i would own a 6 string tune... i would settle for a 5. you dont like it?

Not as much as my LTD.
[Oct 18,2006 1:33pm - niccolai ""]
niccolai said:It's not your ground.

EMGs (including HZs) don't have a ground.
[Oct 18,2006 1:38pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
any pics of your tune?
[Oct 18,2006 1:43pm - niccolai ""]
Not currently. When I get my digital camera back from my friend Alex, I'll take some pictures of it outside.
[Oct 18,2006 2:52pm - patmeebles ""]
The Ric is mine

[Oct 18,2006 3:52pm - sinistas ""]
I've got a parts mutt with a custom body, maple neck & board w/tele headstock, bartolini p-style pickup, and a badass bridge. My ex gave it to me.
[Oct 18,2006 3:53pm - Anthony ""]
that sounds nice - a jazz body or p body?
[Oct 18,2006 4:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
mainly I've been all about my my LTD F-205 for Sexcrement. I love this bass! Great all around instrument.
I also play an Ibanez SRG 400, not all that bad either.
I also have a late 80's B.C. Rich Warlock, which rocks an old school headstock. I still enjoy this bass, the neck is wide and I dig it. I want to put some new pick ups in it though, these are sweated out and the input/tone nob is fucked.
[Oct 18,2006 4:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The big mouth bass. uh huh-huh-huh-huh yeah!

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